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Lot of out of text question arise in childhood mind during study in between different problems. Like – E=mc2 ; then ,what is the relation of E (energy) with “c2”? Different food item, Bettery;etc. have energy; in which “c2 or,the reation of the speed of ligft with it , or,why the orbit of electron of an Atom is like this etc.
The calculations or, formulae which have shown in this is based on Every element are created from the collaboration of different energy. This energy known as heat energy, magnetic energy , light energy etc.
Since then, many more articles have been published in data format in support of this article and in a (strongly) scientifically sound manner, arguing that the quantum numbers used in this article and all the other mathematical calculations used in this article are not unreasonable or unrealistic. Where we can find out many unknown facts of science by placing the calculations obtained in my article in place of different numbers or units used in modern science.
E.g, As in all these articles, the source of Pi has been obtained in different ways or the sources of numbers like 22, 7, 9, etc., so if we put the calculation of 22 and 7 sources in place of Pi, we will understand why Pi has been used as mentioned. Or what is the secret of Pi. So I request all the readers to read every article written by me. All of these articles can be found by searching Google or Mendeley Data. There are also many well-known organizations and social media (like Google - Blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc) around the world who are relentlessly striving to advance science, exploring every article I write. Explore at ‘,,,, commons,,,, etc.
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.The standards obtained by different text book about different Particles and Energy are different in different units. Like:- Mass value of Neutron 1.6749 x 10^-27 Kg. Proton mass 1.672623 x 10^-27 Kg, electron mass 9.109390 x 10^-31 Kg, Atomic mass 1.66050 x 10^-27 Kg in amu Unit, Neutron mass1.008664 u, Proton mass 1007276 u. electron mass 0.0005458 u. As per, e = mC^2 one energy 1.6021766 x 10^-34 Joule. Equivalent mass 1.782662 x 10^-36 Kg.
There was a lot of curiosity in the quality of the same mass, same energy its answers and the strong desire to know the secrets of those numbers, digits, values.
Then I went to find their relationship and saw the relationship between the values and numbers and digit obtained from all these units, and without unit. Find same value either quantity, or almost same number digit from these used Units and without Units, without power with power. For example 1.6021766 x 10^-34 Joule = 1.6021766 Unit. Energy 1.782662 x 10^-36 Kg. = 1.782662 Unit mass like this.
I found the hadith of the original and prime, or root of numbers/digits in them. If the same result is found again and again and in different ways, then in the language of science it is considered as evidence. From this belief I have tried to present all those calculations in each article. It seemed my duty to tell everyone about it,
Then in each article I have tried to describe each step as briefly as possible. Although I have to admit, I don't know how successful this effort has been with my little knowledge. In some cases, the change of language and the rules of writing in scientific terms have caused problems, So I have tried to make it suitable for all types of readers to understand easily.
This article discusses the value of mass in each color’s light, and the value and origin of the digit and what their weight and mass might be.
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every particle and atom and Neutron create up four subjects, these four subjects are Time, space, Energy, and magnetic field. In this article, Each subject (Time, space, energy, etc.) follows Pythagoras formula (a)^2 + (b)^2 = C^2, the calculation shown how the values obtained from each section comply with the Pythagoras formula (a)^2 + (b)^2 = C^2,
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In the present article contains on each and every particle produce by own method, so there are no any man med unit, but the quantity is same; All calculation done without any power for current unit, and equivalent value of Joule to electron Volt or eV to Joule. Calorie, etc.
But every number I use with the current unit, how it relates, has been properly mathematically reviewed . Like one mass = 1.782662 x 10^-36 Kg, one energy = 1.6021766208 x 10^-19 Joule, here 1.782662 and 1.6021766208 unit. That means if compare with current unit; calculation should be multiplied (or divided) by 10 or, multiplier of 10 like 1000,10000,10,0000 to convert it from current unit to different unit like- Kilogram, gram, meter, second, etc. As per need. Each and every Root; square; into; etc. direction of part by part different internal changes of a particle when it create.
Some new formulas have been discussed with the help of mathematical equations on various aspects of Atom, electrons, and Protons. Visible lights, etc. And the four primary color of visible light, the relationship of “Pi” to atom is reviewed in a logically, mathematically way. Therefore, all readers are requested to read the entire article carefully and with patience. Otherwise it will be difficult to understand the article. I found the habit of the original and prime, or, root of numbers/digits in them. If the same result is found again and again, and in different way either method, then in the language of science it considered as evidence. From this belief I have tried to present all those calculations in this article.
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In, the present article for support and favour of past articles E=F/s, and unavoidably others articles. I am discussing new logic and formulae , also I request to study each article discussed in the past. Without, unit power I have shown only numbers [Like : approx mass of one particle (Neutron) 1.679616 x 10-27 Kg in that place 1.679616 unit] the whole calculation to express present unit by using 10, or multiple of 10, We can make Different kind of units, either unit to unit like Kg, grm, Joule, Ev. Etc. each others. In the past the I have discuss about this a lot of times.
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In each of the previous articles, electrons, protons, etc., the relationship of ‘L’ with particle and light has been shown. It also provides detailed information on why each number used in physics is being used, and what sources are used to find the source. In the present article, too, are electrons, protons, Pi, time, space, how they come together, and what is the source of ‘C’2? (in the great formula e=mC2 . I respect sir Einstein’s contribution) .This has been discussed.
I look at each article from different angles and from different perspectives; I have tried to prove their authenticity by calculating the atomic and light constants, quantum etc. by mathematics. All of these articles were later published in Mendely Data. Which has taken a place in the court of the world (scientist community) today through social media. And how the properties of matter/particles are hidden in all these combinations of Atom Therefore, I urge all readers to read each of the previous articles once to understand this article better or to know the details.
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I have studied a lot of people and came into elusion which expresses the cause behind the change in human.
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This article explores the causes and solutions to the emotional and human changes that are taking place in today's society according to the age of each person.
Here is a data and information on personal discussions and research with some educated, uneducated, students, youth, young people and people involved in different professions
After the first article on the relationship of genetic modification with occupation in human life was published in (Psyche) Mendeley data.
The present work is grounded in some of Significance quest Theory.
Some of the largest organizations in the world have taken various initiatives to move the present society towards progress; significantly, this society will show more tolerance in terms of human food intake or family behavior. Evolution in food habits with gene transfusion; It is a great effort. This article has been written by studying the problems of people of different professions for a long time,
Before thousand of years, it is mentioned that, every human being has six values in their body. These six values are 1. Lust, 2. Anger, 3. Greed, 4. Delusion, 5. Pride, 6. Envy.
If any one of the value is more than the other five values then, others can be affected and increase or, decrease in exact amount.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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This article explores the causes and solutions to the emotional and human changes that are taking place in today's society according to the age of each person.
Here is a data and information on personal discussions and research with some educated, uneducated, students, youth, young people and people involved in different professions
After the first article on the relationship of genetic modification with occupation in human life was published in (Psyche) Mendeley data.
The present work is grounded in some of Significance quest Theory.
Some of the largest organizations in the world have taken various initiatives to move the present society towards progress; significantly, this society will show more tolerance in terms of human food intake or family behavior. Evolution in food habits with gene transfusion; It is a great effort. This article has been written by studying the problems of people of different professions for a long time,
Before thousand of years, it is mentioned that, every human being has six values in their body. These six values are 1. Lust, 2. Anger, 3. Greed, 4. Delusion, 5. Pride, 6. Envy.
If any one of the value is more than the other five values then, others can be affected and increase or, decrease in exact amount.
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Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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Lot of out of text question arise in childhood mind during study in between different problems. Like – E=mc2 ; then ,what is the relation of E (energy) with “c2”? Different food item, Bettery;etc. have energy; in which “c2 or,the reation of the speed of ligft with it , or,why the orbit of electron of an Atom is like this etc.
The calculations or, formulae which have shown in this is based on Every element are created from the collaboration of different energy. This energy known as heat energy, magnetic energy , light energy etc.
Since then, many more articles have been published in data format in support of this article and in a (strongly) scientifically sound manner, arguing that the quantum numbers used in this article and all the other mathematical calculations used in this article are not unreasonable or unrealistic. Where we can find out many unknown facts of science by placing the calculations obtained in my article in place of different numbers or units used in modern science.
E.g, As in all these articles, the source of Pi has been obtained in different ways or the sources of numbers like 22, 7, 9, etc., so if we put the calculation of 22 and 7 sources in place of Pi, we will understand why Pi has been used as mentioned. Or what is the secret of Pi. So I request all the readers to read every article written by me. All of these articles can be found by searching Google or Mendeley Data. There are also many well-known organizations and social media (like Google - Blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc) around the world who are relentlessly striving to advance science, exploring every article I write. Explore at ‘,,,, commons,,,, etc.