This dataset comprises a set of information cascades generated by Singapore Twitter users. Here a cascade is defined as a set of tweets about the same topic. This dataset was collected via the Twitter REST and streaming APIs in the following way. Starting from popular seed users (i.e., users having many followers), we crawled their follow, retweet, and user mention links. We then added those followers/followees, retweet sources, and mentioned users who state Singapore in their profile location. With this, we have a total of 184,794 Twitter user accounts. Then tweets are crawled from these users from 1 April to 31 August 2012. In all, we got 32,479,134 tweets. To identify cascades, we extracted all the URL links and hashtags from the above tweets. And these URL links and hashtags are considered as the identities of cascades. In other words, all the tweets which contain the same URL link (or the same hashtag) represent a cascade. Mathematically, a cascade is represented as a set of user-timestamp pairs. Figure 1 provides an example, i.e. cascade C = {< u1, t1 >, < u2, t2 >, < u1, t3 >, < u3, t4 >, < u4, t5 >}. For evaluation, the dataset was split into two parts: four months data for training and the last one month data for testing. Table 1summarizes the basic (count) statistics of the dataset. Each line in each file represents a cascade. The first term in each line is a hashtag or URL, the second term is a list of user-timestamp pairs. Due to privacy concerns, all user identities are anonymized.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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This is the replication data for the paper "The Intergenerational Mortality Tradeoff of COVID-19 Lockdown Policies" by Lin Ma, Gil Shapira, Damien de Walque, Quy-Toan Do, Jed Friedman, and Andrei Levchenko.
For steps to replicate the results, please refer to the readme file included alongside the data files.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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This record contains the replication data for "Geography, Trade, and Internal Migration in China" published in Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 115 in Jan 2020. contains the Full Package for replication and Maps and contains the Maps and Transportation Matrix only.
CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
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Related Publication: Marcinkowska U.M., Kozlov M.V., Cai H., Contreras-Garduño J., Dixson B.J., Oana G.A., Kaminski G., Li N.P., Lyons M.T., Onyishi I.E., Prasai K., Pazhoohi F., Prokop P., Rosales Cardozo S.L., Sydney N., Yong J.C., Rantala M.J. (2014). Cross-cultural variation in men’s preference for sexual dimorphism in women’s faces. Biology Letters 10(4): 20130850. Available at: Available in InK:
Detailed Web appendix that outlines the construction of publicly available secondary data and different robustness tests conducted.
This is the web appendix for "Does Disclosure of Advertising Spending Help Investors and Analysts?" published in Journal of Public Policy and Marketing in 2022.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
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This e-companion contains four sets of supporting materials for the main paper. EC.1 provides algorithmic treatments to handle key market implementation issues. EC.2 examines effects of active market intermediation on market performance and the dealer’s wealth under the controlled market experiment. EC.3 studies market liquidity and heterogeneous market participation in a randomized market environment. EC.4 includes proofs of Lemmas and Corollaries.
This collection contains 69 audio records of interviews with social workers, government officials, and academia from China, Hong Kong, and Singapore conducted between 2009 to 2012. The interviewees have different designations and are from different social service organizations, government departments, and universities/colleges. The themes of the interviews cover the status quo of social workers, how social services organizations operate, their relationships with the government, and their main functions. The audio interviews are predominantly in Mandarin and Cantonese, with a few in English. The size of the audio collection is 2.33GB. For access to the audio interviews please contact Professor Chung Wai Keung for permission.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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This record contains the underlying research data for the publication "Disentangling greenhouse warming and aerosol cooling to reveal Earth's climate sensitivity" and the full-text is available from:'s climate sensitivity has long been subject to heated debate and has spurred renewed interest after the latest IPCC assessment report suggested a downward adjustment of its most likely range(1). Recent observational studies have produced estimates of transient climate sensitivity, that is, the global mean surface temperature increase at the time of CO2 doubling, as low as 1.3 K (refs 2,3), well below the best estimate produced by global climate models (1.8 K). Here, we present an observation-based study of the time period 1964 to 2010, which does not rely on climate models. The method incorporates observations of greenhouse gas concentrations, temperature and radiation from approximately 1,300 surface sites into an energy balance framework. Statistical methods commonly applied to economic time series are then used to decompose observed temperature trends into components attributable to changes in greenhouse gas concentrations and surface radiation. We find that surface radiation trends, which have been largely explained by changes in atmospheric aerosol loading, caused a cooling that masked approximately one-third of the continental warming due to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations over the past half-century. In consequence, the method yields a higher transient climate sensitivity (2.0 +/- 0.8 K) than other observational studies.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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This record contains the underlying research data for the publication "The Valuation of User-Generated Content: A Structural, Stylistic and Semantic Analysis of Online Reviews" and the full-text is available from: ability and ease for users to create and publish content has provided vast amount of online product reviews. However, the amount of data is overwhelmingly large and unstructured, making information difficult to quantify. This creates challenge in understanding how online reviews affect consumers’ purchase decisions. In my dissertation, I explore the structural, stylistic and semantic content of online reviews. Firstly, I present a measurement that quantifies sentiments with respect to a multi-point scale and conduct a systematic study on the impact of online reviews on product sales. Using the sentiment metrics generated, I estimate the weight that customers place on each segment of the review and examine how these segments affect the sales for a given product. The results empirically verified that sentiments influence sales, of which ratings alone do not capture. Secondly, I propose a method to detect online review manipulation using writing style analysis and assess how consumers respond to such manipulation. Finally, I find that societal norms have influence on posting behavior and significant differences do exist across cultures. Users should therefore exercise care in interpreting the information from online reviews. This dissertation advances our understanding on the consumer decision making process and shed insight on the relevance of online review ratings and sentiments over a sequential decision making process. Having tapped into the abundant supply of online review data, the results in this work are based on large-scale datasets which extend beyond the scale of traditional word-of-mouth research.
CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
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These files are used to replicate all analyses in Media in a Time of Crisis: Newspaper Coverage of Covid-19 in East Asia, available at
This is the underlying research data for master thesis: "Sorry, Locals Only: An Experimental Investigation of the Affective, Behavioural, and Cognitive Consequences of National Identity Denial".
The three datasets contain quantitative measures on identity denial, identity questioning, identity discrepancy, and affective, behavioural, and cognitive outcomes.
The datasets labelled 1A and 1B were collected through correlational survey methods (Study 1 pilot and replication samples), while the dataset labelled 2 was collected from an experiment (Study 2).
All analyses were conducted in R or SPSS. R code is available at Opening the .sav file requires SPSS or R.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
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This is the underlying dataset for the master thesis: Forces of corruption: Effects of power on perceptions of openness and information-sharing. In considering the power relations that characterize a manager-subordinate relationship, upward information-sharing is often constrained by relative power differentials. However, a burgeoning volume of research has established that power holders are more attuned to situational goals, thus exhibit greater flexibility in behaviour than powerless persons. This paper therefore proposed a model with epistemic motivation as an intervening variable that enhances information-sharing between dyadic counterparts who have unequal power. However, this model was not supported by findings. Nonetheless, this can be attributed to experimental settings – which future studies should address with construct replication.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
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The data and code of the paper. In this paper we build a search model with asymmetric information regarding houses' energy efficiency. The objective is to shed light on the house owners' incentives to disclose energy certificates (ECs) in the rental market. Such incentives depend not only on the rent premium for more efficient houses - as previously documented - but also on the implicit rent penalty for unlabeled houses. Interestingly, we show that such a penalty is higher the greater the disclosure rate of ECs in the local market. This suggests that the enforcement of the EC regulation should be more stringent during the early phases, as the boost in the initial disclosure rate would strengthen the incentives for later adoption. We illustrate the theoretical predictions with empirical evidence from the Spanish rental market
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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This record contains the underlying data/supplementary materials/appendix for the publication "Socially responsible firms" published in Journal of Financial Economics in 2016.
Fieldwork investigating sustainable agricultural practices and alternative food networks in the Pearl River Delta, China.
This is the underlying research data for the published PhD dissertation, Fuelling effects of unique opinion holder’s emotions on team creativity: A collective information processing perspective, available at: research examined the influence of unique opinion holder's emotions on team creativity. As compared to teams that interacted with a neutral unique opinion holder, teams working with either an angry or happy unique opinion holder were found to utilize qualitatively different ways of achieving creative ideas. The team dataset and code could be found in this page whereas the main paper provides the description of the methodology and measures.
This is the related dataset for the PhD dissertation "Impact of digitalization on internationalization", available at contains Singapore company data on internationalization and digitalization, including industry classification based on companies operating charateristics and customer acquistion strategy. "Data from Impact of Digitalization on Internationalization v15" - contains the industry dataset"Data from Impact of Digitalization on Internationalization v15 - Heckman" - contains the robust test dataset"table5.xls" - contains the combined output of all tabulated data found in the thesis
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
License information was derived automatically
Dataset for investigating Singapore residents' attitudes towards organisations’ use of artificial intelligence and data mining.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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This is the replication data for "Globalization and Top Income Shares" published in Journal of International Economics, Volume 125, July 2020.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
License information was derived automatically
The codes to replicate the results in "Lumpy Investment, Lumpy Inventories", by Rudiger Bachmann and Lin Ma published in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking in 2016.
This dataset comprises a set of information cascades generated by Singapore Twitter users. Here a cascade is defined as a set of tweets about the same topic. This dataset was collected via the Twitter REST and streaming APIs in the following way. Starting from popular seed users (i.e., users having many followers), we crawled their follow, retweet, and user mention links. We then added those followers/followees, retweet sources, and mentioned users who state Singapore in their profile location. With this, we have a total of 184,794 Twitter user accounts. Then tweets are crawled from these users from 1 April to 31 August 2012. In all, we got 32,479,134 tweets. To identify cascades, we extracted all the URL links and hashtags from the above tweets. And these URL links and hashtags are considered as the identities of cascades. In other words, all the tweets which contain the same URL link (or the same hashtag) represent a cascade. Mathematically, a cascade is represented as a set of user-timestamp pairs. Figure 1 provides an example, i.e. cascade C = {< u1, t1 >, < u2, t2 >, < u1, t3 >, < u3, t4 >, < u4, t5 >}. For evaluation, the dataset was split into two parts: four months data for training and the last one month data for testing. Table 1summarizes the basic (count) statistics of the dataset. Each line in each file represents a cascade. The first term in each line is a hashtag or URL, the second term is a list of user-timestamp pairs. Due to privacy concerns, all user identities are anonymized.