a small mock Big Five Inventory dataset
This table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values. See the complete codebook for more.
name | label | n_missing |
session | NA | 0 |
created | user first opened survey | 0 |
modified | user last edited survey | 0 |
ended | user finished survey | 0 |
expired | NA | 28 |
BFIK_open_2 | Ich bin tiefsinnig, denke gerne über Sachen nach. | 0 |
BFIK_agree_4R | Ich kann mich schroff und abweisend anderen gegenüber verhalten. | 0 |
BFIK_extra_2 | Ich bin begeisterungsfähig und kann andere leicht mitreißen. | 0 |
BFIK_agree_1R | Ich neige dazu, andere zu kritisieren. | 0 |
BFIK_open_1 | Ich bin vielseitig interessiert. | 0 |
BFIK_neuro_2R | Ich bin entspannt, lasse mich durch Stress nicht aus der Ruhe bringen. | 0 |
BFIK_consc_3 | Ich bin tüchtig und arbeite flott. | 0 |
BFIK_consc_4 | Ich mache Pläne und führe sie auch durch. | 0 |
BFIK_consc_2R | Ich bin bequem, neige zur Faulheit. | 0 |
BFIK_agree_3R | Ich kann mich kalt und distanziert verhalten. | 0 |
BFIK_extra_3R | Ich bin eher der "stille Typ", wortkarg. | 0 |
BFIK_neuro_3 | Ich mache mir viele Sorgen. | 0 |
BFIK_neuro_4 | Ich werde leicht nervös und unsicher. | 0 |
BFIK_agree_2 | Ich schenke anderen leicht Vertrauen, glaube an das Gute im Menschen. | 0 |
BFIK_consc_1 | Ich erledige Aufgaben gründlich. | 0 |
BFIK_open_4 | Ich schätze künstlerische und ästhetische Eindrücke. | 0 |
BFIK_extra_4 | Ich gehe aus mir heraus, bin gesellig. | 0 |
BFIK_extra_1R | Ich bin eher zurückhaltend, reserviert. | 0 |
BFIK_open_3 | Ich habe eine aktive Vorstellungskraft, bin phantasievoll. | 0 |
BFIK_agree | 4 BFIK_agree items aggregated by aggregation_function | 0 |
BFIK_open | 4 BFIK_open items aggregated by aggregation_function | 0 |
BFIK_consc | 4 BFIK_consc items aggregated by aggregation_function | 0 |
BFIK_extra | 4 BFIK_extra items aggregated by aggregation_function | 0 |
BFIK_neuro | 3 BFIK_neuro items aggregated by aggregation_function | 0 |
age | Alter | 0 |
This dataset was automatically described using the codebook R package (version 0.9.5).
a MOCK dataset used to show how to import Qualtrics metadata into the codebook R package
This table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values. See the complete codebook for more.
name | label | n_missing |
ResponseSet | NA | 0 |
Q7 | NA | 0 |
Q10 | NA | 0 |
This dataset was automatically described using the codebook R package (version 0.9.5).
This table contains variable names, labels, their central tendencies and other attributes.
name | label | data_type | ordered | value_labels | scale_item_names | missing | complete | n | empty | n_unique | top_counts | median | min | max | mean | sd | p0 | p25 | p50 | p75 | p100 | hist | format.spss | display_width |
startdate | Start time | numeric | NA | NA | NA | 4 | 2002 | 2006 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1.4e+10 | 5.6e+07 | 1.4e+10 | 1.4e+10 | 1.4e+10 | 1.4e+10 | 1.4e+10 | ▆▁▁▁▁▁▁▇ | F8.12 | NA |
enddate | End time | numeric | NA | NA | NA | 4 | 2002 | 2006 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1.4e+10 | 5.6e+07 | 1.4e+10 | 1.4e+10 | 1.4e+10 | 1.4e+10 | 1.4e+10 | ▆▁▁▁▁▁▁▇ | F8.12 | NA |
ConsentAgree | Consent to participate | numeric | NA | NA | NA | 10 | 1996 | 2006 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁ | F8.0 | NA |
keepdrop | Exclusion for all critieria except conception risk | numeric | NA | 0. keep, - 1. drop | NA | 3 | 2003 | 2006 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.59 | 0.49 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ▆▁▁▁▁▁▁▇ | F8.0 | NA |
conriskkeepdrop | Exclusion for conception risk | numeric | NA | 0. keep, - 1. drop | NA | 6 | 2000 | 2006 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.64 | 0.48 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ▅▁▁▁▁▁▁▇ | F8.0 | NA |
targetincome | Income manipulation | numeric | NA | 0. low, - 1. high | NA | 1053 | 953 | 2006 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▇ | F8.0 | NA |
targetformidability | Formidability manipulation | numeric | NA | 0. low, - 1. high | NA | 1053 | 953 | 2006 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▇ | F8.0 | NA |
targetgroupstatus | Group status manipulation | numeric | NA | 0. ingroup, - 1. outgroup | NA |
The data to this speed dating study comes in two different formats: Personwise (one record for each individual) and dyadic (pairwise; one record for each date). The respective SPSS files are named "DarkTriadDate_person.sav" and "DarkTriadDate_dyad.sav".
The personwise datafile contains individual differences variables and perceiver and target effects according to the social relations model. These are centered marginal means that were calculated according to the formulae provided by Kenny, Kashy, and Cook (2006). These effects are not (!) based on multilevel analyses.
All rating variables (i.e., actual choice, friendship, short-term relationship etc.) were corrected for prior acquaintance, which means that dates wih prior acquaintance were excluded (set to missing) on a dyadic basis.
Variables are labeled in SPSS.
This table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values. See the complete codebook for more.
This dataset was automatically described using the codebook R package (version 0.9.5).
The dataset has N=1660 rows and 114 columns. 0 rows have no missing values on any column.
This table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values. See the complete codebook for more.
This dataset was automatically described using the codebook R package (version 0.9.3).
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a small mock Big Five Inventory dataset
This table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values. See the complete codebook for more.
name | label | n_missing |
session | NA | 0 |
created | user first opened survey | 0 |
modified | user last edited survey | 0 |
ended | user finished survey | 0 |
expired | NA | 28 |
BFIK_open_2 | Ich bin tiefsinnig, denke gerne über Sachen nach. | 0 |
BFIK_agree_4R | Ich kann mich schroff und abweisend anderen gegenüber verhalten. | 0 |
BFIK_extra_2 | Ich bin begeisterungsfähig und kann andere leicht mitreißen. | 0 |
BFIK_agree_1R | Ich neige dazu, andere zu kritisieren. | 0 |
BFIK_open_1 | Ich bin vielseitig interessiert. | 0 |
BFIK_neuro_2R | Ich bin entspannt, lasse mich durch Stress nicht aus der Ruhe bringen. | 0 |
BFIK_consc_3 | Ich bin tüchtig und arbeite flott. | 0 |
BFIK_consc_4 | Ich mache Pläne und führe sie auch durch. | 0 |
BFIK_consc_2R | Ich bin bequem, neige zur Faulheit. | 0 |
BFIK_agree_3R | Ich kann mich kalt und distanziert verhalten. | 0 |
BFIK_extra_3R | Ich bin eher der "stille Typ", wortkarg. | 0 |
BFIK_neuro_3 | Ich mache mir viele Sorgen. | 0 |
BFIK_neuro_4 | Ich werde leicht nervös und unsicher. | 0 |
BFIK_agree_2 | Ich schenke anderen leicht Vertrauen, glaube an das Gute im Menschen. | 0 |
BFIK_consc_1 | Ich erledige Aufgaben gründlich. | 0 |
BFIK_open_4 | Ich schätze künstlerische und ästhetische Eindrücke. | 0 |
BFIK_extra_4 | Ich gehe aus mir heraus, bin gesellig. | 0 |
BFIK_extra_1R | Ich bin eher zurückhaltend, reserviert. | 0 |
BFIK_open_3 | Ich habe eine aktive Vorstellungskraft, bin phantasievoll. | 0 |
BFIK_agree | 4 BFIK_agree items aggregated by aggregation_function | 0 |
BFIK_open | 4 BFIK_open items aggregated by aggregation_function | 0 |
BFIK_consc | 4 BFIK_consc items aggregated by aggregation_function | 0 |
BFIK_extra | 4 BFIK_extra items aggregated by aggregation_function | 0 |
BFIK_neuro | 3 BFIK_neuro items aggregated by aggregation_function | 0 |
age | Alter | 0 |
This dataset was automatically described using the codebook R package (version 0.9.5).