The volume in the 'VR Headsets' segment of the consumer electronics market in the United States was forecast to decrease between 2024 and 2029 by in total 0.1 million pieces (-2.33 percent). This overall decrease does not happen continuously, notably not in 2026. According to this forecast, in 2029, the indicator will have decreased for the third consecutive year to 4.25 million pieces. Find further information concerning the revenue in the consumer electronics market in Europe and the volume in the consumer electronics market in Italy. The Statista Market Insights cover a broad range of additional markets.
The revenue change in the 'VR Headsets' segment of the consumer electronics market in the United States was forecast to decrease between 2024 and 2029 by in total 0.6 percentage points. This overall decrease does not happen continuously, notably not in 2026 and 2028. The indicator is estimated to amount to -3.01 percent in 2029. Find more key insights for the revenue change in countries and regions like the volume in the 'Keyboards' segment of the consumer electronics market in the world and the revenue in the 'TV, Radio & Multimedia' segment of the consumer electronics market in China. The Statista Market Insights cover a broad range of additional markets.
The volume change in the 'VR Headsets' segment of the consumer electronics market in the United States was forecast to decrease between 2024 and 2029 by in total 0.6 percentage points. This overall decrease does not happen continuously, notably not in 2026 and 2028. The indicator is estimated to amount to -2.81 percent in 2029. Find further information concerning the revenue in the 'Printers & Copiers' segment of the consumer electronics market in India and the revenue in the 'PC Monitors & Projectors' segment of the consumer electronics market in Vietnam. The Statista Market Insights cover a broad range of additional markets.
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The volume in the 'VR Headsets' segment of the consumer electronics market in the United States was forecast to decrease between 2024 and 2029 by in total 0.1 million pieces (-2.33 percent). This overall decrease does not happen continuously, notably not in 2026. According to this forecast, in 2029, the indicator will have decreased for the third consecutive year to 4.25 million pieces. Find further information concerning the revenue in the consumer electronics market in Europe and the volume in the consumer electronics market in Italy. The Statista Market Insights cover a broad range of additional markets.