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This is the collection associated with list S66 EAWAGTPS - Parent-Transformation Product Pairs from Eawag on the NORMAN Suspect List Exchange.
Parent-Transformation Product Pairs of various micropollutants from Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology (, described in Schollee et al 2017 DOI:10.1007/s13361-017-1797-6 . Dataset DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3754448
Update 23/04/2020: fixed names, added synonym columns and classification information.Update 15/05/2020: adjusted classification information following feedback from Juliane.Update 13/01/2023: adjusted selected BT entries based on feedback from Emma Palm.Update 07/02/2023: adjusted selected BT entries to fix 4-Me-BT issues.