The Dedication Scheme (Basis I & II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III was introduced in 1974, providing grants for new planting and additional supplements for broadleaves.
The Dedication Scheme was closed to new applications in 1981. Land still under Dedication could continue to be within the scheme but Dedication would terminate on a change of ownership.
Dedication schemes without a Plan of Operations and therefore receiving no grant, are deemed to be under Negative Covenant.
Dataset Attributes: Descriptor Dataset name Case_Name Dedication Scheme name Case_No Dedication Scheme reference number Basis Basis number of scheme (I, II or III) Date_Appr Date woodland became Dedicated PlanOfOps Period of current (or last) Plan of Operations Covenant Scheme in ‘Positive’ or ‘Negative’ Covenant Grid_Ref Grid Reference of property Total_Area Total area of scheme (* OL not always included) Man_Area Total area of scheme under management
The Dedication Scheme (Basis I & II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III was introduced in 1974, providing grants for new planting and additional supplements for broadleaves.
The Dedication Scheme was closed to new applicants in 1981. Land still under Dedication could continue to be within the scheme but Dedication would terminate on a change of ownership.
Dedication schemes without a Plan of Operations and therefore receiving no grant, are deemed to be under Negative Covenant.
Attributes: Descriptor = Description of identified feature Name = Dedication scheme name Ded_ref = Scheme reference number Cons = Conservancy name/Forest Services Area name Covenant = The status of the dedication Plan_end = The date that the last Plan of Operations ends
Please ensure that the following acknowledgement is displayed on any hard copy: © Crown copyright and database right 'year'. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100025498. Attribution statement: Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] [year].
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The purpose of this study was to take stock of the timber resources of woodlands and open grown trees in Great Britain and to assess the environmental status of trees in the urban and rural landscape by counties in England and Wales and by Forestry Commission regions (conservancies) in Scotland. Main Topics: Variables Area of woodland by forest type, age class, species, volume by ownership; estimate of the number of non-woodland trees by species, location, size class, health, and estimate of the volume of non- woodland trees. Woodlands: three stage sampling system using O.S. 1:50 000 maps, aerial photographs and ground surveys for all woodlands not managed by Forestry Commission or under a dedicated approved grant scheme for which records were available and could be added to the survey results. Non-woodlands: two stage stratified random sampling system using aerial photographs and ground visits. Compilation or synthesis of existing material Analysis of aerial photographs
This data is the source dataset for the Forestry Commissions Headline Performance Indicator: 'Percentage of woodland in active management (including the Public Forest Estate)'.
This Indicator forms part of the Forestry Commissions Corporate Plan Performance Indicators and Woodland Indicators 2016/17.
This FC website gives more information about the Performance Indicators:
For the purposes of the corporate indicator, 'Actively Managed’ woodland is currently defined using the following FC administrative data sources. It is recognised that there are other woodlands that could be considered to be 'managed'.
1) Any English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Creation Grant (WCG) whose first instalment payment date was < 15 years ago at the end of the reporting period. 2) Any English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Management Grant (WMG) whose first instalment payment date was < 15 years ago at the end of the reporting period. 3) Any English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Planning Grant (WPG) whose first instalment payment date was < 15 years ago at the end of the reporting period. 4) Any English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) whose first instalment payment date was < 15 years ago at the end of the reporting period. 5) Any Farm Woodland Premium Scheme (FWPS) and Farm Woodland Premium (FWP) whose scheme approval date was <15 years ago at the end of the reporting period. 6) Any Woodland Grants Scheme Mk3 (WGS3) schemes that have been in contract in the 15 years up until the end of the reporting period. 7) Any Felling Licence Applications (FLA) whose registration date was <15 years ago at the end of the reporting period. 8) All Public Forest Estate land owned and/or managed by the Forestry Commission at the end of the reporting period. 9) All woodland managed by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation department of the MOD classified as a Training Area. 10) Any Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation agreement whose first payment date was < 15 years ago at the end of the reporting period.
EXCLUDED: EWGS Woodland Assessment Grant (WAG), EWGS Woodland Regeneration Grant (WRG), Forest Plans, Dedication, WGS2, WGS1 and Natural England’s HLS.
The 'denominator' used for calculation of the indicator, i.e. the figure used as the entire woodland area in England, was that obtained from the most recent version of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) at the time of computation.
The administrative data sources are integrated to produce a single layer indicating woodland management status and this is provided as a georeferenced .tiff raster file here. Cell values: 0 = Unmanaged woodland, 1 = Actively managed woodland. Cell size: 25m.
Please ensure that the following acknowledgement is displayed on any hard copy: © Crown copyright and database right 'year'. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100021242.
Dataset showing the area of land that has been dedicated under Section 16 of the CRoW Act by organisations/individuals other than Natural Resources Wales (NRW). When using this data to understand the extent of Open Access, it should be used in conjunction with Open land, Open Country, Registered Common Land, Other Statutory Access Land and Other Dedicated Land from the same years.
Percentage of woodland in active management (including in the nation’s forests managed by Forestry England). Performance Indicator England 31 March 2020.
This Indicator forms part of the Forestry Commissions Corporate Plan Performance Indicators and Woodland Indicators 2019/20.
For the purposes of the corporate indicator, 'Actively Managed’ woodland is currently defined using the following FC administrative data sources. It is recognised that there are other woodlands that could be considered to be 'managed'.
1) Any English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Creation Grant (WCG) whose first instalment payment date was < 15 years ago at the end of the reporting period.
2) Any English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Management Grant (WMG) whose first instalment payment date was < 15 years ago at the end of the reporting period.
3) Any English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Planning Grant (WPG) whose first instalment payment date was < 15 years ago at the end of the reporting period. 4) Any English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) whose first instalment payment date was < 15 years ago at the end of the reporting period.
5) Any Farm Woodland Premium Scheme (FWPS) and Farm Woodland Premium (FWPS) whose scheme approval date was <15 years ago at the end of the reporting period.
6) Any Woodland Grants Scheme Mk3 (WGS3) schemes that have been in contract in the 15 years up until the end of the reporting period.
7) Any Felling Licence Applications (FLA) whose registration date was <15 years ago at the end of the reporting period.
8) All Public Forest Estate land owned and/or managed by the Forestry Commission at the end of the reporting period.
9) All woodland managed by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation department of the MOD classified as a Training Area.
10) Any Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation agreement whose first payment date was < 15 years ago at the end of the reporting period.
EXCLUDED: EWGS Woodland Assessment Grant (WAG), EWGS Woodland Regeneration Grant (WRG), Forest Plans, Dedication, WGS2, WGS1 and Natural England’s HLS.
The 'denominator' used for calculation of the indicator, i.e. the figure used as the entire woodland area in England, was that obtained from the most recent version of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) at the time of computation.
The administrative data sources are integrated to produce a single layer indicating woodland management status and this is provided as a File Geodatabase Raster. Cell values: 1 = Unmanaged woodland, 2 = Actively managed woodland. Cell size: 25m.
Please ensure that the following acknowledgement is displayed on any hard copy: © Crown copyright and database right 'year'. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100021242.
Attribution statement: © Forestry Commission copyright and/or database right 2024. All rights reserved.
Anyone wishing to fell trees must ensure that a licence or permission under a grant scheme has been issued by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) before any felling is carried out or that one of the exceptions apply. The applicant would normally need to get permission from the NRW to fell growing trees. This is usually given in a Felling Licence or an approval under a Dedication Scheme. This dataset provides a record of all approved Felling License Applications in Wales and type of license approved. The data available to the public under an Open Government Licence has personal information redacted.
Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0
License information was derived automatically
Lanes in the woods indicated on the maps of the Paris PLU.
Data in accordance with the latest version of the PLU having modified them (PLU approved on February 2, 3 and 4, 2021);
Documentation complete: cf. PLU_VOIEBOIS.PDF attached
Data available for information and without regulatory value. To access the official PLU (in PDF), see
To access the others PLU data available on Opendata, consult this page
For more information on the PLU on and its dedicated map
PLU documents and data can also be downloaded from National Town Planning Geoportal
Režim vyhrazení (základ I a II) byl zaveden v roce 1947 s cílem povzbudit vlastníky půdy, aby si ponechali svou půdu v lesnictví, a zavést správnou lesnickou praxi.Základ III byl zaveden v roce 1974 a poskytoval granty na novou výsadbu a dodatečné doplňky pro listy.
Program věnování byl uzavřen pro nové žádosti v roce 1981.Půda, která je stále v režimu vyhrazení, by mohla být i nadále součástí režimu, ale vyčlenění by skončilo změnou vlastnictví.
Programy věnování bez operačního plánu, a tudíž bez grantu, se považují za programy spadající pod Negativní pakt.
Atributy datového souboru: Název souboru dat deskriptoru
Název dedikačního schématu Case_Name Referenční číslo dedikačního programu Case_No Základní číslo režimu (I, II nebo III) Date_Appr Datum, kdy se lesy staly vyhrazenými Období aktuálního (nebo posledního) operačního plánu Pakt v „pozitivním“ nebo „negativním“ paktu Grid_Ref Grid Odkaz na vlastnost Celková_Oblast Celková plocha režimu (* OL není vždy zahrnuto) Man_Area Celková plocha spravovaného režimu Režim vyhrazení (základ I a II) byl zaveden v roce 1947 s cílem povzbudit vlastníky půdy, aby si ponechali svou půdu v lesnictví, a zavést správnou lesnickou praxi. Základ III byl zaveden v roce 1974 a poskytoval granty na novou výsadbu a dodatečné doplňky pro listy. Program věnování byl uzavřen pro nové žádosti v roce 1981. Půda, která je stále v režimu vyhrazení, by mohla být i nadále součástí režimu, ale vyčlenění by skončilo změnou vlastnictví.
Programy věnování bez operačního plánu, a tudíž bez grantu, se považují za programy spadající pod Negativní pakt.
Atributy datového souboru:
Název souboru dat deskriptoru Název dedikačního schématu Case_Name Referenční číslo dedikačního programu Case_No Základní číslo režimu (I, II nebo III) Date_Appr Datum, kdy se lesy staly vyhrazenými Období aktuálního (nebo posledního) operačního plánu Pakt v „pozitivním“ nebo „negativním“ paktu Grid_Ref Grid Odkaz na vlastnost Celková_Oblast Celková plocha režimu (* OL není vždy zahrnuto) Man_Area Celková plocha spravovaného režimu Popis:
Režim vyhrazení (základ I a II) byl zaveden v roce 1947 s cílem povzbudit vlastníky půdy, aby si ponechali svou půdu v lesnictví, a zavést správnou lesnickou praxi. Základ III byl zaveden v roce 1974 a poskytoval granty na novou výsadbu a dodatečné doplňky pro listy.
Program věnování byl uzavřen pro nové žádosti v roce 1981. Půda, která je stále v režimu vyhrazení, by mohla být i nadále součástí režimu, ale vyčlenění by skončilo změnou vlastnictví.
Programy věnování bez operačního plánu, a tudíž bez grantu, se považují za programy spadající pod Negativní pakt.
Atributy datového souboru:
Název souboru dat deskriptoru
Název dedikačního schématu Case_Name
Referenční číslo dedikačního programu Case_No
Základní číslo režimu (I, II nebo III)
Date_Appr Datum, kdy se lesy staly vyhrazenými
Období aktuálního (nebo posledního) operačního plánu
Pakt v „pozitivním“ nebo „negativním“ paktu
Grid_Ref Grid Odkaz na vlastnost
Celková_Oblast Celková plocha režimu (* OL není vždy zahrnuto)
Man_Area Celková plocha spravovaného režimu
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
This machine-readable version of John Williams' Digest of Welsh Historical Statistics is the result of a collaboration between the Statistical Directorate of the National Assembly for Wales, the History Data Service and the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis at Queen's University Belfast. Not seeing a result you expected?
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The Dedication Scheme (Basis I & II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III was introduced in 1974, providing grants for new planting and additional supplements for broadleaves.
The Dedication Scheme was closed to new applications in 1981. Land still under Dedication could continue to be within the scheme but Dedication would terminate on a change of ownership.
Dedication schemes without a Plan of Operations and therefore receiving no grant, are deemed to be under Negative Covenant.
Dataset Attributes: Descriptor Dataset name Case_Name Dedication Scheme name Case_No Dedication Scheme reference number Basis Basis number of scheme (I, II or III) Date_Appr Date woodland became Dedicated PlanOfOps Period of current (or last) Plan of Operations Covenant Scheme in ‘Positive’ or ‘Negative’ Covenant Grid_Ref Grid Reference of property Total_Area Total area of scheme (* OL not always included) Man_Area Total area of scheme under management