100+ datasets found
  1. N

    NYC Benefits Platform: Benefits and Programs Dataset

    • data.cityofnewyork.us
    • datasetguide.com
    • +3more
    application/rdfxml +5
    Updated Jul 1, 2024
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    Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity (2024). NYC Benefits Platform: Benefits and Programs Dataset [Dataset]. https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Social-Services/NYC-Benefits-Platform-Benefits-and-Programs-Datase/kvhd-5fmu
    Explore at:
    csv, json, application/rdfxml, tsv, xml, application/rssxmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jul 1, 2024
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity
    Area covered
    New York

    This dataset provides benefit, program, and resource information for over 80 health and human services available to NYC residents in all eleven local law languages. The data is kept up-to-date, including the most recent applications, eligibility requirements, and application dates. Information in this dataset is used on ACCESS NYC, Generation NYC, and Growing Up NYC.
    Reach out to products@nycopportunity.nyc.gov if you have any questions about this dataset.

    This data makes it easier for NYC residents to discover and be aware of multiple benefits they may be eligible for. NYC Opportunity Product team works with 15+ government agencies to collect and update this data. Each record in the dataset represents a benefit or program.

  2. Blank fields are NULL values in this dataset.
  3. The data can be used to develop new websites or directory resources to help residents to discover benefits they need. For access to the multilingual version of this dataset, please follow this link: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Benefits-and-Programs-Multilingual-Dataset/yjpx-srhp

  • N

    NYC Permitted Event Information - Historical

    • data.cityofnewyork.us
    • catalog.data.gov
    • +3more
    application/rdfxml +5
    Updated Jul 11, 2024
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    (2024). NYC Permitted Event Information - Historical [Dataset]. https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/NYC-Permitted-Event-Information-Historical/bkfu-528j
    Explore at:
    csv, application/rssxml, json, tsv, xml, application/rdfxmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jul 11, 2024
    Area covered
    New York

    This list contains information on approved event applications from 2008. Please note that Permitted Film Events only reflect those permits which will impact one or more streets for at least five days.

    For a current list of events, please refer to NYC Permitted Event Information dataset at https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/NYC-Permitted-Event-Information/tvpp-9vvx

  • DOHMH New York City Restaurant Inspection Results

    • kaggle.com
    • data.cityofnewyork.us
    • +7more
    Updated Mar 11, 2022
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    Shivani Elakurthy (2022). DOHMH New York City Restaurant Inspection Results [Dataset]. https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/shivanielakurthy/dohmh-new-york-city-restaurant-inspection-results
    Explore at:
    CroissantCroissant is a format for machine-learning datasets. Learn more about this at mlcommons.org/croissant.
    Dataset updated
    Mar 11, 2022
    Dataset provided by
    Shivani Elakurthy

    CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedicationhttps://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
    License information was derived automatically

    Area covered
    New York


    The dataset contains every sustained or not yet adjudicated violation citation from every full or special program inspection conducted up to three years prior to the most recent inspection for restaurants and college cafeterias in an active status on the RECORD DATE (date of the data pull). When an inspection results in more than one violation, values for associated fields are repeated for each additional violation record. Establishments are uniquely identified by their CAMIS (record ID) number. Keep in mind that thousands of restaurants start business and go out of business every year; only restaurants in an active status are included in the dataset. Records are also included for each restaurant that has applied for a permit but has not yet been inspected and for inspections resulting in no violations. Establishments with inspection date of 1/1/1900 are new establishments that have not yet received an inspection. Restaurants that received no violations are represented by a single row and coded as having no violations using the ACTION field. Because this dataset is compiled from several large administrative data systems, it contains some illogical values that could be a result of data entry or transfer errors. Data may also be missing. This dataset and the information on the Health Department’s Restaurant Grading website come from the same data source. The Health Department’s Restaurant Grading website is here: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/services/restaurant-grades.page See the data dictionary file in the Attachments section of the OpenData website for a summary of data fields and allowable values. Visit https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Health/DOHMH-New-York-City-Restaurant-Inspection-Results/43nn-pn8j for column descriptions and for more information.

  • New York State Statewide COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Beds

    • health.data.ny.gov
    • healthdata.gov
    • +1more
    application/rdfxml +5
    Updated Jul 13, 2024
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    New York State Department of Health (2024). New York State Statewide COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Beds [Dataset]. https://health.data.ny.gov/Health/New-York-State-Statewide-COVID-19-Hospitalizations/jw46-jpb7
    Explore at:
    xml, json, application/rssxml, csv, tsv, application/rdfxmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jul 13, 2024
    Dataset authored and provided by
    New York State Department of Health
    Area covered
    New York

    This dataset includes information at the reporting facility level on patients hospitalized, admitted, discharged and fatalities. It also includes information on staffed beds. Patient information collected as part of the HERDS Hospital Survey are lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive. Hospitalized means patients admitted as inpatients in either inpatient or observation beds and does not include patients that were treated and released from an Emergency Department. The title of this dataset was initially the Hospital Electronic Response Data System (HERDS) Hospital Survey: COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Beds. The dataset was changed to its current title on 11/4/2021.

  • New York hotel reviews dataset from Tripadvisor

    • data.world
    csv, zip
    Updated Apr 3, 2024
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    Crawl Feeds (2024). New York hotel reviews dataset from Tripadvisor [Dataset]. https://data.world/opensnippets/new-york-hotel-reviews-dataset-from-tripadvisor
    Explore at:
    csv, zipAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Apr 3, 2024
    Dataset provided by
    data.world, Inc.
    Crawl Feeds
    Time period covered
    Jul 18, 2021
    Area covered
    New York

    Get complete dataset with more than a million records


    30% discount on precrawled datasets Visit https://crawlfeeds.com/datasets before it expires

  • N

    New York Population Dataset: Yearly Figures, Population Change, and Percent...

    • neilsberg.com
    csv, json
    Updated Sep 18, 2023
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    Neilsberg Research (2023). New York Population Dataset: Yearly Figures, Population Change, and Percent Change Analysis [Dataset]. https://www.neilsberg.com/insights/new-york-population-by-year/
    Explore at:
    json, csvAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Sep 18, 2023
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Neilsberg Research

    Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    License information was derived automatically

    Area covered
    New York
    Variables measured
    Annual Population Growth Rate, Population Between 2000 and 2022, Annual Population Growth Rate Percent
    Measurement technique
    The data presented in this dataset is derived from the 20 years data of U.S. Census Bureau Population Estimates Program (PEP) 2000 - 2022. To measure the variables, namely (a) population and (b) population change in ( absolute and as a percentage ), we initially analyzed and tabulated the data for each of the years between 2000 and 2022. For further information regarding these estimates, please feel free to reach out to us via email at research@neilsberg.com.
    Dataset funded by
    Neilsberg Research
    About this dataset


    The dataset tabulates the New York population over the last 20 plus years. It lists the population for each year, along with the year on year change in population, as well as the change in percentage terms for each year. The dataset can be utilized to understand the population change of New York across the last two decades. For example, using this dataset, we can identify if the population is declining or increasing. If there is a change, when the population peaked, or if it is still growing and has not reached its peak. We can also compare the trend with the overall trend of United States population over the same period of time.

    Key observations

    In 2022, the population of New York was 19,677,151, a 0.91% decrease year-by-year from 2021. Previously, in 2021, New York population was 19,857,492, a decline of 1.25% compared to a population of 20,108,296 in 2020. Over the last 20 plus years, between 2000 and 2022, population of New York increased by 680,192. In this period, the peak population was 20,108,296 in the year 2020. The numbers suggest that the population has already reached its peak and is showing a trend of decline. Source: U.S. Census Bureau Population Estimates Program (PEP).

    https://i.neilsberg.com/ch/population-of-new-york-population-by-year-2000-2022.jpeg" alt="New York population by year">


    When available, the data consists of estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau Population Estimates Program (PEP).

    Data Coverage:

    • From 2000 to 2022

    Variables / Data Columns

    • Year: This column displays the data year (Measured annually and for years 2000 to 2022)
    • Population: The population for the specific year for the New York is shown in this column.
    • Year on Year Change: This column displays the change in New York population for each year compared to the previous year.
    • Change in Percent: This column displays the year on year change as a percentage. Please note that the sum of all percentages may not equal one due to rounding of values.

    Good to know

    Margin of Error

    Data in the dataset are based on the estimates and are subject to sampling variability and thus a margin of error. Neilsberg Research recommends using caution when presening these estimates in your research.

    Custom data

    If you do need custom data for any of your research project, report or presentation, you can contact our research staff at research@neilsberg.com for a feasibility of a custom tabulation on a fee-for-service basis.


    Neilsberg Research Team curates, analyze and publishes demographics and economic data from a variety of public and proprietary sources, each of which often includes multiple surveys and programs. The large majority of Neilsberg Research aggregated datasets and insights is made available for free download at https://www.neilsberg.com/research/.

    Recommended for further research

    This dataset is a part of the main dataset for New York Population by Year. You can refer the same here

  • d

    Ready NY Events

    • catalog.data.gov
    • data.cityofnewyork.us
    • +1more
    Updated Sep 2, 2023
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    data.cityofnewyork.us (2023). Ready NY Events [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/ready-ny-events
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    Dataset updated
    Sep 2, 2023
    Dataset provided by
    Area covered
    New York

    Events held to increase New Yorkers awareness on emergency preparedness throughtout the five boroughs and across the top languages including English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Korean, Haitian Creole, Italian, Bengali, Arabic, Polish, French, Urdu, Yiddish, and in audio format.

  • d

    NYS Traffic Data Viewer

    • catalog.data.gov
    • data.ny.gov
    • +2more
    Updated Sep 15, 2023
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    data.ny.gov (2023). NYS Traffic Data Viewer [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/nys-traffic-data-viewer
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    Dataset updated
    Sep 15, 2023
    Dataset provided by
    Area covered
    New York

    This data set features a hyperlink to the New York State Department of Transportation’s (NYSDOT) Traffic Data (TD) Viewer web page, which includes a link to the Traffic Data interactive map. The Traffic Data Viewer is a geospatially based Geographic Information System (GIS) application for displaying data contained in the roadway inventory database. The interactive map has five viewable data categories or ‘layers’. The five layers include: Average Daily Traffic (ADT); Continuous Counts; Short Counts; Bridges; and Grade Crossings throughout New York State.

  • F

    Resident Population in New York County, NY

    • fred.stlouisfed.org
    Updated Mar 14, 2024
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    (2024). Resident Population in New York County, NY [Dataset]. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NYNEWY1POP
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    jsonAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Mar 14, 2024


    Area covered
    New York County, Manhattan, New York, New York

    Graph and download economic data for Resident Population in New York County, NY (NYNEWY1POP) from 1970 to 2023 about New York County, NY; New York; NY; residents; population; and USA.

  • Air Quality

    • data.world
    • data.cityofnewyork.us
    • +1more
    csv, zip
    Updated Jul 1, 2024
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    City of New York (2024). Air Quality [Dataset]. https://data.world/city-of-ny/c3uy-2p5r
    Explore at:
    zip, csvAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jul 1, 2024
    Dataset provided by
    data.world, Inc.
    City of New York

    Dataset contains information on New York City air quality surveillance data. Air pollution is one of the most important environmental threats to urban populations and while all people are exposed, pollutant emissions, levels of exposure, and population vulnerability vary across neighborhoods. Exposures to common air pollutants have been linked to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and premature deaths. These indicators provide a perspective across time and NYC geographies to better characterize air quality and health in NYC. Data can also be explored online at the Environment and Health Data Portal: http://nyc.gov/health/environmentdata.

    Source: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/d/c3uy-2p5r
    Last updated at https://data.cityofnewyork.us/data.json : 2022-04-11
    Attribution is encouraged by New York City. Please visit New York City's open data portal for more information about the Terms of Use.

  • F

    Unemployment Rate in New York County, NY

    • fred.stlouisfed.org
    Updated Jul 3, 2024
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    (2024). Unemployment Rate in New York County, NY [Dataset]. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NYNEWY1URN
    Explore at:
    jsonAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jul 3, 2024


    Area covered
    New York County, Manhattan, New York, New York

    Graph and download economic data for Unemployment Rate in New York County, NY (NYNEWY1URN) from Jan 1990 to May 2024 about New York County, NY; New York; NY; unemployment; rate; and USA.

  • F

    Unemployment Rate in New York

    • fred.stlouisfed.org
    Updated Jun 26, 2024
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    (2024). Unemployment Rate in New York [Dataset]. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NYUR
    Explore at:
    jsonAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jun 26, 2024


    Area covered
    New York

    Graph and download economic data for Unemployment Rate in New York (NYUR) from Jan 1976 to May 2024 about NY, unemployment, rate, and USA.

  • NYC Women's Resource Network Database

    • data.world
    • data.cityofnewyork.us
    • +5more
    csv, zip
    Updated Apr 21, 2021
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    City of New York (2021). NYC Women's Resource Network Database [Dataset]. https://data.world/city-of-ny/pqg4-dm6b
    Explore at:
    csv, zipAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Apr 21, 2021
    Dataset provided by
    data.world, Inc.
    City of New York
    Area covered
    New York

    The NYC Women's Resource Network is a free, user-friendly database of over 1,000 nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies that work to advance and benefit women and families in New York City. A user can tailor their search by keyword, category, and/or borough to receive a customized listing of organizations that address their needs.

    Source: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/d/pqg4-dm6b
    Last updated at https://data.cityofnewyork.us/data.json : 2018-11-07
    Attribution is encouraged by New York City. Please visit New York City's open data portal for more information about the Terms of Use.

  • N

    New York Population Breakdown by Race

    • neilsberg.com
    csv, json
    Updated Aug 18, 2023
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    Neilsberg Research (2023). New York Population Breakdown by Race [Dataset]. https://www.neilsberg.com/insights/new-york-population-by-race/
    Explore at:
    json, csvAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Aug 18, 2023
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Neilsberg Research

    Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    License information was derived automatically

    Area covered
    New York
    Variables measured
    Asian Population, Black Population, White Population, Some other race Population, Two or more races Population, American Indian and Alaska Native Population, Asian Population as Percent of Total Population, Black Population as Percent of Total Population, White Population as Percent of Total Population, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Population, and 4 more
    Measurement technique
    The data presented in this dataset is derived from the latest U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates. To measure the two variables, namely (a) population and (b) population as a percentage of the total population, we initially analyzed and categorized the data for each of the racial categories idetified by the US Census Bureau. It is ensured that the population estimates used in this dataset pertain exclusively to the identified racial categories, and do not rely on any ethnicity classification. For further information regarding these estimates, please feel free to reach out to us via email at research@neilsberg.com.
    Dataset funded by
    Neilsberg Research
    About this dataset


    The dataset tabulates the population of New York by race. It includes the population of New York across racial categories (excluding ethnicity) as identified by the Census Bureau. The dataset can be utilized to understand the population distribution of New York across relevant racial categories.

    Key observations

    The percent distribution of New York population by race (across all racial categories recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau): 60.73% are white, 15.21% are Black or African American, 0.42% are American Indian and Alaska Native, 8.65% are Asian, 0.05% are Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 8.99% are some other race and 5.97% are multiracial.

    https://i.neilsberg.com/ch/new-york-population-by-race.jpeg" alt="New York population by race">


    When available, the data consists of estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates.

    Racial categories include:

    • White
    • Black or African American
    • American Indian and Alaska Native
    • Asian
    • Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
    • Some other race
    • Two or more races (multiracial)

    Variables / Data Columns

    • Race: This column displays the racial categories (excluding ethnicity) for the New York
    • Population: The population of the racial category (excluding ethnicity) in the New York is shown in this column.
    • % of Total Population: This column displays the percentage distribution of each race as a proportion of New York total population. Please note that the sum of all percentages may not equal one due to rounding of values.

    Good to know

    Margin of Error

    Data in the dataset are based on the estimates and are subject to sampling variability and thus a margin of error. Neilsberg Research recommends using caution when presening these estimates in your research.

    Custom data

    If you do need custom data for any of your research project, report or presentation, you can contact our research staff at research@neilsberg.com for a feasibility of a custom tabulation on a fee-for-service basis.


    Neilsberg Research Team curates, analyze and publishes demographics and economic data from a variety of public and proprietary sources, each of which often includes multiple surveys and programs. The large majority of Neilsberg Research aggregated datasets and insights is made available for free download at https://www.neilsberg.com/research/.

    Recommended for further research

    This dataset is a part of the main dataset for New York Population by Race & Ethnicity. You can refer the same here

  • F

    Homeownership Rate (5-year estimate) for New York County, NY

    • fred.stlouisfed.org
    Updated Dec 7, 2023
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    (2023). Homeownership Rate (5-year estimate) for New York County, NY [Dataset]. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/HOWNRATEACS036061
    Explore at:
    jsonAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Dec 7, 2023


    Area covered
    New York County, Manhattan, New York, New York

    Graph and download economic data for Homeownership Rate (5-year estimate) for New York County, NY (HOWNRATEACS036061) from 2009 to 2022 about New York County, NY; homeownership; New York; NY; housing; 5-year; rate; and USA.

  • F

    All Employees: Retail Trade in New York City, NY

    • fred.stlouisfed.org
    Updated Jun 26, 2024
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    (2024). All Employees: Retail Trade in New York City, NY [Dataset]. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/SMU36935614200000001SA
    Explore at:
    jsonAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jun 26, 2024


    Area covered
    New York, New York

    Graph and download economic data for All Employees: Retail Trade in New York City, NY (SMU36935614200000001SA) from Jan 1990 to May 2024 about New York, retail trade, NY, sales, retail, employment, and USA.

  • F

    Income Inequality in New York County, NY

    • fred.stlouisfed.org
    Updated Dec 7, 2023
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    (2023). Income Inequality in New York County, NY [Dataset]. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/2020RATIO036061
    Explore at:
    jsonAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Dec 7, 2023


    Area covered
    New York County, Manhattan, New York, New York

    Graph and download economic data for Income Inequality in New York County, NY (2020RATIO036061) from 2010 to 2022 about New York County, NY; inequality; New York; NY; income; and USA.

  • NYC Transit Subway Entrance And Exit Data

    • data.world
    • data.amerigeoss.org
    • +1more
    csv, zip
    Updated Apr 29, 2024
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    New York State Open Data (2024). NYC Transit Subway Entrance And Exit Data [Dataset]. https://data.world/data-ny-gov/i9wp-a4ja
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    csv, zipAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Apr 29, 2024
    Dataset provided by
    data.world, Inc.
    New York State Open Data
    Area covered
    New York

    This data file provides a variety of information on subway station entrances and exits which includes but is not limited to: Division, Line, Station Name, Longitude and Latitude coordinates of entrances/exits.

    Source: https://data.ny.gov/d/i9wp-a4ja
    Last updated at https://data.ny.gov/data.json : 2022-04-12
    Before using the data, download the Terms of Service, https://data.ny.gov/download/77gx-ii52/application/pdf, to read the data license requirements.

  • Retail Food Stores

    • data.ny.gov
    • catalog.data.gov
    • +3more
    application/rdfxml +4
    Updated Feb 6, 2024
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    New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (2024). Retail Food Stores [Dataset]. https://data.ny.gov/Economic-Development/Retail-Food-Stores/9a8c-vfzj
    Explore at:
    application/rdfxml, csv, tsv, application/rssxml, xmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Feb 6, 2024
    Dataset authored and provided by
    New York State Department of Agriculture and Marketshttp://www.agriculture.ny.gov/

    A listing of all retail food stores which are licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets.

  • F

    White to Non-White Racial Dissimilarity (5-year estimate) Index for New York...

    • fred.stlouisfed.org
    Updated Dec 7, 2023
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    (2023). White to Non-White Racial Dissimilarity (5-year estimate) Index for New York County, NY [Dataset]. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RACEDISPARITY036061
    Explore at:
    jsonAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Dec 7, 2023


    Area covered
    New York County, Manhattan, New York, New York

    Graph and download economic data for White to Non-White Racial Dissimilarity (5-year estimate) Index for New York County, NY (RACEDISPARITY036061) from 2009 to 2022 about New York County, NY; racial dissimilarity; non-white; New York; white; NY; 5-year; and USA.

  • Share
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    Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity (2024). NYC Benefits Platform: Benefits and Programs Dataset [Dataset]. https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Social-Services/NYC-Benefits-Platform-Benefits-and-Programs-Datase/kvhd-5fmu

    NYC Benefits Platform: Benefits and Programs Dataset

    Explore at:
    csv, json, application/rdfxml, tsv, xml, application/rssxmlAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jul 1, 2024
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity
    Area covered
    New York

    This dataset provides benefit, program, and resource information for over 80 health and human services available to NYC residents in all eleven local law languages. The data is kept up-to-date, including the most recent applications, eligibility requirements, and application dates. Information in this dataset is used on ACCESS NYC, Generation NYC, and Growing Up NYC.
    Reach out to products@nycopportunity.nyc.gov if you have any questions about this dataset.

    This data makes it easier for NYC residents to discover and be aware of multiple benefits they may be eligible for. NYC Opportunity Product team works with 15+ government agencies to collect and update this data. Each record in the dataset represents a benefit or program.

  • Blank fields are NULL values in this dataset.
  • The data can be used to develop new websites or directory resources to help residents to discover benefits they need. For access to the multilingual version of this dataset, please follow this link: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Benefits-and-Programs-Multilingual-Dataset/yjpx-srhp

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