6 datasets found
  1. E

    Webis Wikipedia Text Reuse Corpus 2018 (Webis-Wikipedia-Text-Reuse-18)

    • live.european-language-grid.eu
    • explore.openaire.eu
    Updated Apr 11, 2024
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    (2024). Webis Wikipedia Text Reuse Corpus 2018 (Webis-Wikipedia-Text-Reuse-18) [Dataset]. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/7748
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    jsonAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Apr 11, 2024

    Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    The Wikipedia Text Reuse Corpus 2018 (Webis-Wikipedia-Text-Reuse-18) containing text reuse cases extracted from within Wikipedia and in between Wikipedia and a sample of the Common Crawl.The corpus has following structure:

    wikipedia.jsonl.bz2: Each line, representing a Wikipedia article, contains a json array of article_id, article_title, and article_body

    within-wikipedia-tr-01.jsonl.bz2: Each line, representing a text reuse case, contains a json array of s_id (source article id), t_id (target article id), s_text (source text), t_text (target text)

    within-wikipedia-tr-02.jsonl.bz2: Each line, representing a text reuse case, contains a json array of s_id (source article id), t_id (target article id), s_text (source text), t_text (target text)

    preprocessed-web-sample.jsonl.xz: Each line, representing a web page, contains a json object of d_id, d_url, and content

    without-wikipedia-tr.jsonl.bz2: Each line, representing a text reuse case, contains a json array of s_id (Wikipedia article id), d_id (web page id), s_text (article text), d_content (web page content)

    The datasets were extracted in the work by Alshomary et al. 2018 that aimed to study the text reuse phenomena related to Wikipedia at scale. A pipeline for large scale text reuse extraction was developed and used on Wikipedia and the CommonCrawl.

  2. E

    COVID-19 - HEALTH Wikipedia dataset. Bilingual (EN-CA)

    • live.european-language-grid.eu
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    COVID-19 - HEALTH Wikipedia dataset. Bilingual (EN-CA) [Dataset]. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/3525
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    tmxAvailable download formats

    Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    Bilingual (EN-CA) corpus acquired from Wikipedia on health and COVID-19 domain (2nd May 2020)

  3. E

    Macedonian web corpus MaCoCu-mk 2.0

    • live.european-language-grid.eu
    binary format
    Updated Apr 19, 2023
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    (2023). Macedonian web corpus MaCoCu-mk 2.0 [Dataset]. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/21537
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    binary formatAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Apr 19, 2023

    CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedicationhttps://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    The Macedonian web corpus MaCoCu-mk 2.0 was built by crawling the ".mk" and ".мкд" internet top-level domains in 2021, extending the crawl dynamically to other domains as well. The crawler is available at https://github.com/macocu/MaCoCu-crawler.

    Considerable effort was devoted into cleaning the extracted text to provide a high-quality web corpus. This was achieved by removing boilerplate (https://corpus.tools/wiki/Justext) and near-duplicated paragraphs (https://corpus.tools/wiki/Onion), discarding very short texts as well as texts that are not in the target language. The dataset is characterized by extensive metadata which allows filtering the dataset based on text quality and other criteria (https://github.com/bitextor/monotextor), making the corpus highly useful for corpus linguistics studies, as well as for training language models and other language technologies.

    In XML format, each document is accompanied by the following metadata: title, crawl date, url, domain, file type of the original document, distribution of languages inside the document, and a fluency score based on a language model. The text of each document is divided into paragraphs that are accompanied by metadata on the information whether a paragraph is a heading or not, metadata on the paragraph quality (labels, such as “short” or “good”, assigned based on paragraph length, URL and stopword density via the jusText tool - https://corpus.tools/wiki/Justext) and fluency (score between 0 and 1, assigned with the Monocleaner tool - https://github.com/bitextor/monocleaner), the automatically identified language of the text in the paragraph, and information whether the paragraph contains sensitive information (identified via the Biroamer tool - https://github.com/bitextor/biroamer).

    As opposed to the previous version, this version has more accurate metadata on languages of the texts, which was achieved by using Google's Compact Language Detector 2 (CLD2) (https://github.com/CLD2Owners/cld2), a high-performance language detector supporting many languages. Other tools, used for web corpora creation and curation, have been updated as well, resulting in an even cleaner, as well as larger corpus.

    The corpus can be easily read with the prevert parser (https://pypi.org/project/prevert/).

    Notice and take down: Should you consider that our data contains material that is owned by you and should therefore not be reproduced here, please: (1) Clearly identify yourself, with detailed contact data such as an address, telephone number or email address at which you can be contacted. (2) Clearly identify the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed. (3) Clearly identify the material that is claimed to be infringing and information reasonably sufficient in order to allow us to locate the material. (4) Please write to the contact person for this resource whose email is available in the full item record. We will comply with legitimate requests by removing the affected sources from the next release of the corpus.

    This action has received funding from the European Union's Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 - CEF Telecom, under Grant Agreement No. INEA/CEF/ICT/A2020/2278341. This communication reflects only the author’s view. The Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

  4. E

    Plaintext Wikipedia dump 2018

    • live.european-language-grid.eu
    • lindat.mff.cuni.cz
    binary format
    Updated Feb 24, 2018
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    (2018). Plaintext Wikipedia dump 2018 [Dataset]. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/1242
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    binary formatAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Feb 24, 2018

    Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    Wikipedia plain text data obtained from Wikipedia dumps with WikiExtractor in February 2018.

    The data come from all Wikipedias for which dumps could be downloaded at [https://dumps.wikimedia.org/]. This amounts to 297 Wikipedias, usually corresponding to individual languages and identified by their ISO codes. Several special Wikipedias are included, most notably "simple" (Simple English Wikipedia) and "incubator" (tiny hatching Wikipedias in various languages).

    For a list of all the Wikipedias, see [https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias].

    The script which can be used to get new version of the data is included, but note that Wikipedia limits the download speed for downloading a lot of the dumps, so it takes a few days to download all of them (but one or a few can be downloaded fast).

    Also, the format of the dumps changes time to time, so the script will probably eventually stop working one day.

    The WikiExtractor tool [http://medialab.di.unipi.it/wiki/Wikipedia_Extractor] used to extract text from the Wikipedia dumps is not mine, I only modified it slightly to produce plaintext outputs [https://github.com/ptakopysk/wikiextractor].

  5. E

    Webis ChangeMyView Corpus 2020 (Webis-CMV-20)

    • live.european-language-grid.eu
    Updated Mar 23, 2022
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    (2022). Webis ChangeMyView Corpus 2020 (Webis-CMV-20) [Dataset]. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/7596
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    jsonAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Mar 23, 2022

    Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    The Webis-CMV-20 dataset comprises all available posts and comments in the ChangeMyView subreddit from the foundation of the subreddit in 2005, until September 2017. From these, we have derived two sub-datasets for the tasks of persuasiveness prediction, and opinion malleability prediction. In addition, the corpus comprises historical posts by CMV authors, and derived personal characteristics.Dataset specificationAll files are in bzip2-compressed JSON Lines format.

    threads.jsonl: contains all the selected discussion threads from CMVpairs.jsonl: each record contains submission, delta-comment and nondelta-comment and the comments' similarity scoreposts-malleability.jsonl: contains posts for opinion mallebility prediction, in the format provided in the original Reddit Crawl datasetauthor_entity_category.jsonl: each record contains the author and list of Wikipedia entities mentioned by the author in the messages across all subreddits. For each mentioned entity we provide the following data:

    [title, wikidata_id, wikipedia_page_id, mentioned_entity_title, wikifier_score, subreddit_name, subreddit_id, subreddit_category_name, subreddit_topcategory_name]

    author_liwc.jsonl: personality traits features computed with LIWC for the authors from pairs.jsonl and post_malleability.jsonl datasetsauthor_subreddit.jsonl: for each author statistics of all number of all posts (submissions/comments) across all subreddits are providedauthor_subreddit_category.jsonl: similar to author_subreddit.jsonl, the statistics of all author posts is grouped by top-categories and categories according to snoopsnoo.com

  6. E

    General Romanian-English bilingual corpus (Processed)

    • live.european-language-grid.eu
    Updated Dec 15, 2021
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    (2021). General Romanian-English bilingual corpus (Processed) [Dataset]. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/2963
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    tmxAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Dec 15, 2021

    Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    Romanian – English corpus built from a Wikipedia dump.

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(2024). Webis Wikipedia Text Reuse Corpus 2018 (Webis-Wikipedia-Text-Reuse-18) [Dataset]. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/7748

Webis Wikipedia Text Reuse Corpus 2018 (Webis-Wikipedia-Text-Reuse-18)

Explore at:
jsonAvailable download formats
Dataset updated
Apr 11, 2024

Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
License information was derived automatically


The Wikipedia Text Reuse Corpus 2018 (Webis-Wikipedia-Text-Reuse-18) containing text reuse cases extracted from within Wikipedia and in between Wikipedia and a sample of the Common Crawl.The corpus has following structure:

wikipedia.jsonl.bz2: Each line, representing a Wikipedia article, contains a json array of article_id, article_title, and article_body

within-wikipedia-tr-01.jsonl.bz2: Each line, representing a text reuse case, contains a json array of s_id (source article id), t_id (target article id), s_text (source text), t_text (target text)

within-wikipedia-tr-02.jsonl.bz2: Each line, representing a text reuse case, contains a json array of s_id (source article id), t_id (target article id), s_text (source text), t_text (target text)

preprocessed-web-sample.jsonl.xz: Each line, representing a web page, contains a json object of d_id, d_url, and content

without-wikipedia-tr.jsonl.bz2: Each line, representing a text reuse case, contains a json array of s_id (Wikipedia article id), d_id (web page id), s_text (article text), d_content (web page content)

The datasets were extracted in the work by Alshomary et al. 2018 that aimed to study the text reuse phenomena related to Wikipedia at scale. A pipeline for large scale text reuse extraction was developed and used on Wikipedia and the CommonCrawl.

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