Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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These data were published in van Woesik & Cacciapaglia (2018), van Woesik & Cacciapaglia (2019), and van Woesik & Cacciapaglia (2021).
A question mark symbol (?) in the species column indicates that the fish could be identified as a parrotfish but the species could not be identified due to the camera angle. The species name followed by a question mark indicates the identification is uncertain due to the camera angle.
A question mark symbol (?) in the size column indicates the fish could not be accurately measured due to the camera angle.
A question mark symbol (?) in a comment column indicates the species name or size is questionable; the time on the video is recorded for the fish in question.
If a comment column contains a time notation (e.g. "01:00" or ":23"), it refers to the position in the video in minutes and seconds (mm:ss) or seconds (:ss) that the fish was identified.
For more information about the parrotfish species please refer to the Parrotfish species information dataset
Parrotfishes were surveyed using two different methods: 1. the Reef Visual Census program (See Smith et al 2011 and Brandt et al 2009 and for more information about this program) has been conducting a visual survey of reef fish species throughout the Florida Keys since 1978. 2. The roving diver survey (see Adam et al 2015) was used in 2013 to collect data on parrotfishes only at several reefs in the Upper Florida Keys. Both datasets provide information on number of parrotfishes per unit area in selected locations in the Florida Keys. Parrotfish foraging parameters were also derived from behavioral observations of parrotfish feeding. See Adam et al 2015, 2018 for more details.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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Parrotfish assemblages, reef habitat, and predatory coral reef fish data from surveys conducted on the Northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia in September of 2014. The survey included 82 sites across 31 reef structures spanning six degrees of latitude. This dataset contains the main environmental parameters for the 82 sites in this study along with site names, latitudes, and longitudes. These data were published in Johnson et al. (2019).
To better understand the functional roles of parrotfishes on Caribbean reefs we documented abundance, habitat preferences, and diets of nine species of parrotfishes (Scarus coelestinus, Scarus coeruleus, Scarus guacamaia, Scarus taeniopterus, Scarus vetula, Sparisoma aurofrenatum, Sparisoma chrysopterum, Sparisoma rubripinne, Sparisoma viride) on three high-relief spur-and-groove reefs (Molasses, Carysfort, and Elbow) offshore of Key Largo in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. On each reef, we conducted fish surveys, behavioral observations, and benthic surveys in three habitat types: high-relief spur and groove (depth 2 - 6 m), low-relief carbonate platform/hardbottom (depth 4 - 12 m), and carbonate boulder/rubble fields (depth 4 - 9 m).In addition, fish surveys were also conducted on a fourth high-relief spur-and-groove reef (French). We estimated parrotfish abundance in each of the three habitat types in order to assess the relative abundance and biomass of different species and to quantify differences in habitat selection. To estimate parrotfish density, we conducted 20 to 30 minute timed swims while towing a GPS receiver on a float on the surface to calculate the amount of area sampled. During a swim the observer would swim parallel with the habitat type being sampled and count and estimate the size to the nearest cm of all parrotfishes > 15 cm in length that were encountered in a 5 m wide swath. To quantify parrotfish behavior, approximately six individuals of each species were observed at each site for 20 min each. Foraging behavior was recorded by a SCUBA diver while towing a GPS receiver (Garmin GPS 72) attached to a surface float, which obtained position fixes of the focal fish at 15 s intervals. Fish were followed from a close distance (~ 2 m when possible), and food items were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible, with macroalgae and coral usually identified to genus or species. Many bites involved scraping or excavating substrate colonized by a multi-species assemblage of filamentous "turf" algae and crustose coralline algae (CCA). Thus, multiple species of filamentous algae, endolithic algae, and CCA could be harvested in a single bite, and it was impossible to determine the specific species of algae targeted. We also recorded the type of substrate targeted during each foraging bout, categorizing each substrate as one of the following: (1) dead coral, (2) coral pavement, (3) boulder, (4) rubble, or (5) ledge. Dead coral included both convex and concave surfaces on the vertical and horizontal planes of three dimensional coral skeletons (primarily dead Acropora palmata) that were attached to reef substrate. Coral pavement was carbonate reef with little topographic complexity (i.e., flat limestone pavement). Boulder was large remnants of dead mounding corals not clearly attached to the bottom and often partially buried in sand. Coral rubble consisted of small dead coral fragments (generally < 10 cm in any dimension) that could be moved with minimal force. Ledges consisted entirely of the undercut sides of large spurs in the high-relief spur and groove habitat. In order to quantify the relative abundance of different food types, we estimated the percent cover of algae, coral, and other sessile invertebrates on each of the five substrates commonly targeted by parrotfishes (dead coral, coral pavement, boulder, rubble, or ledge) in 0.5 m x 0.5 m photoquadrats. We photographed a total of 8 haphazardly selected quadrats dispersed throughout the study site for each substrate type at each of the three sites (N = 24 quadrats per substrate type, N = 120 quadrats total). Each photoquadrat was divided into sixteen 12 cm x 12 cm sections which were individually photographed, and percent cover was estimated from 9 stratified random points per section (N = 144 point per quadrat).
CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
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Parrotfishes are widely considered to be important grazers on coral reefs that remove autotrophic biomass from the reef substrate and create bare space that is conducive to larval coral settlement and recruitment. Because of the top-down effects associated with their benthic foraging, this has been a major focus of parrotfish research. Another aspect of parrotfish foraging and trophic ecology that has received very little attention is coprophagy, the consumption of fecal matter. The feces of planktivorous fishes, including Chromis spp., have been identified as important sources of nutrients and trace elements to tropical and temperate reef ecosystems. Their feces are readily consumed by a variety of fishes, including parrotfishes. Although parrotfish coprophagy has been observed in prior studies, its frequency has not yet been quantified. In this study, we observed foraging in five parrotfishes on the fringing reefs of Bonaire, Netherlands: Scarus iseri, Scarus taeniopterus, Scarus vetula, Sparisoma aurofrenatum, and Sparisoma viride. For three of these species, we observed individuals of both ontogenetic phases (terminal and initial phase) to investigate ontogenetic differences in foraging. We found that coprophagy was common in four of these species (Sc. iseri, Sc. taeniopterus, Sc. vetula, and Sp. aurofrenatum), occurring in 46-90% of individuals (Sc. vetula and Sc. taeniopterus, respectively). Though we did not identify the origin of every fecal pellet consumed, we directly observed focal fishes targeting fecal pellets produced by planktivorous Chromis spp. that were often seen schooling above the reef during this feeding behavior. Additionally, most of the fecal pellets consumed by the parrotfishes were similar in appearance (i.e., relative size, shape, coloration, and consistency) to the feces produced by Chromis spp., predominantly Chromis multilineata, suggesting this common origin. However, bites on fecal matter were a relatively small proportion of the total bites taken by these species (< 5%). In contrast, a majority of bites taken by these species were taken on substrates classified as eplithic algal matrix (EAM) or crustose coralline algae (68.5-90.6% of total bites across all five species). Despite being an infrequent target of parrotfish foraging, we estimated that daily fecal C consumption is equivalent to approximately 27% of the daily algal C intake by parrotfishes targeting the major benthic foraging targets of parrotfishes (large turfs, small turfs on endolithic algae or crustose coralline algae, and crustose coralline algae) in Bonaire. The feces of plantivorous reef fishes like Chromis spp. are also likely a valuable source of nutrients to reef fishes, because the fecese of Chromis spp. has higher protein and lipid content and lower C:N and C:P than many benthic marine algae and cyanobacteria, including from the tropics. The absence of coprophagy in Sp. viride and reduced rates of coprophagy in Sc. vetula relative to the other coprophagic species could be the result of increased access to protein-rich endolithic components of the benthos. Access to endolithic components of the benthos increases with body size and the ability to excavate benthic substrate while foraging. Sparisoma viride is an important excavating parrotfish on Caribbean coral reefs, and Sc. vetula is generally larger than the other coprophagic species in our study. Future work should attempt to further quantify the contribution of fecal matter to the nutrition of parrotfishes relative to benthic foraging targets in order to provide a more complete understanding of parrotfish nutritional ecology and to elucidate the importance of coprophagy in nutrient recycling and retention on coral reefs.
Data associated with the publication 'Ecological drivers of parrotfish coral predation vary across spatial scales', comparing parrotfish coral predation intensity as it relates to parrotfish density/biomass, coral cover, and other ecological variables from the scale of individual coral colonies to reefs spanning four regions of the Greater Caribbean. This dataset includes several datasets: 1) regional_coral_scar_data.csv: Surveys of coral colonies (with and without parrotfish predation scars) across all regions. 2) processed_coral_scar_data_colony_level.csv: Processed data from the file above filtered to only include coral taxa commonly predated by parrotfishes (determined as coral taxa for which at least 3 colonies across the entire dataset had 3 recent parrotfish predation scars). This includes the calculated coral colony surface area and the estimated total/sum recent scar area per coral colony. 3) regional_fish_data.csv: Parrotfish abundance and size for individuals greater than or equal to 15 cm fork length. This data includes estimated fish weight and related length-weight conversion values used to calculate these values. 4) site_coordinates.csv: Metadata of the latitude and longitude of all study sites.
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To determine the patterns and thresholds of tissue regeneration in Orbicella annularis coral colonies from parrotfish predation, we monitored tissue regeneration of fresh parrotfish bite scars on O. annularis colonies over time across two Caribbean islands, St. Croix and Bonaire. We monitored colonies on St. Croix from June to July 2018 for up to 28 days on Bonaire from June to August 2019 for up to 64 days. This file includes the four datasets used in our study entitled 'Impacts of parrotfish predation on a major reef-building coral: quantifying healing rates and thresholds of coral recovery' ( For a detailed description of methods, please refer to this publication. Dataset overview: 1) 'A1_data_overview.csv', a file that describes each variable within each of the subsequent datasets. 2) OANN_scar_healing_after_up_to_28_days.csv, the total observed tissue regeneration of parrotfish bite scars on Orbicella annularis colonies on St. Croix and Bonaire between the initial monitoring date and after 21-28 days of monitoring. 3) OANN_scar_healing_after_up_to_64_days.csv, the total observed tissue regeneration of parrotfish bite scars on Orbicella annularis colonies on Bonaire between the initial monitoring data and after 55-64 days of monitoring. 4) OANN_scar_healing_time_series.csv, time series observations of tissue regeneration of parrotfish bite scars on Orbicella annularis colonies on St. Croix and Bonaire between each 2-7 day monitoring interval over the course of the study. There are multiple, successive observations of tissue regeneration for each scars on each monitoring day. 5) OANN_scar_standing_stock.csv, the distribution of haphazardly surveyed parrotfish predation scars on St. Croix and Bonaire at a point in time observed within 30m x 1m belt transects conducted across a range of depths up to 18m. This dataset includes the total abundance of scars per colony, the number of fresh bite scars, and the estimated minimum, median, and maximum observed scar per colony and colony size measurements for all Orbicella annularis colonies with parrotfish predation scars present within transects. Methods overview: We conducted this at four sites on St. Croix from June to July of 2018 and four sites on Bonaire from June to August of 2019. At each site, we opportunistically tagged O. annularis colonies with recent parrotfish bite scars. For each colony, we recorded the colony surface area, depth in the water column, and the abundance of recent parrotfish bite scars. For each scar on the colony, we took a close up photograph of the scar with a size reference. We returned to photograph scars every 2 to 7 days, with more frequent monitoring at the start of the study. On St. Croix, we monitored scars for 21- 28 days or until the scars fully healed (i.e., a soft tissue layer had completely enclosed the scar area). Research on tissue regeneration in O. annularis suggests that the majority of scar tissue regeneration occurs within the first few weeks after scars are inflicted, though scars may continue to heal for up to almost two months (Meesters et al. 1994, 1997). Therefore, on Bonaire, we monitored scars for 55- 64 days or until scars fully healed. We used Image J 1.46r to trace and measure the surface area of each scar on a given monitoring day and used these measurements to calculate change in scar area over time. References: Meesters EH, Noordeloos M, Bak RPM (1994) Damage and regeneration: Links to growth in the reef-building coral Montastraea annularis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 112:119-128 Meesters EH, Pauchli W, Bak RPM (1997) Predicting regeneration of physical damage on a reef-building coral by regeneration capacity and lesion shape. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 146:91-99
## Overview
Parrot Fish is a dataset for classification tasks - it contains Photo annotations for 500 images.
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## License
This dataset is available under the [CC BY 4.0 license]( BY 4.0).
CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
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Animals often occupy home ranges where they conduct daily activities. In many parrotfishes, large terminal phase (TP) males defend their diurnal (i.e., daytime) home ranges as intraspecific territories occupied by harems of initial phase (IP) females. However, we know relatively little about the exclusivity and spatial stability of these territories. We investigated diurnal home range behavior in several TPs and IPs of five common Caribbean parrotfish species on the fringing coral reefs of Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands. We computed parrotfish home ranges to investigate differences in space use and then quantified spatial overlap of home ranges between spatially co-occurring TPs to investigate exclusivity. We also quantified spatial overlap of home ranges estimated from repeat tracks of a few TPs to investigate their spatial stability. We then discussed these results in the context of parrotfish social behavior. Home range sizes differed significantly among species. Spatial overlap between home ranges was lower for intraspecific than interspecific pairs of TPs. Focal TPs frequently engaged in agonistic interactions with intraspecific parrotfish and interacted longest with intraspecific TP parrotfish. This behavior suggests that exclusionary agonistic interactions may contribute to the observed patterns of low spatial overlap between home ranges. Spatial overlap of home ranges estimated from repeated tracks of several TPs of three study species was high, suggesting that home ranges were spatially stable for at least one month. Taken together, our results suggest that daytime parrotfish space use is constrained within fixed intraspecific territories in which territory holders have nearly exclusive access to resources. Grazing by parrotfishes maintains benthic reef substrates in early successional states that are conducive to coral larval settlement and recruitment. Behavioral constraints on parrotfish space use may drive spatial heterogeneity in grazing pressure and affect local patterns of benthic community assembly. A thorough understanding of the spatial ecology of parrotfishes is, therefore, necessary to elucidate their functional roles on coral reefs.
The unique traits of large animals often allow them to fulfill functional roles in ecosystems that small animals cannot. However, large animals are also at greater risk from human activities. Thus, it is critical to understand how losing large animals impacts ecosystem function. In the oceans, selective fishing for large animals alters the demographics and size-structure of numerous species. While the community-wide impacts of losing large animals is a major theme in terrestrial research, the ecological consequences of removing large animals from marine ecosystems remain understudied. Here, we combine survey data from 282 sites across the Caribbean with a field experiment to investigate how altering the size-structure of parrotfish populations impacts coral reef communities. We show that Caribbean-wide, parrotfish populations are skewed towards smaller individuals, with fishes <11 cm in length comprising nearly 70% of the population in the most heavily fished locations versus ~25% at minimally fished sites. Despite these differences in size-structure, sites had similar overall parrotfish biomass. As a result, algal cover was unrelated to parrotfish biomass and instead, was negatively correlated with the density of large parrotfishes. To mechanistically explore how large parrotfishes shape benthic communities, we manipulated fishes’ access to the benthos to create three distinct fish communities with different size-structure. We found that excluding large or large and medium-sized parrotfishes did not alter overall parrotfish grazing rates but caused respective 4- and 10-fold increases in algal biomass. Unexpectedly, branching corals benefited from excluding large parrotfishes whereas the growth of mounding coral species was impaired. Similarly, removing large parrotfishes led to unexpected increases in coral recruitment that were absent when both large and medium bodied fishes were excluded. Our data highlight the unique roles of large parrotfishes in driving benthic dynamics on coral reefs and suggests that diversity of size is an important component of how herbivore diversity impacts ecosystem function on reefs. This study adds to a growing body of literature revealing the ecological ramifications of removing large animals from ecosystems and sheds new light on how fishing down the size-structure of parrotfish populations alters functional diversity to reshape benthic reef communities.
Methods Data collected from manipulative experiments conducted in the Florida Keys. Includes data on algal diversity in fish exclosure plots, reported as total number of unique macroalgal species in each plot. Coral growth data, measured over the course of 14 months. Benthic cover, calculated as the percent cover of canopy and benthos for specific algal groups, and feeding data, presented as the sum of bites taken by scarids and acnathurids of different size classes in exlcosure treatments throughout the experiment.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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Additional file 1: Table S1. Results of the permutational ANOVA on the bacterial assemblages according to the sample type (control, predated coral and fish mouth) assessed at Ti and Tf for the mesocosm experiment. Table S2. Results of pair-wise tests on the effect of the sample type on the bacterial assemblages for the mesocosm experiment at Ti and Tf. Table S3. Average relative abundance of the families present in the fish mouths for the mesocosm experiment. Table S4. Average relative abundance of the families present in mechanically wounded corals at Ti for the mesocosm experiment. Table S5. Average relative abundance of the families present in mechanically wounded corals at Tf. Table S6. Average relative abundance of the families present in the predated corals at Ti for the mesocosm experiment. Table S7. Average relative abundance of families present in predated corals at Tf. Table S8. Results of the permutational ANOVA on the bacterial assemblages according to the sample type assessed for field experiment including or not water samples. Table S9. Results of pair-wise tests on the effect of the sample type on the bacterial assemblages for the field experiment. Table S10. Average relative abundance of the families present in the fish mouths for the field experiment. Table S11. Average relative abundance of the families present in naturally unbitten corals in the field. Table S12. Average relative abundance of families present in bitten corals for the field experiment. Table S13. Results of ANOVA and non-parametric tests of the effect of the sample type on alpha diversity metrics (Observed Richness and Shannon-Wiener Index) for the mesocosm experiment at Ti and Tf. Table S14. Results of posthoc tests assessing the effect of the sample type on alpha diversity metrics (Observed Richness and Shannon-Wiener index) for the mesocosm experiment at Ti and Tf. Table S15. Results of ANOVA and non-parametric tests on the effect of the type of sample on alpha diversity metrics (Observed Richness and Shannon-Wiener index) for the field experiment. Table S16. Results of posthoc tests on the effect of the sample type on alpha diversity metrics (Observed Richness and Shannon-Wiener index) for the field experiment. Table S17. Results from differential abundance analyses (DESeq2) on the effect of the sample type at Ti for the mesocosm experiment. Table S18. Average relative abundance of taxa present in greater differential abundance in predated corals compared to mechanically wounded corals for the mesocosm experiment at Ti and Tf. Table S19. Results from differential abundance analyses (DESeq2) on the effect of the sample type at Tf for the mesocosm experiment. Table S20. Differential abundance analysis for the field experiment according to the sampletype. Table S21. Average relative abundance of taxa present in greater differential abundance in naturally bitten corals compared to controls for the field experiment. Table S22. Results of Permutation test for homogeneity of multivariate dispersions (betadisper) on the effect of the sample type in the field survey. Table S23. Results of Permutation test for homogeneity of multivariate dispersion (betadisper) on the effect of the sample type in the field survey. Table S24. filtered unprocessed sOTU table for the mesocosm experiment. Table S25. Taxa table for the negative control of the mesocosm experiment. Table S26. filtered unprocessed sOTU table for the field survey. Table S27. Taxa table for the negative control in the field survey.
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Abundance by species for parrotfish assemblages across 82 sites on the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia in September of 2014.
in situ visual surveys of reproductive behavior, spawning and courtship events
Acoustic telemetry
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
License information was derived automatically
Biomass by species for parrotfish assemblages across 82 sites on the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia in September of 2014.
This dataset provides information about the number of properties, residents, and average property values for Parrotfish Court cross streets in Waldorf, MD.
CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
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With over 600 valid species, the wrasses (family Labridae) are among the largest and most successful of the marine teleosts. They feature prominently on coral reefs where they are known not only for their impressive diversity in colouration and form, but also in their functional specialization and ability to occupy a wide variety of trophic guilds. Among the wrasses, the parrotfishes (tribe Scarini) display some one of the most dramatic examples of trophic specialization. Using abrasion-resistant biomineralized teeth, parrotfishes are able to mechanically extract protein-rich micro-photoautotrophs growing in and amongst reef carbonate material, a dietary niche that is inaccessible to most other teleost fishes. This ability to exploit an otherwise untapped trophic resource is thought to have played a role in the diversification and evolutionary success of the parrotfishes. In order to better understand the key evolutionary innovations leading to the success of these dietary specialists, we sequenced and analysed the genome of a representative species, the spotted parrotfish (Cetoscarus ocellatus). We find significant expansion, selection, and duplication within several detoxification gene families and a novel poly-glutamine expansion in the enamel protein ameloblastin, and we consider their evolutionary implications. Our genome provides a useful resource for comparative genomic studies investigating the evolutionary history of this highly specialized teleostean radiation.
CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
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Background: An increasing number of hybrid zones with varying evolutionary outcomes have been documented from different reef fish families. In the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP), four species of parrotfishes occur in sympatry on rocky reefs from Baja California to Ecuador: Scarus. compressus,S. ghobban, S. perrico, and S. rubroviolaceus; and have complex phylogeographic histories. The most divergent,S. perrico, belongs to a Tropical American clade that diverged from a Central Indo-Pacific ancestor in the late Miocene (6.6 Ma). We tested the hypothesis that S. compressuswas the result of ongoing hybridization among the other three species by sequencing four nuclear markers and a mitochondrial locus in samples spanning 2/3 of the latitudinal extent of the TEP.
Results: A structure model of all samples indicated that K=3 was the best fit to the nuclear data and that individuals identified as S. compressushad admixed assignment values (Q). Power analyses indicated our data could correctly detect and assign pure adults and F1 hybrids with > 0.90 probability, and correct assignment of F2 was also high in some cases. NewHybrids models revealed that 89.8% (n= 59) of the Scarus compressus samples were F1 hybrids of crosses between divergent species pairs: S. perrico × S. ghobbanand S. perrico × S. rubroviolaceus. Similarly, S.ghobban and S. rubroviolaceuswere also hybridizing, with ½ of the admixed individuals assigned to F1 hybrids and the remainder likely deep generation hybrids. We observed strong mito-nuclear discordance in all three hybrid pairs, but found little evidence for accelerated mt vs. nuclear evolution in the paternal species. Bayesian analysis of Migrate models favours gene flow between S. perricoand S. ghobban, but not other species pairs.
Conclusions: Mating between species whose ancestors diverged in the late Miocene is giving rise to region wide, hybrid complex, characterized by a high frequency of parental and F1 genotypes but a low frequency of deep generation hybrids. Trimodal structure, combined with reproductive evidence for fertility of both male and female F1 hybrids, suggest that fitness declines sharply in later generation hybrids. In contrast, the hybrid population of the two younger species had similar frequencies of F1 and > F1 hybrids. These differences are consistent with a model of accelerating post-mating incompatibility with time. Mitochondrial genotypes in hybrids, suggests indiscriminate mating by male S. perricois driving pre-zygotic breakdown, which may reflect the isolation of this endemic species in the TEP for millions of years and weak selection for conspecific mate recognition. Despite overlapping habitat use, high rates of hybridization, and evidence for historical gene flow, species boundaries are maintained by post-mating processes in this complex.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
License information was derived automatically
These data were published in van Woesik & Cacciapaglia (2018), van Woesik & Cacciapaglia (2019), and van Woesik & Cacciapaglia (2021).
A question mark symbol (?) in the species column indicates that the fish could be identified as a parrotfish but the species could not be identified due to the camera angle. The species name followed by a question mark indicates the identification is uncertain due to the camera angle.
A question mark symbol (?) in the size column indicates the fish could not be accurately measured due to the camera angle.
A question mark symbol (?) in a comment column indicates the species name or size is questionable; the time on the video is recorded for the fish in question.
If a comment column contains a time notation (e.g. "01:00" or ":23"), it refers to the position in the video in minutes and seconds (mm:ss) or seconds (:ss) that the fish was identified.
For more information about the parrotfish species please refer to the Parrotfish species information dataset