100+ datasets found
  1. AWS Public Blockchain Data

    • registry.opendata.aws
    Updated Sep 23, 2022
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    Amazon Web Services (2022). AWS Public Blockchain Data [Dataset]. https://registry.opendata.aws/aws-public-blockchain/
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    Dataset updated
    Sep 23, 2022
    Dataset provided by
    Amazon Web Serviceshttp://aws.amazon.com/

    The AWS Public Blockchain Data provide datasets from the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains. The blockchain data is transformed into multiple tables as compressed Parquet files partitioned by date to allow efficient access for most common analytics queries.

  2. Bitcoin (BTC) investor sentiment up to April 2, 2024

    • statista.com
    • zadiego.site
    Updated Feb 6, 2024
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    Raynor de Best (2024). Bitcoin (BTC) investor sentiment up to April 2, 2024 [Dataset]. https://www.statista.com/topics/5122/blockchain/
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    Dataset updated
    Feb 6, 2024
    Dataset provided by
    Raynor de Best

    Bitcoin's market sentiment was bullish in June 2022, as is shown in the development of the cryptocurrency's NVT ratio. The Network Value to Transactions or NVT ratio is somewhat comparable to a P/E ratio, in that it compares the number of transactions of a particular coin on a set day against that coin's market cap. A low NVT ratio means that that transaction volume of a cryptocurrency is growing faster than the coin's market cap - meaning investor sentiment is bullish, or optimistic - whereas a high ratio refers to a network that has a relatively high network value but low network activity - meaning sentiment is bearish, or negative.

  3. E

    Blockchain Statistics 2023, Market Share, Data Analysis, Trends and Facts

    • enterpriseappstoday.com
    Updated Sep 14, 2023
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    EnterpriseAppsToday (2023). Blockchain Statistics 2023, Market Share, Data Analysis, Trends and Facts [Dataset]. https://www.enterpriseappstoday.com/stats/blockchain-statistics.html
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    Dataset updated
    Sep 14, 2023
    Dataset authored and provided by


    Time period covered
    2022 - 2032
    Area covered

    Essential Blockchain Statistics Blockchain Statistics: Blockchain technology is not yet mainstream, but many more businesses recognize its value for their businesses. Blockchain technology has been used by businesses to help them speed up digital processes. This technology is in an exciting phase. Dynamic data is generated in real time and presented time and again. You will learn the key statistics on the blockchain you should be paying attention to this year in this article. Very minute and keen observation of the industry can be obtained by looking at everything from market statistics for blockchain technology to individual use cases. These insights will allow you to decide if using the technology of blockchain is the right choice for your enterprise. Blockchain Market Outlook (Source: financesonline.com) The blockchain market has signs of promise. The global market of the blockchain industry is expected to reach $163.83 billion by the year 2029. As of 2023, around the world, there are more than 8,832 active cryptocurrencies available. By June 2023, each day’s Bitcoin transactions turned out 40.5 million which involved above 85 million Bitcoin block explorer blockchain.com wallet users across the world. This has led to Square and Bitcoin being the leaders in blockchain revenue and Ant Financial filing many active Blockchain patents. The United States was the biggest contributor to Blockchain spending. Western Europe came in second. The banking sector was the industry that spent the most on blockchain technologies. Blockchain Market Sizes and Revenue 46% was contributed by North America in the year twenty to the global market’s growth in blockchain technology. This was due to the adoption of blockchain solutions in government institutions, which contributed to growth in Canada as well as the US. (Source: Business Wire) Its market size is expected to increase up to 39.7 billion dollars from just three dollars by the year 2025. (Source: Cision PR Newswire) In the month of February, the revenue collected through Blockchain was 623.699. (Source: Blockchain.com). By the end of 2023, in the healthcare sector Blockchain technology has helped gain $231 million in revenue with a growth of 63%. On the other hand, global trading processing fees can be reduced up to $17-$24 billion by moving securities to blockchains. Every year financial institutions can save almost $12 billion by using Blockchain. Amazing figures showed with the spending figure on the worldwide front, it is estimated to be $17.9 billion by 2024. It will continue to grow annually at a compounded rate (CAGR of 46.4%). (Source: IDC) The top-notch expertise estimates that this technology will boost global GDP by 1.76 trillion by 2030 which amounts to 1.4% of global GDP (Source: Price Water house Coopers) By the end of 2026, the worth of the worldwide blockchain market is going to be $67.4 billion. As of June 2023, in every second there are 4.691 Bitcoin transactions.

  4. Data from: Bitcoin Cryptocurrency

    • console.cloud.google.com
    Updated Jun 30, 2020
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    https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/browse?filter=partner:Bitcoin (2020). Bitcoin Cryptocurrency [Dataset]. https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/product/bitcoin/crypto-bitcoin
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    Dataset updated
    Jun 30, 2020
    Dataset provided by

    Bitcoin is a crypto currency leveraging blockchain technology to store transactions in a distributed ledger. A blockchain is an ever-growing tree of blocks. Each block contains a number of transactions. To learn more, read the Bitcoin Wiki . This dataset is part of a larger effort to make cryptocurrency data available in BigQuery through the Google Cloud Public Datasets program. The program is hosting several cryptocurrency datasets, with plans to both expand offerings to include additional cryptocurrencies and reduce the latency of updates. You can find these datasets by searching "cryptocurrency" in GCP Marketplace. For analytics interoperability, we designed a unified schema that allows all Bitcoin-like datasets to share queries. To further interoperate with Ethereum and ERC-20 token transactions, we also created some views that abstract the blockchain ledger to be presented as a double-entry accounting ledger. Interested in learning more about how the data from these blockchains were brought into BigQuery? Looking for more ways to analyze the data? Check out our blog post on the Google Cloud Big Data Blog and try the sample query below to get started. This public dataset is hosted in Google BigQuery and is included in BigQuery's 1TB/mo of free tier processing. This means that each user receives 1TB of free BigQuery processing every month, which can be used to run queries on this public dataset. Watch this short video to learn how to get started quickly using BigQuery to access public datasets. What is BigQuery .

  5. Data from: Ethereum Blockchain

    • kaggle.com
    Updated Mar 4, 2019
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    Google BigQuery (2019). Ethereum Blockchain [Dataset]. https://www.kaggle.com/bigquery/ethereum-blockchain
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    zip(0 bytes)Available download formats
    Dataset updated
    Mar 4, 2019
    Dataset provided by
    Google BigQuery

    CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedicationhttps://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
    License information was derived automatically



    Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have captured the imagination of technologists, financiers, and economists. Digital currencies are only one application of the underlying blockchain technology. Like its predecessor, Bitcoin, the Ethereum blockchain can be described as an immutable distributed ledger. However, creator Vitalik Buterin also extended the set of capabilities by including a virtual machine that can execute arbitrary code stored on the blockchain as smart contracts.

    Both Bitcoin and Ethereum are essentially OLTP databases, and provide little in the way of OLAP (analytics) functionality. However the Ethereum dataset is notably distinct from the Bitcoin dataset:

    • The Ethereum blockchain has as its primary unit of value Ether, while the Bitcoin blockchain has Bitcoin. However, the majority of value transfer on the Ethereum blockchain is composed of so-called tokens. Tokens are created and managed by smart contracts.

    • Ether value transfers are precise and direct, resembling accounting ledger debits and credits. This is in contrast to the Bitcoin value transfer mechanism, for which it can be difficult to determine the balance of a given wallet address.

    • Addresses can be not only wallets that hold balances, but can also contain smart contract bytecode that allows the programmatic creation of agreements and automatic triggering of their execution. An aggregate of coordinated smart contracts could be used to build a decentralized autonomous organization.


    The Ethereum blockchain data are now available for exploration with BigQuery. All historical data are in the ethereum_blockchain dataset, which updates daily.

    Our hope is that by making the data on public blockchain systems more readily available it promotes technological innovation and increases societal benefits.

    Querying BigQuery tables

    You can use the BigQuery Python client library to query tables in this dataset in Kernels. Note that methods available in Kernels are limited to querying data. Tables are at bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.[TABLENAME]. Fork this kernel to get started.


    Cover photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash


    • What are the most popularly exchanged digital tokens, represented by ERC-721 and ERC-20 smart contracts?
    • Compare transaction volume and transaction networks over time
    • Compare transaction volume to historical prices by joining with other available data sources like Bitcoin Historical Data
  6. Bitcoin Blockchain Historical Data

    • kaggle.com
    Updated Feb 12, 2019
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    Google BigQuery (2019). Bitcoin Blockchain Historical Data [Dataset]. https://www.kaggle.com/bigquery/bitcoin-blockchain
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    zip(0 bytes)Available download formats
    Dataset updated
    Feb 12, 2019
    Dataset provided by
    Google BigQuery

    CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedicationhttps://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
    License information was derived automatically



    Blockchain technology, first implemented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 as a core component of Bitcoin, is a distributed, public ledger recording transactions. Its usage allows secure peer-to-peer communication by linking blocks containing hash pointers to a previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency (cryptocurrency) which leverages the Blockchain to store transactions in a distributed manner in order to mitigate against flaws in the financial industry.

    Nearly ten years after its inception, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies experienced an explosion in popular awareness. The value of Bitcoin, on the other hand, has experienced more volatility. Meanwhile, as use cases of Bitcoin and Blockchain grow, mature, and expand, hype and controversy have swirled.


    In this dataset, you will have access to information about blockchain blocks and transactions. All historical data are in the bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin dataset. It’s updated it every 10 minutes. The data can be joined with historical prices in kernels. See available similar datasets here: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets?search=bitcoin.

    Querying BigQuery tables

    You can use the BigQuery Python client library to query tables in this dataset in Kernels. Note that methods available in Kernels are limited to querying data. Tables are at bigquery-public-data.crypto_bitcoin.[TABLENAME]. Fork this kernel to get started.

    Method & Acknowledgements

    Allen Day (Twitter | Medium), Google Cloud Developer Advocate & Colin Bookman, Google Cloud Customer Engineer retrieve data from the Bitcoin network using a custom client available on GitHub that they built with the bitcoinj Java library. Historical data from the origin block to 2018-01-31 were loaded in bulk to two BigQuery tables, blocks_raw and transactions. These tables contain fresh data, as they are now appended when new blocks are broadcast to the Bitcoin network. For additional information visit the Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Blog post "Bitcoin in BigQuery: Blockchain analytics on public data".

    Photo by Andre Francois on Unsplash.


    • How many bitcoins are sent each day?
    • How many addresses receive bitcoin each day?
    • Compare transaction volume to historical prices by joining with other available data sources
  7. n

    Enterprise Blockchain Market Size and Share | Statistics – 2030

    • nextmsc.com
    Updated Sep 2023
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    Next Move Strategy Consulting (2023). Enterprise Blockchain Market Size and Share | Statistics – 2030 [Dataset]. https://www.nextmsc.com/report/enterprise-blockchain-market
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    csvAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Sep 2023
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Next Move Strategy Consulting



    Market Definition:

    The Enterprise Blockchain Market size was valued at USD 4.9 billion in 2021 and is predicted to reach USD 246 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 54.5% from 2022-2030.

    Blockchain technology refers to an advanced, well-established distributed ledger that is utilized to record transactions and information from different frameworks where data is un-modifiable. It is a method of storing data that prevents anyone from altering, hacking, or duplicating it.

    The main essence of enterprise blockchain is a trusted record of data, which is held by assembling organizations and chosen third parties to assess it with no central user control. Blockchain plays a fundamental part in the enterprise as it works on the asset management and payment cycle consequently and eliminates the intermediaries. This technology has shown the prolonged use of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others that keeps transparency while exchanging information. In addition, an enterprise blockchain is a permissioned blockchain where companies have direct command over it. Enterprise blockchain also has the facility to block transactions that do not fulfill its protocols.

    Market Dynamics and Trends

    Increasing demand for enterprise blockchain due to the growing trend of cryptocurrencies owing to its transparency and visibility attracts the interest of the investors coupled with safer technology in terms of data threats as blockchain is a peer-to-peer network database ruled by a decentralized system concerned across the globe. Also, the rising penetration of cloud services coupled with digital money and asset management due to the affordability, security, and reliability of blockchain when compared to centralized cloud storage has been driving the growth of the market.

    Moreover, rising awareness of data protection from malware among enterprises is expected to further propel the growth of the enterprise blockchain market. For instance, blockchain transactions are r

  8. U

    Bitcoin Cash Outputs Dataset: In-depth Bitcoin Cash Outputs Analysis

    • blockchair.com
    Updated Oct 27, 2019
    + more versions
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    Blockchair (2019). Bitcoin Cash Outputs Dataset: In-depth Bitcoin Cash Outputs Analysis [Dataset]. https://blockchair.com/dumps
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    tsvAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Oct 27, 2019
    Dataset authored and provided by

    Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    Step into the fascinating realm of Bitcoin Cash outputs with this extraordinary dataset, which offers a comprehensive and nuanced perspective. It sheds light on the intricate mechanisms of the Bitcoin system, presenting itself as a constantly updated and priceless resource in the ever-evolving world of blockchain technology. This compilation serves as a veritable fountain of knowledge, tailored to cater to a diverse range of users. Whether you're a seasoned financial expert meticulously analyzing output dynamics, a dedicated researcher delving into the complexities of output configurations, or a fervent blockchain enthusiast seeking to grasp the pivotal elements of this groundbreaking technology, rest assured that this meticulously curated dataset has been crafted with your needs in mind.

    For any further details or inquiries about this output dataset, please connect with us at info@blockchair.com. Our dedicated team is always available to guide and ensure you harness the full potential of the information at hand.

  9. Blockchain Market Trends and Analysis by Region, Application, Vertical and...

    • globaldata.com
    Updated May 7, 2024
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    GlobalData UK Ltd. (2024). Blockchain Market Trends and Analysis by Region, Application, Vertical and Segment Forecast to 2030 [Dataset]. https://www.globaldata.com/store/report/blockchain-market-analysis/
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    Dataset updated
    May 7, 2024
    Dataset provided by
    GlobalData UK Ltd.


    Time period covered
    2022 - 2026
    Area covered

    Accessing the in-depth insights from the ‘Blockchain’ report can help:Understand the current and future state of the market, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about market entry, product devel Read More

  10. G

    Blockchain Technology Market Size & Growth Report, 2030

    • grandviewresearch.com
    Updated Sep 14, 2023
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    Grand View Research (2023). Blockchain Technology Market Size & Growth Report, 2030 [Dataset]. https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/blockchain-technology-market
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    pdfAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Sep 14, 2023
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Grand View Research


    Time period covered
    2022 - 2030
    Area covered

    The global blockchain technology market size was valued at USD 17.46 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 87.7% from 2023 to 2030

  11. Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain size as of June 2, 2024

    • statista.com
    Updated Jun 3, 2024
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    Statista (2024). Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain size as of June 2, 2024 [Dataset]. https://www.statista.com/statistics/647523/worldwide-bitcoin-blockchain-size/
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    Dataset updated
    Jun 3, 2024
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Area covered

    Bitcoin's blockchain size was close to reaching 5450 gigabytes in 2024, as the database saw exponential growth by nearly one gigabyte every few days. The Bitcoin blockchain contains a continuously growing and tamper-evident list of all Bitcoin transactions and records since its initial release in January 2009. Bitcoin has a set limit of 21 million coins, the last of which will be mined around 2140, according to a forecast made in 2017. Bitcoin mining: A somewhat uncharted world Despite interest in the topic, there are few accurate figures on how big Bitcoin mining is on a country-by-country basis. Bitcoin's design philosophy is at the heart of this. Created out of protest against governments and central banks, Bitcoin's blockchain effectively hides both the country of origin and the destination country within a (mining) transaction. Research involving IP addresses placed the United States as the world's most Bitcoin mining country in 2022 - but the source admits IP addresses can easily be manipulated using VPN. Note that mining figures are different from figures on Bitcoin trading: Africa and Latin America were more interested in buying and selling BTC than some of the world's developed economies. Bitcoin developments Bitcoin's trade volume slowed in the second quarter of 2023, after hitting a noticeable growth at the beginning of the year. The coin outperformed most of the market. Some attribute this to the announcement in June 203 that BlackRock filed for a Bitcoin ETF. This iShares Bitcoin Trust was to use Coinbase Custody as its custodian. Regulators in the United States had not yet approved any applications for spot ETFs on Bitcoin.

  12. Bitcoin Cash Blockchain

    • kaggle.com
    Updated Feb 14, 2019
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    Google BigQuery (2019). Bitcoin Cash Blockchain [Dataset]. https://www.kaggle.com/bigquery/crypto-bitcoin-cash
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    zip(0 bytes)Available download formats
    Dataset updated
    Feb 14, 2019
    Dataset provided by
    Google BigQuery

    CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedicationhttps://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
    License information was derived automatically



    Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency. In mid-2017, a group of developers wanting to increase bitcoin's block size limit prepared a code change. The change, called a hard fork, took effect on 1 August 2017. As a result, the bitcoin ledger called the blockchain and the cryptocurrency split in two. At the time of the fork anyone owning bitcoin was also in possession of the same number of Bitcoin Cash units.

    On 15 November 2018 Bitcoin Cash split into two cryptocurrencies.


    You can access the data from BigQuery in your notebook with bigquery-public-data.crypto_bitcoin_cash dataset.

    Querying BigQuery tables

    You can use the BigQuery Python client library to query tables in this dataset in Kernels. Note that methods available in Kernels are limited to querying data. Tables are at bigquery-public-data.crypto_bitcoin_cash.[TABLENAME].


    This dataset wouldn't be possible without the help of BigQuery and all of their contributions to public data.

  13. d

    Texas Work Group on Blockchain Matters Report

    • catalog.data.gov
    • data.texas.gov
    Updated Aug 25, 2023
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    data.austintexas.gov (2023). Texas Work Group on Blockchain Matters Report [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/texas-work-group-on-blockchain-matters-report
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    Dataset updated
    Aug 25, 2023
    Dataset provided by

    From the Texas Work Group on Blockchain Matters, this is the report and proposed master plan to expand the blockchain industry in Texas in compliance with House Bill 1576, passed by the 87th Texas Legislature. This report examines the current blockchain industry in Texas, reviews the state’s current academic, educational, and workforce needs required to grow the industry, and identifies areas for economic growth and development opportunities presented by blockchain technology. The report contains legislative and policy recommendations aimed at encouraging the industry’s expansion and establishing regulatory and legal clarity to establish Texas as a leader in the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency space.

  14. Global Blockchain Market – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2030

    • databridgemarketresearch.com
    Updated May 2023
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    Data Bridge Market Research (2023). Global Blockchain Market – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2030 [Dataset]. https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-blockchain-market
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    Dataset updated
    May 2023
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Data Bridge Market Research


    Time period covered
    2023 - 2030
    Area covered

    Report Metric


    Forecast Period

    2023 to 2030

    Base Year


    Historic Years

    2021 (Customizable to 2015 - 2020)

    Quantitative Units

    Revenue in USD Billion, Volumes in Units, Pricing in USD

    Segments Covered

    Component (Platform, Services), Provider (Application and Solution Providers, Middleware Providers, Infrastructure Providers), Type (Private, Public, Hybrid, Consortium), Organization Size (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Large Enterprises), Development (Proof Of Concept, Pilot, Production), Application (Real Estate and Construction, Agriculture and Food, Manufacturing, Energy and Utilities, Documentation, IT and Telecom, Insurance, E-Commerce, Consumer goods, others), End User (Transportation and Logistics, Retail and E-commerce, Media, Advertising and Entertainment, Travel, Health care and Life Science, Banking and Financial Service (BFSI), Government

    Countries Covered

    U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America.

    Market Players Covered

    IBM (U.S.), Microsoft (U.S.), SAP SE (Germany), Oracle (U.S.), Digital Asset Holdings, LLC (U.S.), CONSENSYS (U.S.), Huawei Cloud Computing Technologies Co., Ltd. (China), Factom (U.S.), Stratis Group Ltd. (U.K.), Intel Corporation (U.S.), Symbiont (U.S.), Guardtime (Estonia), AlphaPoint. (U.S.), NTT DATA Americas, Inc. (Japan), Ripple (U.S.), SoluLab (India), Chainalysis Inc. (U.S.), Cision US Inc. (China), Riot Platforms, Inc. (U.S.), Bitfarms Ltd (Canada)

    Market Opportunities

    • Government programs offer profitable opportunities to expand
    • Growing capital funding and investment in blockchain ventures
    • Artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to improve their offerings create expansion
  15. f

    Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology?—A Systematic Review

    • plos.figshare.com
    Updated May 31, 2023
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    Jesse Yli-Huumo; Deokyoon Ko; Sujin Choi; Sooyong Park; Kari Smolander (2023). Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology?—A Systematic Review [Dataset]. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0163477
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    pdfAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    May 31, 2023
    Dataset provided by
    Jesse Yli-Huumo; Deokyoon Ko; Sujin Choi; Sooyong Park; Kari Smolander

    Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    Blockchain is a decentralized transaction and data management technology developed first for Bitcoin cryptocurrency. The interest in Blockchain technology has been increasing since the idea was coined in 2008. The reason for the interest in Blockchain is its central attributes that provide security, anonymity and data integrity without any third party organization in control of the transactions, and therefore it creates interesting research areas, especially from the perspective of technical challenges and limitations. In this research, we have conducted a systematic mapping study with the goal of collecting all relevant research on Blockchain technology. Our objective is to understand the current research topics, challenges and future directions regarding Blockchain technology from the technical perspective. We have extracted 41 primary papers from scientific databases. The results show that focus in over 80% of the papers is on Bitcoin system and less than 20% deals with other Blockchain applications including e.g. smart contracts and licensing. The majority of research is focusing on revealing and improving limitations of Blockchain from privacy and security perspectives, but many of the proposed solutions lack concrete evaluation on their effectiveness. Many other Blockchain scalability related challenges including throughput and latency have been left unstudied. On the basis of this study, recommendations on future research directions are provided for researchers.

  16. Blockchain Technology Market Share, Growth & Forecast [2031]

    • growthmarketreports.com
    csv, pdf, pptx
    Updated Jul 6, 2023
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    Growth Market Reports (2023). Blockchain Technology Market Share, Growth & Forecast [2031] [Dataset]. https://growthmarketreports.com/report/blockchain-technology-market-global-industry-analysis
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    csv, pptx, pdfAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jul 6, 2023
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Growth Market Reports
    Time period covered
    2024 - 2032
    Area covered

    The blockchain technology market size was valued at USD 18 Bn in 2022 and is likely to reach USD 5467 Bn by 2031, expanding at a CAGR of 87.8% during the forecast period, 2023-2031. The growth of the market is attributed to increased venture capital investing in blockchain technology startups.

    A blockchain is a collection of information-containing blocks linked together in a chain. The information held within a block is determined by the blockchain type. The objective of this model is to timestamp digital content so that they can't be backdated or tempered.

    The intention of blockchain is to reduce the requirement for a centralized server in order to address the problem of duplicate records. The blockchain is used to safely transfer the funds such as property, money, and contracts even without a third-party middleman such as a government or bank. It is extremely impossible to alter data after it is been stored in a blockchain.

    Moreover, blockchain cannot run without internet. The growing interest in the blockchain ecosystem is assisting in the adoption of blockchain across enterprises in an indirect manner. Furthermore, it is built on and functions similarly to the Software as a Service (SaaS) model.

    Individuals and corporations both are becoming more open to adopting blockchain technology. For instance,

    • In May 2021, Circle Internet Financial Ltd., a blockchain technology company, said that it had raised USD 439 million in fundraising from institutional and strategic investors. This money was used for organizational growth and market expansion by the company.

    Legalization of cryptocurrency in several countries has encouraged investors and businesses to invest in blockchain technology. It also motivates market participants to improve their services in order to achieve a competitive advantage.

    Blockchain technology is projected to become more efficient and effective in the near future as a result of the companies' efforts. DeFi is a blockchain-based emerging financial system that limits banks' control over financial services and money.

    Blockchain Technology Market Trends, Drivers, Restraints, and Opportunities

    • The legalization of bitcoin stimulates further investment in blockchain technology by businesses and investors, which is projected to drive the market.

    • <

  17. m

    Blockchain Technology Market Size, Share | CAGR of 68%

    • market.us
    csv, pdf
    Updated Apr 4, 2024
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    Market.us (2024). Blockchain Technology Market Size, Share | CAGR of 68% [Dataset]. https://market.us/report/blockchain-technology-market/
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    csv, pdfAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Apr 4, 2024
    Dataset provided by


    Time period covered
    2022 - 2032
    Area covered

    Report Overview

    The Global Blockchain Technology Market size is expected to be worth around USD 12,895 Billion by 2033, from USD 123 Billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 68% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2033.

    Blockchain technology is an innovative and decentralized system that enables secure and transparent transactions and data sharing. It is essentially a digital ledger that records and verifies transactions across multiple computers, creating a chain of blocks. Each block contains a list of transactions, and once added to the chain, it becomes permanent and cannot be altered.

    The blockchain technology market has witnessed significant growth and adoption in recent years. The increasing recognition of its potential benefits and the need for secure and transparent systems have fueled the market’s expansion. Numerous companies, both established players and startups, are investing in blockchain technology to develop innovative solutions and applications.

    https://market.us/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/blockchain-technology-market-size.jpg" alt="blockchain technology market size" width="1216" height="712">

    The blockchain technology market is driven by factors such as increasing demand for secure and efficient digital transactions, the need for transparent supply chains, and the growing interest in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Additionally, regulatory advancements and collaborations between industry players and governments are contributing to market growth.

    However, challenges exist in the blockchain technology market. Scalability, interoperability, and energy consumption are areas that require further development and improvement. Additionally, addressing concerns related to data privacy, security, and regulatory compliance is crucial to gaining broader adoption across industries.

    The research indicates that 77% of global executives believe blockchain technology will be a “disruptive force” in their industry within the next five years. This reflects the growing recognition of blockchain’s potential to revolutionize various sectors. Furthermore, predictions suggest that blockchain technology will contribute to a significant boost in global GDP, estimated to be around ~$1.76 trillion by 2030, highlighting its immense economic impact.

    In terms of blockchain funding, the United States currently holds the majority share, accounting for 51% of the global funding in this field. This demonstrates the country’s strong position in investing and supporting blockchain initiatives. However, it is noteworthy that nearly 50% of the top 50 blockchains are based outside the United States, showcasing the global nature of blockchain innovation and adoption.

    When it comes to cryptocurrency usage, approximately 3.9% of the world’s population, equivalent to around 300 million people, actively engage with cryptocurrencies. This significant number highlights the widespread adoption and growing popularity of digital currencies as an alternative form of payment and investment.

  18. Ethereum Cryptocurrency

    • console.cloud.google.com
    Updated Jul 15, 2023
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    https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/browse?filter=partner:Ethereum&hl=de (2023). Ethereum Cryptocurrency [Dataset]. https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/product/ethereum/crypto-ethereum-blockchain?hl=de
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    Dataset updated
    Jul 15, 2023
    Dataset provided by

    Ethereum is a crypto currency which leverages blockchain technology to store transactions in a distributed ledger. A blockchain is an ever-growing "tree" of blocks, where each block contains a number of transactions. To learn more, read the "Ethereum in BigQuery: a Public Dataset for smart contract analytics" blog post by Google Developer Advocate Allen Day. This dataset is part of a larger effort to make cryptocurrency data available in BigQuery through the Google Cloud Public Datasets program . The program is hosting several cryptocurrency datasets, with plans to both expand offerings to include additional cryptocurrencies and reduce the latency of updates. You can find these datasets by searching "cryptocurrency" in GCP Marketplace. For analytics interoperability, we designed a unified schema that allows all Bitcoin-like datasets to share queries. Interested in learning more about how the data from these blockchains were brought into BigQuery? Looking for more ways to analyze the data? Check out the Google Cloud Big Data blog post and try the sample queries below to get started. This public dataset is hosted in Google BigQuery and is included in BigQuery's 1TB/mo of free tier processing. This means that each user receives 1TB of free BigQuery processing every month, which can be used to run queries on this public dataset. Watch this short video to learn how to get started quickly using BigQuery to access public datasets. What is BigQuery .

  19. Z

    Transaction Graph Dataset for the Bitcoin Blockchain - Part 3 of 4

    • data.niaid.nih.gov
    • zenodo.org
    Updated Dec 14, 2022
    + more versions
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    Can Özturan (2022). Transaction Graph Dataset for the Bitcoin Blockchain - Part 3 of 4 [Dataset]. https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=ZENODO_7158132
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    Dataset updated
    Dec 14, 2022
    Dataset provided by
    Can Özturan
    Alper Şen
    Baran Kılıç

    Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    This dataset contains bitcoin transfer transactions extracted from the Bitcoin Mainnet blockchain.

    Part1 is available at https://zenodo.org/deposit/7157356
    Part2 is available at https://zenodo.org/deposit/7157854
    Part4 is available at https://zenodo.org/deposit/7158328

    Details of the datasets are given below:


    The filenames have the following format:



    For example file btc-tx-100000-149999-aa.bz2 and the rest of the parts if any contain transactions from

    block 100000 to block 149999 inclusive.

    The files are compressed with bzip2. They can be uncompressed using command bunzip2.


    Each line in a file corresponds to a transaction. The transaction has the following format:


    The block time file has the following format:


    Public Bitcoin Mainnet blockchain data is open and can be obtained by connecting as a node on the blockchain or by using the block explorer web sites such as https://btcscan.org . The downloaders and users of this dataset accept the full responsibility of using the data in GDPR compliant manner or any other regulations. We provide the data as is and we cannot be held responsible for anything.


    If you use this dataset, please do not forget to add the DOI number to the citation.

    If you use our dataset in your research, please also cite our paper: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-94590-9_14

     title={Analyzing Large-Scale Blockchain Transaction Graphs for Fraudulent Activities},
     author={K{\i}l{\i}{\c{c}}, Baran and {\"O}zturan, Can and {\c{S}}en, Alper},
     booktitle={Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance},
     publisher={Springer, Cham}
  20. A

    Blockchain Technology Market Study by Solutions, Infrastructure & Protocols,...

    • factmr.com
    csv, pdf
    Updated Apr 19, 2024
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    Fact.MR (2024). Blockchain Technology Market Study by Solutions, Infrastructure & Protocols, and Middleware for Digital Identity, Exchanges, Payments, Smart Contracts, and Supply Chain Management from 2024 to 2034 [Dataset]. https://www.factmr.com/report/blockchain-technology-market
    Explore at:
    csv, pdfAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Apr 19, 2024
    Dataset provided by


    Time period covered
    2024 - 2034
    Area covered

    The global blockchain technology market is projected to increase from a size of US$ 19.7 billion in 2024 to 2,450.4 billion by the end of 2034, expanding rapidly at a CAGR of 62% between 2024 and 2034.

    Report AttributesDetails
    Blockchain Technology Market Size (2024E)US$ 19.7 Billion
    Projected Market Value (2034F)US$ 2,450.4 Billion
    Global Market Growth Rate (2024 to 2034)62% CAGR
    China Market Value (2034F)US$ 268.9 Billion
    Canada Market Growth Rate (2024 to 2034)62.7% CAGR
    North America Market Share (2024E)23.9%
    East Asia Market Value (2034F)US$ 566 Billion
    Key Companies Profiled
    • IBM Corp.
    • Microsoft Corp.
    • The Linux Foundation
    • BTL Group Ltd.
    • Chain Inc.
    • Monax
    • Ripple
    • Global Arena Holding, Inc.

    Country-wise Insights

    AttributeUnited States
    Market Value (2024E)US$ 2.1 Billion
    Growth Rate (2024 to 2034)62.7% CAGR
    Projected Value (2034F)US$ 271.5 Billion
    Market Value (2024E)US$ 2.2 Billion
    Growth Rate (2024 to 2034)62% CAGR
    Projected Value (2034F)US$ 268.9 Billion

    Category-wise Insights

    AttributeInfrastructure & Protocols
    Segment Value (2024E)US$ 11.8 Billion
    Growth Rate (2024 to 2034)60.9% CAGR
    Projected Value (2034F)US$ 1,370 Billion
    AttributePublic Cloud
    Segment Value (2024E)US$ 12.2 Billion
    Growth Rate (2024 to 2034)60.6% CAGR
    Projected Value (2034F)US$ 1,390 Billion
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Amazon Web Services (2022). AWS Public Blockchain Data [Dataset]. https://registry.opendata.aws/aws-public-blockchain/
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AWS Public Blockchain Data

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Dataset updated
Sep 23, 2022
Dataset provided by
Amazon Web Serviceshttp://aws.amazon.com/

The AWS Public Blockchain Data provide datasets from the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains. The blockchain data is transformed into multiple tables as compressed Parquet files partitioned by date to allow efficient access for most common analytics queries.

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