3 datasets found
  1. Data from: COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data with Geography

    • data.virginia.gov
    • healthdata.gov
    • +5more
    csv, json, rdf, xsl
    Updated Jul 17, 2024
    Click to copy link
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    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2024). COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data with Geography [Dataset]. https://data.virginia.gov/dataset/covid-19-case-surveillance-public-use-data-with-geography
    Explore at:
    csv, xsl, json, rdfAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jul 17, 2024
    Dataset provided by
    Centers for Disease Control and Preventionhttp://www.cdc.gov/

    Note: Reporting of new COVID-19 Case Surveillance data will be discontinued July 1, 2024, to align with the process of removing SARS-CoV-2 infections (COVID-19 cases) from the list of nationally notifiable diseases. Although these data will continue to be publicly available, the dataset will no longer be updated.

    Authorizations to collect certain public health data expired at the end of the U.S. public health emergency declaration on May 11, 2023. The following jurisdictions discontinued COVID-19 case notifications to CDC: Iowa (11/8/21), Kansas (5/12/23), Kentucky (1/1/24), Louisiana (10/31/23), New Hampshire (5/23/23), and Oklahoma (5/2/23). Please note that these jurisdictions will not routinely send new case data after the dates indicated. As of 7/13/23, case notifications from Oregon will only include pediatric cases resulting in death.

    This case surveillance public use dataset has 19 elements for all COVID-19 cases shared with CDC and includes demographics, geography (county and state of residence), any exposure history, disease severity indicators and outcomes, and presence of any underlying medical conditions and risk behaviors.

    Currently, CDC provides the public with three versions of COVID-19 case surveillance line-listed data: this 19 data element dataset with geography, a 12 data element public use dataset, and a 33 data element restricted access dataset.

    The following apply to the public use datasets and the restricted access dataset:


    The COVID-19 case surveillance database includes individual-level data reported to U.S. states and autonomous reporting entities, including New York City and the District of Columbia (D.C.), as well as U.S. territories and affiliates. On April 5, 2020, COVID-19 was added to the Nationally Notifiable Condition List and classified as “immediately notifiable, urgent (within 24 hours)” by a Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Interim Position Statement (<a href="https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cste.org/resource/resmgr/ps/positionstatement2020/Interim-20-ID-01_COVID

  2. COVID-19 Case Surveillance Restricted Access Detailed Data

    • healthdata.gov
    • data.virginia.gov
    • +5more
    application/rdfxml +5
    Updated Feb 25, 2021
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    data.cdc.gov (2021). COVID-19 Case Surveillance Restricted Access Detailed Data [Dataset]. https://healthdata.gov/dataset/COVID-19-Case-Surveillance-Restricted-Access-Detai/9s6e-z3ia
    Explore at:
    xml, json, csv, application/rdfxml, application/rssxml, tsvAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Feb 25, 2021
    Dataset provided by

    Note: Reporting of new COVID-19 Case Surveillance data will be discontinued July 1, 2024, to align with the process of removing SARS-CoV-2 infections (COVID-19 cases) from the list of nationally notifiable diseases. Although these data will continue to be publicly available, the dataset will no longer be updated.

    Authorizations to collect certain public health data expired at the end of the U.S. public health emergency declaration on May 11, 2023. The following jurisdictions discontinued COVID-19 case notifications to CDC: Iowa (11/8/21), Kansas (5/12/23), Kentucky (1/1/24), Louisiana (10/31/23), New Hampshire (5/23/23), and Oklahoma (5/2/23). Please note that these jurisdictions will not routinely send new case data after the dates indicated. As of 7/13/23, case notifications from Oregon will only include pediatric cases resulting in death.

    This case surveillance publicly available dataset has 33 elements for all COVID-19 cases shared with CDC and includes demographics, geography (county and state of residence), any exposure history, disease severity indicators and outcomes, and presence of any underlying medical conditions and risk behaviors. This dataset requires a registration process and a data use agreement.

    CDC has three COVID-19 case surveillance datasets:

    Requesting Access to the COVID-19 Case Surveillance Restricted Access Detailed Data Please review the following documents to determine your interest in accessing the COVID-19 Case Surveillance Restricted Access Detailed Data file: 1) CDC COVID-19 Case Surveillance Restricted Access Detailed Data: Summary, Guidance, Limitations Information, and Restricted Access Data Use Agreement Information 2) Data Dictionary for the COVID-19 Case Surveillance Restricted Access Detailed Data The next step is to complete the Registration Information and Data Use Restrictions Agreement (RIDURA). Once complete, CDC will review your agreement. After access is granted, Ask SRRG (eocevent394@cdc.gov) will email you information about how to access the data through GitHub. If you have questions about obtaining access, email eocevent394@cdc.gov.


    The COVID-19 case surveillance database includes individual-level data reported to U.S. states and autonomous reporting entities, including New York City and the District of Columbia (D.C.), as well as U.S. territories and affili

  3. COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data

    • data.virginia.gov
    • paperswithcode.com
    • +7more
    csv, json, rdf, xsl
    Updated Jul 17, 2024
    Click to copy link
    Link copied
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2024). COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data [Dataset]. https://data.virginia.gov/dataset/covid-19-case-surveillance-public-use-data
    Explore at:
    rdf, csv, json, xslAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jul 17, 2024
    Dataset provided by
    Centers for Disease Control and Preventionhttp://www.cdc.gov/

    Note: Reporting of new COVID-19 Case Surveillance data will be discontinued July 1, 2024, to align with the process of removing SARS-CoV-2 infections (COVID-19 cases) from the list of nationally notifiable diseases. Although these data will continue to be publicly available, the dataset will no longer be updated.

    Authorizations to collect certain public health data expired at the end of the U.S. public health emergency declaration on May 11, 2023. The following jurisdictions discontinued COVID-19 case notifications to CDC: Iowa (11/8/21), Kansas (5/12/23), Kentucky (1/1/24), Louisiana (10/31/23), New Hampshire (5/23/23), and Oklahoma (5/2/23). Please note that these jurisdictions will not routinely send new case data after the dates indicated. As of 7/13/23, case notifications from Oregon will only include pediatric cases resulting in death.

    This case surveillance public use dataset has 12 elements for all COVID-19 cases shared with CDC and includes demographics, any exposure history, disease severity indicators and outcomes, presence of any underlying medical conditions and risk behaviors, and no geographic data.

    CDC has three COVID-19 case surveillance datasets:

    The following apply to all three datasets:


    The COVID-19 case surveillance database includes individual-level data reported to U.S. states and aut

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Click to copy link
Link copied
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2024). COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data with Geography [Dataset]. https://data.virginia.gov/dataset/covid-19-case-surveillance-public-use-data-with-geography
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Data from: COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data with Geography

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Explore at:
csv, xsl, json, rdfAvailable download formats
Dataset updated
Jul 17, 2024
Dataset provided by
Centers for Disease Control and Preventionhttp://www.cdc.gov/

Note: Reporting of new COVID-19 Case Surveillance data will be discontinued July 1, 2024, to align with the process of removing SARS-CoV-2 infections (COVID-19 cases) from the list of nationally notifiable diseases. Although these data will continue to be publicly available, the dataset will no longer be updated.

Authorizations to collect certain public health data expired at the end of the U.S. public health emergency declaration on May 11, 2023. The following jurisdictions discontinued COVID-19 case notifications to CDC: Iowa (11/8/21), Kansas (5/12/23), Kentucky (1/1/24), Louisiana (10/31/23), New Hampshire (5/23/23), and Oklahoma (5/2/23). Please note that these jurisdictions will not routinely send new case data after the dates indicated. As of 7/13/23, case notifications from Oregon will only include pediatric cases resulting in death.

This case surveillance public use dataset has 19 elements for all COVID-19 cases shared with CDC and includes demographics, geography (county and state of residence), any exposure history, disease severity indicators and outcomes, and presence of any underlying medical conditions and risk behaviors.

Currently, CDC provides the public with three versions of COVID-19 case surveillance line-listed data: this 19 data element dataset with geography, a 12 data element public use dataset, and a 33 data element restricted access dataset.

The following apply to the public use datasets and the restricted access dataset:


The COVID-19 case surveillance database includes individual-level data reported to U.S. states and autonomous reporting entities, including New York City and the District of Columbia (D.C.), as well as U.S. territories and affiliates. On April 5, 2020, COVID-19 was added to the Nationally Notifiable Condition List and classified as “immediately notifiable, urgent (within 24 hours)” by a Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Interim Position Statement (<a href="https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cste.org/resource/resmgr/ps/positionstatement2020/Interim-20-ID-01_COVID

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