9 datasets found
  1. d

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Main Hawaiian Islands: Data...

    • catalog.data.gov
    • data.ioos.us
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    Updated Jan 31, 2025
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    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact) (2025). Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Main Hawaiian Islands: Data Assimilating [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/regional-ocean-modeling-system-roms-main-hawaiian-islands-data-assimilating1
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    Dataset updated
    Jan 31, 2025
    Dataset provided by
    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact)
    Area covered
    Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 3-day, 3-hourly data assimilating hindcast for the region surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands at approximately 4-km resolution. Boundary conditions provided by the global, 1/12-degree (~9-km) HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Atmospheric forcing generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the region surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands (wrf_hi) at approximately 6-km resolution. Tide forcing uses the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) TOPEX/Poseidon global inverse solution (TPXO) to derive barotropic tidal elevation and velocity. Data are assimilated over the previous 3 days using all available observations to improve the model estimate of current ocean state (its nowcast). Assimilated observations may include satellite-based sea surface temperatures from MODIS, AVHRR, or OSTIA; satellite-based sea surface height from AVISO; surface currents from PacIOOS high-frequency radios (HFR); and in-situ water temperature and salinity profiles from ARGO floats and ocean glider autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). While considerable effort has been made to implement all model components in a thorough, correct, and accurate manner, numerous sources of error are possible. As such, please use these data with the caution appropriate for any ocean related activity.

  2. I

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Main Hawaiian Islands

    • data.ioos.us
    • s.cnmilf.com
    • +1more
    erddap-griddap, html +3
    Updated Feb 21, 2025
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    PacIOOS (2025). Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Main Hawaiian Islands [Dataset]. https://data.ioos.us/dataset/regional-ocean-modeling-system-roms-main-hawaiian-islands
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    html, opendap, wms, erddap-griddap, wcsAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Feb 21, 2025
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Area covered
    Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 7-day, 3-hourly forecast for the region surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands at approximately 4-km resolution. Boundary conditions provided by the global, 1/12-degree (~9-km) HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Atmospheric forcing generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the region surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands (wrf_hi) at approximately 6-km resolution. Tide forcing uses the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) TOPEX/Poseidon global inverse solution (TPXO) to derive barotropic tidal elevation and velocity. Data are assimilated over the previous 3 days using all available observations to improve the model estimate of current ocean state (its nowcast) before forecasts are run. Assimilated observations may include satellite-based sea surface temperatures from MODIS, AVHRR, or OSTIA; satellite-based sea surface height from AVISO; surface currents from PacIOOS high-frequency radios (HFR); and in-situ water temperature and salinity profiles from ARGO floats and ocean glider autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). While considerable effort has been made to implement all model components in a thorough, correct, and accurate manner, numerous sources of error are possible. As such, please use these data with the caution appropriate for any ocean related activity.

  3. I

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Main Hawaiian Islands: Reanalysis

    • data.ioos.us
    • s.cnmilf.com
    • +1more
    erddap-griddap, html +3
    Updated Jan 9, 2025
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    PacIOOS (2025). Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Main Hawaiian Islands: Reanalysis [Dataset]. https://data.ioos.us/dataset/regional-ocean-modeling-system-roms-main-hawaiian-islands-reanalysis
    Explore at:
    html, opendap, erddap-griddap, wms, wcsAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Jan 9, 2025
    Dataset authored and provided by
    Area covered
    Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 3-hourly data assimilating reanalysis for the region surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands at approximately 4-km resolution. Boundary conditions provided by the global, 1/12-degree (~9-km) HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Atmospheric forcing generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the region surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands (wrf_hi) at approximately 6-km resolution. Tide forcing uses the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) TOPEX/Poseidon global inverse solution (TPXO) to derive barotropic tidal elevation and velocity. Data are assimilated over the previous 3 days using all available observations to improve the model estimate of current ocean state (its nowcast). Assimilated observations may include satellite-based sea surface temperatures from MODIS, AVHRR, or OSTIA; satellite-based sea surface height from AVISO; surface currents from PacIOOS high-frequency radios (HFR); and in-situ water temperature and salinity profiles from ARGO floats and ocean glider autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). While considerable effort has been made to implement all model components in a thorough, correct, and accurate manner, numerous sources of error are possible. As such, please use these data with the caution appropriate for any ocean related activity.

  4. d

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Oahu

    • catalog.data.gov
    • data.ioos.us
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    Updated Jan 26, 2025
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    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact) (2025). Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Oahu [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/regional-ocean-modeling-system-roms-oahu1
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    Dataset updated
    Jan 26, 2025
    Dataset provided by
    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact)
    Area covered

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 7-day, 3-hourly forecast for the region surrounding the island of Oahu at approximately 1-km resolution. Boundary conditions provided by the wider ROMS model for the region surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands (roms_hiig) at approximately 4-km resolution. Atmospheric forcing generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the region surrounding the islands of Maui Nui and Oahu (wrf_mo) at approximately 2-km resolution. Tide forcing uses the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) TOPEX/Poseidon global inverse solution (TPXO) to derive barotropic tidal elevation and velocity. Data are assimilated over the previous 3 days using all available observations to improve the model estimate of current ocean state (its nowcast) before forecasts are run. Assimilated observations may include satellite-based sea surface temperatures from MODIS, AVHRR, or OSTIA; satellite-based sea surface height from AVISO; surface currents from PacIOOS high-frequency radios (HFR); and in-situ water temperature and salinity profiles from ARGO floats and ocean glider autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). While considerable effort has been made to implement all model components in a thorough, correct, and accurate manner, numerous sources of error are possible. As such, please use these data with the caution appropriate for any ocean related activity.

  5. d

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Western North Pacific

    • catalog.data.gov
    • data.ioos.us
    Updated Jan 26, 2025
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    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact) (2025). Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Western North Pacific [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/regional-ocean-modeling-system-roms-western-north-pacific1
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    Dataset updated
    Jan 26, 2025
    Dataset provided by
    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact)
    Area covered
    Pacific Ocean

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 7-day, 3-hourly forecast for the region surrounding the Western North Pacific at approximately 8-km resolution. Boundary conditions provided by the global, 1/12-degree (~9-km) HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Atmospheric forcing generated by the NOAA/NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) model for the region surrounding the Western North Pacific at approximately 25-km resolution. Tide forcing uses the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) TOPEX/Poseidon global inverse solution (TPXO) to derive barotropic tidal elevation and velocity. Data are assimilated over the previous 5 days using all available observations to improve the model estimate of current ocean state (its nowcast) before forecasts are run. Assimilated observations are collected independently of PacIOOS and may include satellite-based sea surface temperatures from MODIS, AVHRR, or OSTIA; satellite-based sea surface height from AVISO; surface currents around Palau from CORDC High Frequency Radars (HFR), Scripps Institute of Oceanography; and in-situ water temperature and salinity profiles from ARGO floats. While considerable effort has been made to implement all model components in a thorough, correct, and accurate manner, numerous sources of error are possible. As such, please use these data with the caution appropriate for any ocean related activity.

  6. d

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Samoa: Data Assimilating

    • catalog.data.gov
    • data.ioos.us
    Updated Jan 31, 2025
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    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact) (2025). Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Samoa: Data Assimilating [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/regional-ocean-modeling-system-roms-samoa-data-assimilating1
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    Dataset updated
    Jan 31, 2025
    Dataset provided by
    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact)
    Area covered

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 3-day, 3-hourly data assimilating hindcast for the region surrounding the islands of Samoa at approximately 3-km resolution. Boundary conditions provided by the global, 1/12-degree (~9-km) HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Atmospheric forcing generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the region surrounding the islands of Samoa (wrf_samoa) at approximately 3-km resolution. Tide forcing uses the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) TOPEX/Poseidon global inverse solution (TPXO) to derive barotropic tidal elevation and velocity. Data are assimilated over the previous 3 days using all available observations to improve the model estimate of current ocean state (its nowcast). Assimilated observations may include satellite-based sea surface temperatures from MODIS, AVHRR, or OSTIA; satellite-based sea surface height from AVISO; and in-situ water temperature and salinity profiles from ARGO floats. While considerable effort has been made to implement all model components in a thorough, correct, and accurate manner, numerous sources of error are possible. As such, please use these data with the caution appropriate for any ocean related activity.

  7. d

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Oahu: Kaneohe

    • catalog.data.gov
    • data.ioos.us
    Updated Jan 27, 2025
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    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact) (2025). Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Oahu: Kaneohe [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/regional-ocean-modeling-system-roms-oahu-kaneohe
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    Dataset updated
    Jan 27, 2025
    Dataset provided by
    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact)
    Area covered
    Kaneohe, O‘ahu

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 3-day, hourly forecast and 3-day, hourly hindcast for the region surrounding Kaneohe Bay on the windward (eastern) shore of the island of Oahu at approximately 100-m resolution. Resolution decreases to 1.5-km at the periphery. Boundary conditions provided by the wider ROMS model for the region surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands (roms_hiig) at approximately 4-km resolution. Wave forcings generated by the Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) regional wave model for the island of Oahu (swan_oahu) at approximately 500-m resolution. Atmospheric forcing generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the region surrounding the island of Oahu (wrf_oa) at approximately 1.5-km resolution. Tide forcing uses the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) TOPEX/Poseidon global inverse solution (TPXO) to derive barotropic tidal elevation and velocity. Data are assimilated over the previous 3 days using all available observations to improve the model estimate of current ocean state (its nowcast) before forecasts are run. Assimilated observations may include satellite-based sea surface temperatures from MODIS, AVHRR, or OSTIA; satellite-based sea surface height from AVISO; surface currents from PacIOOS high-frequency radios (HFR); river transport from USGS stream gauges; and in-situ water temperature and salinity profiles from ARGO floats and ocean glider autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). While considerable effort has been made to implement all model components in a thorough, correct, and accurate manner, numerous sources of error are possible. As such, please use these data with the caution appropriate for any ocean related activity.

  8. d

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Oahu South Shore

    • catalog.data.gov
    • data.ioos.us
    Updated Jan 26, 2025
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    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact) (2025). Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Oahu South Shore [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/regional-ocean-modeling-system-roms-oahu-south-shore2
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    Dataset updated
    Jan 26, 2025
    Dataset provided by
    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact)
    Area covered

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 3-day, 3-hourly forecast for the region surrounding the south shore of the island of Oahu at approximately 200-m resolution. Boundary conditions provided by the wider ROMS model for the region surrounding the island of Oahu (roms_hiog) at approximately 1-km resolution. Atmospheric forcing generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the region surrounding the island of Oahu (wrf_oa) at approximately 1.5-km resolution. Tide forcing uses the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) TOPEX/Poseidon global inverse solution (TPXO) to derive barotropic tidal elevation and velocity. Data are assimilated over the previous 3 days using all available observations to improve the model estimate of current ocean state (its nowcast) before forecasts are run. Assimilated observations may include satellite-based sea surface temperatures from MODIS, AVHRR, or OSTIA; satellite-based sea surface height from AVISO; surface currents from PacIOOS high-frequency radios (HFR); and in-situ water temperature and salinity profiles from ARGO floats and ocean glider autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). While considerable effort has been made to implement all model components in a thorough, correct, and accurate manner, numerous sources of error are possible. As such, please use these data with the caution appropriate for any ocean related activity.

  9. d

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Guam

    • catalog.data.gov
    • data.ioos.us
    Updated Dec 26, 2024
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    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact) (2024). Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Guam [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/regional-ocean-modeling-system-roms-guam1
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    Dataset updated
    Dec 26, 2024
    Dataset provided by
    University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact)
    Area covered

    Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 6-day, 3-hourly forecast for the region surrounding Guam and parts of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) at approximately 2-km resolution. Boundary conditions provided by the wider ROMS model for the region surrounding the Western North Pacific (roms_mari) at approximately 4-km resolution. Atmospheric forcing generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the region surrounding Guam and parts of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) (wrf_guam) at approximately 3-km resolution. Tide forcing uses the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) TOPEX/Poseidon global inverse solution (TPXO) to derive barotropic tidal elevation and velocity. Data are assimilated over the previous 3 days using all available observations to improve the model estimate of current ocean state (its nowcast) before forecasts are run. Assimilated observations may include satellite-based sea surface temperatures from MODIS, AVHRR, or OSTIA; satellite-based sea surface height from AVISO; and in-situ water temperature and salinity profiles from ARGO floats. While considerable effort has been made to implement all model components in a thorough, correct, and accurate manner, numerous sources of error are possible. As such, please use these data with the caution appropriate for any ocean related activity.

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University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact) (2025). Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Main Hawaiian Islands: Data Assimilating [Dataset]. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/regional-ocean-modeling-system-roms-main-hawaiian-islands-data-assimilating1

Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Main Hawaiian Islands: Data Assimilating

Explore at:
Dataset updated
Jan 31, 2025
Dataset provided by
University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact)
Area covered
Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii

Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 3-day, 3-hourly data assimilating hindcast for the region surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands at approximately 4-km resolution. Boundary conditions provided by the global, 1/12-degree (~9-km) HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Atmospheric forcing generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the region surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands (wrf_hi) at approximately 6-km resolution. Tide forcing uses the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) TOPEX/Poseidon global inverse solution (TPXO) to derive barotropic tidal elevation and velocity. Data are assimilated over the previous 3 days using all available observations to improve the model estimate of current ocean state (its nowcast). Assimilated observations may include satellite-based sea surface temperatures from MODIS, AVHRR, or OSTIA; satellite-based sea surface height from AVISO; surface currents from PacIOOS high-frequency radios (HFR); and in-situ water temperature and salinity profiles from ARGO floats and ocean glider autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). While considerable effort has been made to implement all model components in a thorough, correct, and accurate manner, numerous sources of error are possible. As such, please use these data with the caution appropriate for any ocean related activity.

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