The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon and Washington coasts. The array also provides an extensive spatial footprint that encompasses a prototypical eastern boundary current regime and connectivity with the Cabled Array. OOI Coastal Glider deployments bridge the distances between the fixed sites of the Coastal Endurance Array and allow for adaptive sampling of the coastal waters of Washington and Oregon. This dataset contains raw Slocum glider data parsed directly from the native glider file format. No corrections or other quality control algorithms have been applied.
The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon and Washington coasts. The array also provides an extensive spatial footprint that encompasses a prototypical eastern boundary current regime and connectivity with the Cabled Array. OOI Coastal Glider deployments bridge the distances between the fixed sites of the Coastal Endurance Array and allow for adaptive sampling of the coastal waters of Washington and Oregon. This dataset contains raw Slocum glider data parsed directly from the native glider file format. No corrections or other quality control algorithms have been applied.
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The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon and Washington coasts. The array also provides an extensive spatial footprint that encompasses a prototypical eastern boundary current regime and connectivity with the Cabled Array. OOI Coastal Glider deployments bridge the distances between the fixed sites of the Coastal Endurance Array and allow for adaptive sampling of the coastal waters of Washington and Oregon. This dataset contains raw Slocum glider data parsed directly from the native glider file format. No corrections or other quality control algorithms have been applied.