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  1. C

    OPD Crimes

    application/rdfxml +5
    Updated Feb 23, 2022
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    (2022). OPD Crimes [Dataset].
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    csv, application/rdfxml, xml, tsv, json, application/rssxmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Feb 23, 2022

    Incident data is now hosted at

    The Orlando Police Department's new data portal, Citizen Connect, allows anyone to research our calls for service and track certain data, while obtaining immediate results. This information is updated daily and can be filtered by date, location, and incident type. Data is available for a three-year time period.

  2. O

    CrimeWatch Maps Past 90-Days

    Updated Mar 18, 2025
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    Oakland Police Department (2025). CrimeWatch Maps Past 90-Days [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    tsv, csv, xml, application/rdfxml, application/rssxml, application/geo+json, kmz, kmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Mar 18, 2025
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Oakland Police Department

    The Oakland Police Department provides crime data to the public through the City of Oakland's Crime Watch web site. This site presents the data in a geographic format, which allows users of the information to produce maps and/or reports.

    The file that you are about to electronically download, copy, or otherwise retrieve by other means is a tabular representation of the same data without maps or reporting capabilities. Be advised that the exact address of each crime has been substituted with the block address to protect the privacy of the victim.

    Please note: This Crime data are captured from reports filed with the police Department. There may be delays in data due to data processing, incident reporting or maybe technical in nature. Please allow up to 90 days from the end of each month for the data to be completely processed. For example, if you want to retrieve the full data set for the month of March, you will need to generate your report on or after June 30th. (A full 90 days after March 31st)

  3. o

    Police Incidents

    • +2more
    csv, excel, geojson +1
    Updated Mar 24, 2025
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    (2025). Police Incidents [Dataset].
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    json, excel, geojson, csvAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Mar 24, 2025

    CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
    License information was derived automatically


    This dataset contains Crime and Safety data from the Cary Police Department.

    This data is extracted by the Town of Cary's Police Department's RMS application. The police incidents will provide data on the Part I crimes of arson, motor vehicle thefts, larcenies, burglaries, aggravated assaults, robberies and homicides. Sexual assaults and crimes involving juveniles will not appear to help protect the identities of victims.

    This dataset includes criminal offenses in the Town of Cary for the previous 10 calendar years plus the current year. The data is based on the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) which includes all victims of person crimes and all crimes within an incident. The data is dynamic, which allows for additions, deletions and/or modifications at any time, resulting in more accurate information in the database. Due to continuous data entry, the number of records in subsequent extractions are subject to change. Crime data is updated daily however, incidents may be up to three days old before they first appear.

    About Crime Data

    The Cary Police Department strives to make crime data as accurate as possible, but there is no avoiding the introduction of errors into this process, which relies on data furnished by many people and that cannot always be verified. Data on this site are updated daily, adding new incidents and updating existing data with information gathered through the investigative process.

    This dynamic nature of crime data means that content provided here today will probably differ from content provided a week from now. Additional, content provided on this site may differ somewhat from crime statistics published elsewhere by other media outlets, even though they draw from the same database.

    Withheld Data

    In accordance with legal restrictions against identifying sexual assault and child abuse victims and juvenile perpetrators, victims, and witnesses of certain crimes, this site includes the following precautionary measures: (a) Addresses of sexual assaults are not included. (b) Child abuse cases, and other crimes which by their nature involve juveniles, or which the reports indicate involve juveniles as victims, suspects, or witnesses, are not reported at all.

    Certain crimes that are under current investigation may be omitted from the results in avoid comprising the investigative process.

    Incidents five days old or newer may not be included until the internal audit process has been completed.

    This data is updated daily.

  4. Historical crime data

    Updated Apr 21, 2016
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    Home Office (2016). Historical crime data [Dataset].
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    Dataset updated
    Apr 21, 2016
    Dataset provided by
    Home Office

    Important information: detailed data on crimes recorded by the police from April 2002 onwards are published in the police recorded crime open data tables. As such, from July 2016 data on crimes recorded by the police from April 2002 onwards are no longer published on this webpage. This is because the data is available in the police recorded crime open data tables which provide a more detailed breakdown of crime figures by police force area, offence code and financial year quarter. Data for Community Safety Partnerships are also available.

    The open data tables are updated every three months to incorporate any changes such as reclassifications or crimes being cancelled or transferred to another police force, which means that they are more up-to-date than the tables published on this webpage which are updated once per year. Additionally, the open data tables are in a format designed to be user-friendly and enable analysis.

    If you have any concerns about the way these data are presented please contact us by emailing Alternatively, please write to

    Home Office Crime and Policing Analysis
    1st Floor, Peel Building
    2 Marsham Street
    SW1P 4DF

  5. O

    Crime Data 15X v2

    application/rdfxml +5
    Updated Mar 17, 2025
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    Oakland Police Department (2025). Crime Data 15X v2 [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    json, csv, application/rdfxml, tsv, application/rssxml, xmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Mar 17, 2025
    Oakland Police Department

    The Oakland Police Department provides crime data to the public through the City of Oakland’s Crime Watch web site. This site presents the data in a geographic format, which allows users of the information to produce maps and/or reports.

    The file that you are about to electronically download, copy, or otherwise retrieve by other means is a tabular representation of the same data without maps or reporting capabilities. Be advised that the exact address of each crime has been substituted with the block address to protect the privacy of the victim.

  6. O


    application/rdfxml +5
    Updated Mar 17, 2025
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    Oakland Police Department (2025). Autotheft [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    csv, application/rssxml, xml, application/rdfxml, tsv, jsonAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Mar 17, 2025
    Oakland Police Department

    The Oakland Police Department provides crime data to the public through the City of Oakland’s Crime Watch web site. This site presents the data in a geographic format, which allows users of the information to produce maps and/or reports.

    The file that you are about to electronically download, copy, or otherwise retrieve by other means is a tabular representation of the same data without maps or reporting capabilities. Be advised that the exact address of each crime has been substituted with the block address to protect the privacy of the victim.

  7. w

    Police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables

    Updated Jan 30, 2025
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    Home Office (2025). Police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables [Dataset].
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    Dataset updated
    Jan 30, 2025
    Dataset provided by
    Home Office

    The data tables contain figures for:

    1. Police recorded crime
    2. Crime outcomes
    3. Transferred/cancelled records (formerly ‘no-crimes’)
    4. Knife crime
    5. Firearms
    6. Hate crime
    7. Fraud crime
    8. Rape incidents crime

    There are counting rules for recorded crime to help to ensure that crimes are recorded consistently and accurately.

    These tables are designed to have many uses. The Home Office would like to hear from any users who have developed applications for these data tables and any suggestions for future releases. Please contact the Crime Analysis team at

  8. Crimes - One year prior to present

    • +3more
    application/rdfxml +5
    Updated Feb 12, 2025
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    Chicago Police Department (2025). Crimes - One year prior to present [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    json, csv, application/rdfxml, application/rssxml, tsv, xmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Feb 12, 2025
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Chicago Police Department

    This dataset reflects reported incidents of crime (with the exception of murders where data exists for each victim) that have occurred in the City of Chicago over the past year, minus the most recent seven days of data. Data is extracted from the Chicago Police Department's CLEAR (Citizen Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting) system. In order to protect the privacy of crime victims, addresses are shown at the block level only and specific locations are not identified. Should you have questions about this dataset, you may contact the Research & Development Division of the Chicago Police Department at 312.745.6071 or Disclaimer: These crimes may be based upon preliminary information supplied to the Police Department by the reporting parties that have not been verified. The preliminary crime classifications may be changed at a later date based upon additional investigation and there is always the possibility of mechanical or human error. Therefore, the Chicago Police Department does not guarantee (either expressed or implied) the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information and the information should not be used for comparison purposes over time. The Chicago Police Department will not be responsible for any error or omission, or for the use of, or the results obtained from the use of this information. All data visualizations on maps should be considered approximate and attempts to derive specific addresses are strictly prohibited.

    The Chicago Police Department is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages that are referenced by or that reference this web page other than an official City of Chicago or Chicago Police Department web page. The user specifically acknowledges that the Chicago Police Department is not responsible for any defamatory, offensive, misleading, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. The unauthorized use of the words "Chicago Police Department," "Chicago Police," or any colorable imitation of these words or the unauthorized use of the Chicago Police Department logo is unlawful. This web page does not, in any way, authorize such use. Data is updated daily Tuesday through Sunday. The dataset contains more than 65,000 records/rows of data and cannot be viewed in full in Microsoft Excel. Therefore, when downloading the file, select CSV from the Export menu. Open the file in an ASCII text editor, such as Wordpad, to view and search. To access a list of Chicago Police Department - Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (IUCR) codes, go to

  9. Orlando Crimes

    Updated Jun 29, 2019
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    Ian A Dalton (2019). Orlando Crimes [Dataset].
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    zip(6396690 bytes)Available download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jun 29, 2019
    Ian A Dalton
    Area covered


    The City of Orlando hosts an Open Data Portal where municipal agencies may share data for public consumption.


    The Orlando Police Department has provided this dataset, derived from their internal records management system.

  10. Crimes - 2001 to Present

    • +2more
    application/rdfxml +5
    Updated Mar 18, 2025
    + more versions
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    Chicago Police Department (2025). Crimes - 2001 to Present [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    application/rdfxml, json, csv, tsv, application/rssxml, xmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Mar 18, 2025
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Chicago Police Department

    This dataset reflects reported incidents of crime (with the exception of murders where data exists for each victim) that occurred in the City of Chicago from 2001 to present, minus the most recent seven days. Data is extracted from the Chicago Police Department's CLEAR (Citizen Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting) system. In order to protect the privacy of crime victims, addresses are shown at the block level only and specific locations are not identified. Should you have questions about this dataset, you may contact the Data Fulfillment and Analysis Division of the Chicago Police Department at Disclaimer: These crimes may be based upon preliminary information supplied to the Police Department by the reporting parties that have not been verified. The preliminary crime classifications may be changed at a later date based upon additional investigation and there is always the possibility of mechanical or human error. Therefore, the Chicago Police Department does not guarantee (either expressed or implied) the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information and the information should not be used for comparison purposes over time. The Chicago Police Department will not be responsible for any error or omission, or for the use of, or the results obtained from the use of this information. All data visualizations on maps should be considered approximate and attempts to derive specific addresses are strictly prohibited. The Chicago Police Department is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages that are referenced by or that reference this web page other than an official City of Chicago or Chicago Police Department web page. The user specifically acknowledges that the Chicago Police Department is not responsible for any defamatory, offensive, misleading, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. The unauthorized use of the words "Chicago Police Department," "Chicago Police," or any colorable imitation of these words or the unauthorized use of the Chicago Police Department logo is unlawful. This web page does not, in any way, authorize such use. Data are updated daily. To access a list of Chicago Police Department - Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (IUCR) codes, go to

  11. Prevalence rate of violent crime U.S. 2005-2023, by age

    Updated Oct 21, 2024
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    Statista (2024). Prevalence rate of violent crime U.S. 2005-2023, by age [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    Dataset updated
    Oct 21, 2024
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Area covered
    United States

    In 2023, around 1.45 percent of persons between the ages of 12 and 17 years old in the United States experienced one or more violent victimizations. This was a decrease from the previous year, when 2.03 percent of children in the same age group were the victim of a violent crime.

  12. Crimes recorded by police per 100,000 inhabitants Germany 2013-2023

    Updated Jan 13, 2025
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    Crimes recorded by police per 100,000 inhabitants Germany 2013-2023 [Dataset].
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    Dataset updated
    Jan 13, 2025
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Area covered

    Since 2016, the number of crimes per 100,000 inhabitants has been on a downward trend and was at its lowest in 2021, although this was likely due to the lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, crime rates have risen again. In 2023, the police recorded roughly 7,000 criminal offenses per 100,000 inhabitants. Youth criminal suspects Since the number of crimes is increasing, so is the number of suspects. Concerningly, the number of juvenile suspects has seen a rather significant increase and is currently at its highest rate since 2016. Suspects who are considered in the juvenile category are aged 14 to 17 years old. In Germany, children under the age of 14 cannot be prosecuted and if they commit a crime, then social services usually step in to try and help. In general, punishments for those convicted are much more lenient as it is often considered that due to their age, they may not have been aware of the repercussions of their actions. For example, regardless of the crime committed, no child under the age of 18 can be tried as an adult. In contrast, in England and Wales, there were around 3,600 people aged between 15 and 20 in prison. Crimes solving rate With a higher crime rate, it is also important to consider how many crimes are solved. Once a crime is solved, the hope is that the victim can get some type of closure and answers, and also that the perpetrator faces justice for the crimes they committed. In 2023, the police solved around 3.47 million crimes in Germany and for the past three years, there has been a substantial increase in the number of crimes solved. Some cases are, of course, easier to solve than others. Crimes of arson and other fire-hazard-related crimes had a comparably low clearance rate at around 46 percent. In contrast, drug-related offenses were much more frequently solved. Even though 2023 saw the lowest clearance rate in 20 years, it was still at 91 percent.

  13. U.S. - share of serious violent crimes involving youth 1980-2021

    Updated Oct 21, 2024
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    Statista (2024). U.S. - share of serious violent crimes involving youth 1980-2021 [Dataset].
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    Dataset updated
    Oct 21, 2024
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Area covered
    United States

    In 2021, around 9.7 percent of serious violent crime cases in the United States involved teenagers, an increase from the previous year, where 7.5 percent of serious violent crimes involved teenagers. The share of serious violent crimes involving children between 12 and 17 years old reached a peak in 1994, at 25.1 percent.

  14. Crime in England and Wales: Police Force Area data tables

    Updated Jan 30, 2025
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    Office for National Statistics (2025). Crime in England and Wales: Police Force Area data tables [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    xlsxAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jan 30, 2025
    Dataset provided by
    Office for National Statistics

    Open Government Licence 3.0
    License information was derived automatically


    Police recorded crime figures by Police Force Area and Community Safety Partnership areas (which equate in the majority of instances, to local authorities).

  15. Data from: Study of Race, Crime, and Social Policy in Oakland, California,...

    • +1more
    Updated Mar 12, 2025
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    National Institute of Justice (2025). Study of Race, Crime, and Social Policy in Oakland, California, 1976-1982 [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    Dataset updated
    Mar 12, 2025
    Dataset provided by
    National Institute of Justice
    Area covered
    Oakland, California

    In 1980, the National Institute of Justice awarded a grant to the Cornell University College of Human Ecology for the establishment of the Center for the Study of Race, Crime, and Social Policy in Oakland, California. This center mounted a long-term research project that sought to explain the wide variation in crime statistics by race and ethnicity. Using information from eight ethnic communities in Oakland, California, representing working- and middle-class Black, White, Chinese, and Hispanic groups, as well as additional data from Oakland's justice systems and local organizations, the center conducted empirical research to describe the criminalization process and to explore the relationship between race and crime. The differences in observed patterns and levels of crime were analyzed in terms of: (1) the abilities of local ethnic communities to contribute to, resist, neutralize, or otherwise affect the criminalization of its members, (2) the impacts of criminal justice policies on ethnic communities and their members, and (3) the cumulative impacts of criminal justice agency decisions on the processing of individuals in the system. Administrative records data were gathered from two sources, the Alameda County Criminal Oriented Records Production System (CORPUS) (Part 1) and the Oakland District Attorney Legal Information System (DALITE) (Part 2). In addition to collecting administrative data, the researchers also surveyed residents (Part 3), police officers (Part 4), and public defenders and district attorneys (Part 5). The eight study areas included a middle- and low-income pair of census tracts for each of the four racial/ethnic groups: white, Black, Hispanic, and Asian. Part 1, Criminal Oriented Records Production System (CORPUS) Data, contains information on offenders' most serious felony and misdemeanor arrests, dispositions, offense codes, bail arrangements, fines, jail terms, and pleas for both current and prior arrests in Alameda County. Demographic variables include age, sex, race, and marital status. Variables in Part 2, District Attorney Legal Information System (DALITE) Data, include current and prior charges, days from offense to charge, disposition, and arrest, plea agreement conditions, final results from both municipal court and superior court, sentence outcomes, date and outcome of arraignment, disposition, and sentence, number and type of enhancements, numbers of convictions, mistrials, acquittals, insanity pleas, and dismissals, and factors that determined the prison term. For Part 3, Oakland Community Crime Survey Data, researchers interviewed 1,930 Oakland residents from eight communities. Information was gathered from community residents on the quality of schools, shopping, and transportation in their neighborhoods, the neighborhood's racial composition, neighborhood problems, such as noise, abandoned buildings, and drugs, level of crime in the neighborhood, chances of being victimized, how respondents would describe certain types of criminals in terms of age, race, education, and work history, community involvement, crime prevention measures, the performance of the police, judges, and attorneys, victimization experiences, and fear of certain types of crimes. Demographic variables include age, sex, race, and family status. For Part 4, Oakland Police Department Survey Data, Oakland County police officers were asked about why they joined the police force, how they perceived their role, aspects of a good and a bad police officer, why they believed crime was down, and how they would describe certain beats in terms of drug availability, crime rates, socioeconomic status, number of juveniles, potential for violence, residential versus commercial, and degree of danger. Officers were also asked about problems particular neighborhoods were experiencing, strategies for reducing crime, difficulties in doing police work well, and work conditions. Demographic variables include age, sex, race, marital status, level of education, and years on the force. In Part 5, Public Defender/District Attorney Survey Data, public defenders and district attorneys were queried regarding which offenses were increasing most rapidly in Oakland, and they were asked to rank certain offenses in terms of seriousness. Respondents were also asked about the public's influence on criminal justice agencies and on the performance of certain criminal justice agencies. Respondents were presented with a list of crimes and asked how typical these offenses were and what factors influenced their decisions about such cases (e.g., intent, motive, evidence, behavior, prior history, injury or loss, substance abuse, emotional trauma). Other variables measured how often and under what circumstances the public defender and client and the public defender and the district attorney agreed on the case, defendant characteristics in terms of who should not be put on the stand, the effects of Proposition 8, public defender and district attorney plea guidelines, attorney discretion, and advantageous and disadvantageous characteristics of a defendant. Demographic variables include age, sex, race, marital status, religion, years of experience, and area of responsibility.

  16. Crime in England and Wales: Appendix tables

    Updated Jan 30, 2025
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    Link copied
    Office for National Statistics (2025). Crime in England and Wales: Appendix tables [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    xlsxAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jan 30, 2025
    Dataset provided by
    Office for National Statistics

    Open Government Licence 3.0
    License information was derived automatically


    Trends in Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) crime and Home Office police recorded crime for England and Wales, by offence type. Also includes more detailed data on crime such as violence, fraud and anti-social behaviour.

  17. g

    Police Incidents |

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    Police Incidents | [Dataset].
    Explore at:

    This dataset contains Crime and Safety data from the Cary Police Department. This data is extracted by the Town of Cary's Police Department's RMS application. The police incidents will provide data on the Part I crimes of arson, motor vehicle thefts, larcenies, burglaries, aggravated assaults, robberies and homicides. Sexual assaults and crimes involving juveniles will not appear to help protect the identities of victims. This dataset includes criminal offenses in the Town of Cary for the previous 10 calendar years plus the current year. The data is based on the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) which includes all victims of person crimes and all crimes within an incident. The data is dynamic, which allows for additions, deletions and/or modifications at any time, resulting in more accurate information in the database. Due to continuous data entry, the number of records in subsequent extractions are subject to change. Crime data is updated daily however, incidents may be up to three days old before they first appear. About Crime Data The Cary Police Department strives to make crime data as accurate as possible, but there is no avoiding the introduction of errors into this process, which relies on data furnished by many people and that cannot always be verified. Data on this site are updated daily, adding new incidents and updating existing data with information gathered through the investigative process. This dynamic nature of crime data means that content provided here today will probably differ from content provided a week from now. Additional, content provided on this site may differ somewhat from crime statistics published elsewhere by other media outlets, even though they draw from the same database. Withheld Data

  18. O

    Crime in 15X Past 90 days

    application/rdfxml +5
    Updated Mar 20, 2025
    Click to copy link
    Link copied
    Oakland Police Department (2025). Crime in 15X Past 90 days [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    xml, tsv, csv, application/rssxml, json, application/rdfxmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Mar 20, 2025
    Oakland Police Department

    The Oakland Police Department provides crime data to the public through the City of Oakland’s Crime Watch web site. This site presents the data in a geographic format, which allows users of the information to produce maps and/or reports.

    The file that you are about to electronically download, copy, or otherwise retrieve by other means is a tabular representation of the same data without maps or reporting capabilities. Be advised that the exact address of each crime has been substituted with the block address to protect the privacy of the victim.

  19. A

    Crime Reports

    • +2more
    csv, json, rdf, xml
    Updated Jul 30, 2019
    + more versions
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    United States[old] (2019). Crime Reports [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    rdf, xml, json, csvAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jul 30, 2019
    Dataset provided by
    United States[old]

    AUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT DATA DISCLAIMER Please read and understand the following information.

    This dataset contains a record of incidents that the Austin Police Department responded to and wrote a report. Please note one incident may have several offenses associated with it, but this dataset only depicts the highest level offense of that incident. Data is from 2003 to present. This dataset is updated weekly. Understanding the following conditions will allow you to get the most out of the data provided. Due to the methodological differences in data collection, different data sources may produce different results. This database is updated weekly, and a similar or same search done on different dates can produce different results. Comparisons should not be made between numbers generated with this database to any other official police reports. Data provided represents only calls for police service where a report was written. Totals in the database may vary considerably from official totals following investigation and final categorization. Therefore, the data should not be used for comparisons with Uniform Crime Report statistics. The Austin Police Department does not assume any liability for any decision made or action taken or not taken by the recipient in reliance upon any information or data provided. Pursuant to section 552.301 (c) of the Government Code, the City of Austin has designated certain addresses to receive requests for public information sent by electronic mail. For requests seeking public records held by the Austin Police Department, please submit by utilizing the following link:

  20. d

    Offenders Awaiting Trial at the Old Bailey as Listed in the Newgate...

    Updated Oct 22, 2023
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    (2023). Offenders Awaiting Trial at the Old Bailey as Listed in the Newgate Calendars, 1791-1805 - Dataset - B2FIND [Dataset].
    Explore at:
    Dataset updated
    Oct 22, 2023

    Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This dataset comes out of a broader project on ethnicity, crime and justice in England 1700-1825 which is described below. The aim of this part of the project was to use this data to explore the extent to which different ethnic groups were treated differently by the courts as well as to measure differences between groups in their involvement as accused. Although modern criminological research has established that race and ethnicity have a deep impact on the workings of the criminal justice system, no substantial historical work has yet been on this subject. By analysing the impact of ethnicity on patterns of recorded crime and on decision-making at every point in the criminal justice system during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, this project aims to provide this vital comparative perspective. It focuses primarily on London, with its growing black and Irish population, and asks the following questions - Were these ethnic groups over-represented among those accused of property crime, violent crime etc? And were they more likely to be found guilty and to receive harsher punishments? It also looks at the experiences of ethnic groups as prosecutors and victims. Was there, for example, more sympathy for black victims than for Irish ones, or was there a fairly systematic bias against almost all migrant groups? Were they subjected to particular types of ethnically motivated crimes? More generally, by looking both at patterns of decision-making, and at the language used when ethnic minorities appeared in court as prosecutors, victims or accused, the aim is to gain a deeper understanding of attitudes towards and discourses about race and ethnicity in this period.

Click to copy link
Link copied
(2022). OPD Crimes [Dataset].

OPD Crimes

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csv, application/rdfxml, xml, tsv, json, application/rssxmlAvailable download formats
Dataset updated
Feb 23, 2022

Incident data is now hosted at

The Orlando Police Department's new data portal, Citizen Connect, allows anyone to research our calls for service and track certain data, while obtaining immediate results. This information is updated daily and can be filtered by date, location, and incident type. Data is available for a three-year time period.