The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon and Washington coasts. The array also provides an extensive spatial footprint that encompasses a prototypical eastern boundary current regime and connectivity with the Cabled Array. OOI Coastal Glider deployments bridge the distances between the fixed sites of the Coastal Endurance Array and allow for adaptive sampling of the coastal waters of Washington and Oregon. This dataset contains raw Slocum glider data parsed directly from the native glider file format. No corrections or other quality control algorithms have been applied. acknowledgment=Funding provided by the National Science Foundation. Glider deployed by OOI Coastal Endurance personnel at Oregon State University cdm_data_type=TrajectoryProfile cdm_profile_variables=profile_id, time, latitude, longitude, time_uv, lat_uv, lon_uv, u, v cdm_trajectory_variables=trajectory, wmo_id comment=2020-02-20 Deployed just south of the Newport Hydrographic line to run the Newport Hydrographic Deep line. contributor_name=Edward Dever, Jonathan Fram, Stuart Pearce, Christopher Wingard contributor_role=Endurance Array Principal Investigator/Project Scientist, Endurance Array Project Manager, Endurance Array Glider Lead, Endurance Array Data Management Conventions=Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6 deployment_number=00009 Easternmost_Easting=-124.21237847933466 featureType=TrajectoryProfile geospatial_bounds=POLYGON ((44.50313293050524 -124.4459846129752, 44.50313293050524 -124.4454501015897, 44.50270969542996 -124.4454501015897, 44.50270969542996 -124.4459846129752, 44.50313293050524 -124.4459846129752)) geospatial_lat_max=44.67618000588397 geospatial_lat_min=44.486825736169614 geospatial_lat_units=degrees_north geospatial_lon_max=-124.21237847933466 geospatial_lon_min=-127.97242567373337 geospatial_lon_units=degrees_east geospatial_verical_resolution=3.04568029506627 geospatial_vertical_max=986.2452 geospatial_vertical_min=-0.07935353 geospatial_vertical_positive=down geospatial_vertical_units=m history=2020-04-15T19:42:52Z: created
2020-08-18T18:32:13Z (local files) 2020-08-18T18:32:13Z hydrographic_line=Newport Hydrographic Deep id=ce_383-20200220T2031 infoUrl= institution=OOI Coastal Endurance ioos_dac_checksum=1164294c78bfe2b5dce0e3ab99ddbf0b ioos_dac_completed=True keywords_vocabulary=GCMD Science Keywords Metadata_Conventions=Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6 metadata_link= mode=rt naming_authority=org.oceanobservatories Northernmost_Northing=44.67618000588397 platform_id=CE05MOAS-GL383 platform_type=Slocum Glider processing_level=Raw Slocum Glider data. A few L2a processed variables. No QC performed program=Ocean Observatories Initiative project=Coastal Endurance Array raw_data_url= references= sea_name=Northeast Pacific Ocean source=Observational data from a profiling glider sourceUrl=(local files) Southernmost_Northing=44.486825736169614 standard_name_vocabulary=CF Standard Name Table v68 subsetVariables=trajectory, wmo_id, profile_id, time, latitude, longitude, time_uv, lat_uv, lon_uv, u, v time_coverage_duration=PT05M45.82678S time_coverage_end=2020-04-10T14:21:51Z time_coverage_resolution=PT17.291339S time_coverage_start=2020-02-20T21:44:09Z uuid=c378931a-57bb-4f87-b1c1-462fe262fe3d Westernmost_Easting=-127.97242567373337
The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon and Washington coasts. The array also provides an extensive spatial footprint that encompasses a prototypical eastern boundary current regime and connectivity with the Cabled Array. OOI Coastal Glider deployments bridge the distances between the fixed sites of the Coastal Endurance Array and allow for adaptive sampling of the coastal waters of Washington and Oregon. This dataset contains raw Slocum glider data parsed directly from the native glider file format. No corrections or other quality control algorithms have been applied.
The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon and Washington coasts. The array also provides an extensive spatial footprint that encompasses a prototypical eastern boundary current regime and connectivity with the Cabled Array. OOI Coastal Glider deployments bridge the distances between the fixed sites of the Coastal Endurance Array and allow for adaptive sampling of the coastal waters of Washington and Oregon. This dataset contains raw Slocum glider data parsed directly from the native glider file format. No corrections or other quality control algorithms have been applied. acknowledgment=Funding provided by the National Science Foundation. Glider deployed by OOI Coastal Endurance personnel at Oregon State University cdm_data_type=TrajectoryProfile cdm_profile_variables=profile_id, time, latitude, longitude, time_uv, lat_uv, lon_uv, u, v cdm_trajectory_variables=trajectory, wmo_id comment=2020-02-20 Deployed just south of the Newport Hydrographic line to run the Newport Hydrographic Deep line. On 2020-04-05 the fin developed a leak and the mission and waypoints were adjusted to facilitate recovery. The glider still collected data until recovery on 2020-04-10. contributor_name=Edward Dever, Jonathan Fram, Stuart Pearce, Christopher Wingard contributor_role=Endurance Array Principal Investigator/Project Scientist, Endurance Array Project Manager, Endurance Array Glider Lead, Endurance Array Data Management Conventions=Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6 deployment_number=00009 Easternmost_Easting=-124.21243341227883 featureType=TrajectoryProfile geospatial_bounds=POLYGON ((44.49728499607171 -124.4568610941625, 44.49728499607171 -124.4557760794236, 44.49720585447127 -124.4557760794236, 44.49720585447127 -124.4568610941625, 44.49728499607171 -124.4568610941625)) geospatial_lat_max=44.67672336529489 geospatial_lat_min=44.48700666409127 geospatial_lat_units=degrees_north geospatial_lon_max=-124.21243341227883 geospatial_lon_min=-127.97247307093023 geospatial_lon_units=degrees_east geospatial_verical_resolution=0.14208359058065928 geospatial_vertical_max=986.2551 geospatial_vertical_min=-0.09919188 geospatial_vertical_positive=down geospatial_vertical_units=m history=2020-04-17T18:48:02Z: created
2020-04-21T20:47:16Z (local files) 2020-04-21T20:47:16Z hydrographic_line=Newport Hydrographic Deep id=ce_383-20200220T2031 infoUrl= institution=OOI Coastal Endurance ioos_dac_checksum=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ioos_dac_completed=False keywords_vocabulary=GCMD Science Keywords Metadata_Conventions=Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6 metadata_link= mode=delayed naming_authority=org.oceanobservatories Northernmost_Northing=44.67672336529489 platform_id=CE05MOAS-GL383 platform_type=Slocum Glider processing_level=Raw Slocum Glider data. A few L2a processed variables. No QC performed program=Ocean Observatories Initiative project=Coastal Endurance Array raw_data_url= recovery_datetime=2020-04-10T16:45:00Z references= sea_name=Northeast Pacific Ocean source=Observational data from a profiling glider sourceUrl=(local files) Southernmost_Northing=44.48700666409127 standard_name_vocabulary=CF Standard Name Table v68 subsetVariables=trajectory, wmo_id, profile_id, time, latitude, longitude, time_uv, lat_uv, lon_uv, u, v time_coverage_duration=PT06M58.40304S time_coverage_end=2020-04-10T15:21:06Z time_coverage_resolution=PT01.092436S time_coverage_start=2020-02-20T20:51:46Z uuid=e5c66367-b992-4530-b779-4b1fba507da4 Westernmost_Easting=-127.97247307093023
The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon and Washington coasts. The array also provides an extensive spatial footprint that encompasses a prototypical eastern boundary current regime and connectivity with the Cabled Array. OOI Coastal Glider deployments bridge the distances between the fixed sites of the Coastal Endurance Array and allow for adaptive sampling of the coastal waters of Washington and Oregon. This dataset contains raw Slocum glider data parsed directly from the native glider file format. No corrections or other quality control algorithms have been applied.
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The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon and Washington coasts. The array also provides an extensive spatial footprint that encompasses a prototypical eastern boundary current regime and connectivity with the Cabled Array. OOI Coastal Glider deployments bridge the distances between the fixed sites of the Coastal Endurance Array and allow for adaptive sampling of the coastal waters of Washington and Oregon. This dataset contains raw Slocum glider data parsed directly from the native glider file format. No corrections or other quality control algorithms have been applied. acknowledgment=Funding provided by the National Science Foundation. Glider deployed by OOI Coastal Endurance personnel at Oregon State University cdm_data_type=TrajectoryProfile cdm_profile_variables=profile_id, time, latitude, longitude, time_uv, lat_uv, lon_uv, u, v cdm_trajectory_variables=trajectory, wmo_id comment=2020-02-20 Deployed just south of the Newport Hydrographic line to run the Newport Hydrographic Deep line. contributor_name=Edward Dever, Jonathan Fram, Stuart Pearce, Christopher Wingard contributor_role=Endurance Array Principal Investigator/Project Scientist, Endurance Array Project Manager, Endurance Array Glider Lead, Endurance Array Data Management Conventions=Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6 deployment_number=00009 Easternmost_Easting=-124.21237847933466 featureType=TrajectoryProfile geospatial_bounds=POLYGON ((44.50313293050524 -124.4459846129752, 44.50313293050524 -124.4454501015897, 44.50270969542996 -124.4454501015897, 44.50270969542996 -124.4459846129752, 44.50313293050524 -124.4459846129752)) geospatial_lat_max=44.67618000588397 geospatial_lat_min=44.486825736169614 geospatial_lat_units=degrees_north geospatial_lon_max=-124.21237847933466 geospatial_lon_min=-127.97242567373337 geospatial_lon_units=degrees_east geospatial_verical_resolution=3.04568029506627 geospatial_vertical_max=986.2452 geospatial_vertical_min=-0.07935353 geospatial_vertical_positive=down geospatial_vertical_units=m history=2020-04-15T19:42:52Z: created
2020-08-18T18:32:13Z (local files) 2020-08-18T18:32:13Z hydrographic_line=Newport Hydrographic Deep id=ce_383-20200220T2031 infoUrl= institution=OOI Coastal Endurance ioos_dac_checksum=1164294c78bfe2b5dce0e3ab99ddbf0b ioos_dac_completed=True keywords_vocabulary=GCMD Science Keywords Metadata_Conventions=Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6 metadata_link= mode=rt naming_authority=org.oceanobservatories Northernmost_Northing=44.67618000588397 platform_id=CE05MOAS-GL383 platform_type=Slocum Glider processing_level=Raw Slocum Glider data. A few L2a processed variables. No QC performed program=Ocean Observatories Initiative project=Coastal Endurance Array raw_data_url= references= sea_name=Northeast Pacific Ocean source=Observational data from a profiling glider sourceUrl=(local files) Southernmost_Northing=44.486825736169614 standard_name_vocabulary=CF Standard Name Table v68 subsetVariables=trajectory, wmo_id, profile_id, time, latitude, longitude, time_uv, lat_uv, lon_uv, u, v time_coverage_duration=PT05M45.82678S time_coverage_end=2020-04-10T14:21:51Z time_coverage_resolution=PT17.291339S time_coverage_start=2020-02-20T21:44:09Z uuid=c378931a-57bb-4f87-b1c1-462fe262fe3d Westernmost_Easting=-127.97242567373337