The Significant Volcanic Eruptions Database is a global listing of over 600 eruptions from 4360 BC to the present. A significant eruption is classified as one that meets at least one of the following criteria: caused fatalities, caused moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more), Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 6 or greater, generated a tsunami, or was associated with a significant earthquake. The database provides information on the latitude, longitude, elevation, type of volcano, last known eruption, VEI index, and socio-economic data such as the total number of casualties, injuries, houses destroyed, and houses damaged, and $ dollage damage estimates. References, political geography, and additional comments are also provided for each eruption. If the eruption was associated with a tsunami or significant earthquake, it is flagged and linked to the related database. For a complete list of current and past activity for all volcanoes on the planet active during the last 10,000 years, please see Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (GVP).
The statistic presents the death toll in individual countries due to the world's major volcanic eruptions from 1900 to 2016*. The volcanic eruption in Cameroon on August 24, 1986 claimed a total of 1,746 deaths. Volcanic eruptions A volcanic eruption is defined as a discharge of lava and gas from a volcanic vent or fissure. Volcanoes spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava, and rock that are powerfully destructive. The most common consequences of this are population movements, economic loss, affected people and deaths.
Agriculture-based economies are most affected by volcanic eruption. It is unpredictable how much affected an agriculture-based economy will be in a volcanic eruption. The economic loss caused by major volcanic eruptions varies from 1,000 million U.S. during the volcanic eruption in Colombia, November 13, 1995, to 80 million U.S. dollar caused by the volcanic eruption in Japan in 1945.
It is a big tragedy when people are affected by natural disasters. 1,036,065 affected people were counted during the volcanic eruption in the Philippines in June 9, 1991. Most of the states which know about the volcanic activities in their countries have an evacuation plan trying to safe peoples lives. In some cases it is difficult for the people to follow authorities’ instructions caused by unforeseen situations and it comes to high numbers of casualties like in the volcanic eruption in Ecuador in August 14, 2006.
According to the Wold Risk Index from 2013, Qatar, with an index value of 0.1, was the safest country in the world. This index is a complex interplay of natural hazards and social, political and environmental factors.
The word volcano is used to refer to the opening from which molten rock and gas issue from Earth's interior onto the surface, and also to the cone, hill, or mountain built up around the opening by the eruptive products. This slide set depicts ash clouds, fire fountains, lava flows, spatter cones, glowing avalanches, and steam eruptions from 18 volcanoes in 13 countries. Volcano types include strato, cinder cone, basaltic shield, complex, and island-forming. Perhaps no force of nature arouses more awe and wonder than that of a volcanic eruption. Volcanoes can be ruthless destroyers. Primitive people offered sacrifices to stem the tide of such eruptions and many of their legends were centered around volcanic activity. Volcanoes are also benefactors. Volcanic processes have liberated gases of the atmosphere and water in our lakes and oceans from the rocks deep beneath Earth's surface. The fertility of the soil is greatly enhanced by volcanic eruptive products. Land masses such as islands and large sections of continents may owe their existence entirely to volcanic activity. The "volcano" is used to refer to the opening from which molten rock and gas issue from Earth's interior onto the surface, and also to the cone, hill, or mountain built up around the opening by the eruptive products. The molten rock material generated within Earth that feeds volcanoes is called magma and the storage reservoir near the surface is called the magmachamber. Eruptive products include lava (fluid rock material) and pyroclastics or tephra (fragmentary solid or liquid rock material). Tephra includes volcanic ash, lapilli (fragments between 2 and 64 mm), blocks, and bombs. Low viscosity lava can spread great distances from the vent. Higher viscosity produces thicker lava flows that cover less area. Lava may formlava lakes of fluid rock in summit craters or in pit craters on the flanks of shield volcanoes. When the lava issues vertically from a central vent or a fissure in a rhythmic, jet-like eruption, it produces a lava fountain. Pyroclastic (fire-broken) rocks and rock fragments are products of explosive eruptions. These may be ejected more or less vertically, thenfall back to Earth in the form of ash fall deposits. Pyroclastic flows result when the eruptive fragments follow the contours of the volcano and surrounding terrain. They are of three main types: glowing ash clouds, ash flows, and mudflows. A glowing ash cloud (nuee ardente) consists of an avalanche of incandescent volcanic fragments suspended on a cushion of air or expanding volcanic gas. This cloud forms from the collapse of a vertical ash eruption, from a directed blast, or is the result of the disintegration of a lava dome. Temperatures in the glowing cloud can reach 1,000 deg C and velocities of 150 km per hour. Ash flows resemble glowing ash clouds; however, their temperatures are much lower. Mudflows (lahars) consist of solid volcanic rock fragments held in water suspension. Some may be hot, but most occur as cold flows. They may reach speeds of 92 km per hour and extend to distances of several tens of kilometers. Large snow-covered volcanoes that erupt explosively are the principal sources of mud flows. Explosions can give rise to air shock waves and base surges. Air shock waves are generated as a result of the explosive introduction of volcanic ejecta into the atmosphere. A base surge may carry air, water, and solid debris outward from the volcano at the base of the vertical explosion column. Volcanic structures can take many forms. A few of the smaller structures built directly around vents include cinder, spatter, and lava cones. Thick lavas may pile up over their vents to form lava domes. Larger structures produced by low viscosity lava flows include lava plains and gently sloping cones known as a shield volcanoes. A stratovolcano (also known as a composite volcano) is built of successive layers of ash and lava. A volcano may consist of two or more cones side by side and is referred to as compound or complex. Sometimes a violent eruption will partially empty the underground reservoir of magma. The roof of the magma chamber may thenpartially or totally collapse. The resulting caldera may be filled by water. The volcanic structure tells us much about the nature of the eruptions.
Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0
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The Significant Volcanic Eruption Database is a global listing of over 500 significant eruptions which includes information on the latitude, longitude, elevation, type of volcano, and last known eruption. A significant eruption is classified as one that meets at least one of the following criteria: caused fatalities, caused moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more), with a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 6 or larger, caused a tsunami, or was associated with a major earthquake.
A significant eruption is classified as one that meets at least one of the following criteriacaused fatalities, caused moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more), Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 6 or greater, generated a tsunami, or was associated with a significant earthquake.The database contains information on the latitude, longitude, elevation, type of volcano, last known eruption, VEI index, and socio-economic data such as the total number of casualties, injuries, houses destroyed, and houses damaged, and $ dollage damage estimates, if available.
Open Government Licence 3.0
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This dataset is associated with the VolcanEESM project led by the project team at the University of Leeds. The project was funded by NCAR/UCAR Atmospheric Chemistry and Modeling Visiting Scientist Program, NCAS, University of Leeds.
The global volcanic sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions database is a combination of available information from the wider literature with as many observations of the amount and location of SO2 emitted by each volcanic eruption as possible. The database includes no information about the size, mass, distribution or optical depth of resulting aerosol. As such the database is model agnostic and it is up to each modeling group to make decisions about how to implement the emission file in their prognostic stratospheric aerosol scheme.
The dataset is divided into two parts based on the availability of satellite data. For the pre-satellite era, the necessary information about the emissions was gathered from the latest ice core records of sulphate deposition in combination historical accounts available in the wider literature (see references included in the database for specific citation for each record). In the satellite era, volcanic emissions were primarily derived from remotely sensed observations.
For the period 1850 CE to 1979 the dataset combined the most recent volcanic sulfate deposition datasets from ice cores with volcanological and, where applicable, petrological estimates of the SO2 mass emitted as well as historical records of large-magnitude volcanic eruptions. In detail, for the majority of eruptions between 1850 CE to 1979 , there are few direct measurement of SO2 emissions or quantitative observations of the plume height and very few measurements of the aerosol optical depth (AOD).
Parameters in the database include: Day_of_Emission: The 24 hour period in which the emission is thought to have occurred. (Ordered by the variable Eruption_Number starting with the first eruption in the database.)
Eruption: Field that contains the Volcano_Number (Which uniquely identifies each volcano in the Global Volcanism Program Database), Volcano_Name (official name from the Global Volcanism Program Database), Notes_and_References (list of notes about the observed parameters and references used to derive each entry). ( Ordered by the variable Eruption_Number starting with the first eruption in the database.)
Latitude: Latitude of each emission from -90 to +90 (Ordered by the variable Eruption_Number starting with the first eruption in the database.)
Longitude: Longitude of each emission degrees East (Ordered by the variable Eruption_Number starting with the first eruption in the database.)
VEI: Volcanic Explosively Index of each emission based on Global Volcanism Program Database (Ordered by the variable Eruption_Number starting with the first eruption in the database.)
Total_Emission_of_SO2_Tg: Total emission of SO2 in teragram for the specific database entry (Ordered by the variable Eruption_Number starting with the first eruption in the database.)
Maximum_Injection_Height_km: Maximum height of each emission in kilometers above sea level. (Ordered by the variable Eruption_Number starting with the first eruption in the database.)
Minimum_Injection_Height_km: Minimum height of each emission in kilometers above sea level. (Ordered by the variable Eruption_Number starting with the first eruption in the database.)
Month_of_Emission: The month in which the emission is thought to have occurred. (Ordered by the variable Eruption_Number starting with the first eruption in the database.)
Year_of_Emission: The Year in which the emission is thought to have occurred. (Ordered by the variable Eruption_Number starting with the first eruption in the database.)
The statistic shows the economic damage caused by major volcanic eruptions in the period from 1900 to 2016*. The volcanic eruption on September 09, 1983 in Indonesia caused a loss of approximately 149.69 million U.S. dollars.
CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
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The Significant Volcanic Eruptions Database is a global listing of over 600 eruptions from 4360 BC to the present. A significant eruption is classified as one that meets at least one of the following criteria: caused fatalities, caused moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more), Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 6 or greater, generated a tsunami, or was associated with a significant earthquake. The database provides information on the latitude, longitude, elevation, type of volcano, last known eruption, VEI index, and socio-economic data such as the total number of casualties, injuries, houses destroyed, and houses damaged, and $ dollage damage estimates. References, political geography, and additional comments are also provided for each eruption. If the eruption was associated with a tsunami or significant earthquake, it is flagged and linked to the related database. For a complete list of current and past activity for all volcanoes on the planet active during the last 10,000 years, please see Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (GVP).
The statistic shows the number of people, who were affected by the world's most significant volcanic eruptions from 1900 to 2016*. In 1991, total 1,036,035 were affected due to volcanic eruption in Philippines.
Global Volcano Hazard Frequency and Distribution is a 2.5 minute gridded data set based upon the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Volcano Database spanning the period of 79 through 2000. This database includes nearly 4,000 volcanic events categorized as moderate or above (values 2 through 8) according to the Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI). Most volcanoes are georeferenced to the nearest tenth or hundredth of a degree with a few to the nearest thousandth of a degree. To produce the final output, the frequency of a volcanic hazard is computed for each grid cell, with the data set consequently being classified into deciles (10 classes of approximately equal number of grid cells). The higher the grid cell value in the final output, the higher the relative frequency of hazard posed by volcanoes. This data set is the result of collaboration among the Columbia University Center for Hazards and Risk Research (CHRR) and Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).
This statistic displays the largest volcanic eruptions in history based on the volume tephra that was erupted. About 30 million years ago, the Wha Wha Springs eruption produced more than 5500 cubic kilometers of ejecta in a week.
The Smithsonian's "Eruptions, Earthquakes, & Emissions" web application (or "E3") is a time-lapse animation of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes since 1960. It also shows volcanic gas emissions (sulfur dioxide, SO2) since 1978 — the first year satellites were available to provide global monitoring of SO2. The eruption data are drawn from the Volcanoes of the World (VOTW) database maintained by the Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Program (GVP). The earthquake data are pulled from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake Catalog. Sulfur-dioxide emissions data incorporated into the VOTW for use here originate in NASA's Multi-Satellite Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide L4 Long-Term Global Database. Please properly credit and cite any use of GVP eruption and volcano data, which are available via a download button within the app, through webservices, or through options under the Database tab above. A citation for the E3 app is given below.Clicking the image will open this web application in a new tab.Citation (example for today)Global Volcanism Program, 2016. Eruptions, Earthquakes & Emissions, v. 1.0 (internet application). Smithsonian Institution. Accessed 19 Oct 2018 ( Asked QuestionsWhat is the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)?VEI is the "Richter Scale" of volcanic eruptions. Assigning a VEI is not an automated process, but involves assessing factors such as the volume of tephra (volcanic ash or other ejected material) erupted, the height the ash plume reaches above the summit or altitude into the atmosphere, and the type of eruption (Newhall and Self, 1982). VEIs range from 1 (small eruption) to 8 (the largest eruptions in Earth's entire history).What about eruptions before 1960?For information about volcanic eruptions before 1960, explore the GVP website, where we catalog eruption information going back more than 10,000 years. This E3 app only displays eruptions starting in 1960 because the catalog is much more complete after that date. For most eruptions before the 20th century we rely on the geologic record more than historical first-hand accounts — and the geologic record is inherently incomplete (due to erosion) and not fully documented.What are "SO2 emissions" and what do the different circle sizes mean?The E3 app displays emissions of sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) from erupting volcanoes, including the mass in kilotons. Even though water vapor (steam) and carbon dioxide gas (see more about CO2 below) are much more abundant volcanic gases, SO2is the easiest to detect using satellite-based instruments, allowing us to obtain a global view. There is no universally accepted "magnitude" scale for emissions; the groupings presented here were chosen to best graphically present the relative volumes based on available data.What am I seeing when I click on an SO2 emission event?You are seeing a time-lapse movie of satellite measurements of SO2 associated with a particular emission event. These SO2 clouds, or plumes, are blown by winds and can circle the globe in about a week. As plumes travel, they mix with the air, becoming more dilute until eventually the concentration of SO2 falls below the detection limit of satellites. Earth's entire atmosphere derives from outgassing of the planet — in fact, the air you breathe was once volcanic gas, and some of it might have erupted very recently!Why are there no SO2 emissions before 1978?E3 shows volcanic gas emissions captured from satellite-based instruments, which were first deployed in 1978. NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) in 1978, which provided the first space-borne observations of volcanic gas emissions. Numerous satellites capable of measuring volcanic gases are now in orbit.Why don't you include H2O and CO2 emissions?The most abundant gases expelled during a volcanic eruption are water vapor (H2O in the form of steam) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is typically the third most abundant gas. Hydrogen gas, carbon monoxide and other carbon species, hydrogen halides, and noble gases typically comprise a very small percentage of volcanic gas emissions. So why can't we show H2O and CO2 in the E3 app? Earth's atmosphere has such high background concentrations of H2O and CO2 that satellites cannot easily detect a volcano's signal over this background "noise." Atmospheric SO2 concentrations, however, are very low. Therefore volcanic emissions of SO2 stand out and are more easily detected by satellites. Scientists are just beginning to have reliable measurements of volcanic carbon dioxide emissions because new satellites dedicated to monitoring CO2 have either recently been launched or have launches planned for the coming decade.How much carbon is emitted by volcanoes?We don't really know. CO2, carbon dioxide, is the dominant form of carbon in most volcanic eruptions, and can be the dominant gas emitted from volcanoes. Humans release more than 100 times more CO2 to the atmosphere than volcanoes (Gerlach, 2011) through activities like burning fossil fuels. Because of this, the background levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have risen to levels that are so high (greater than 400 parts per million, or 0.04%) that satellites cannot easily detect the CO2 from volcanic eruptions. Scientists are able to estimate the amount of carbon flowing from Earth's interior to exterior (the flux) by measuring carbon emissions directly at volcanic vents and by measuring the carbon dissolved in volcanic rocks. Scientific teams in the Deep Carbon Observatory (one of the supporters of E3) are working to quantify the flux of carbon from Earth's interior to exterior.Do volcanic emissions cause global warming?No, not in modern times. The dominant effect of volcanic eruptions is to cool the planet in the short term. This is because sulfur emissions create aerosols that block the sun's incoming rays temporarily. While volcanoes do emit powerful greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, they do so at a rate that is likely 100 times less than humans (Gerlach, 2011). Prior to human activity in the Holocene (approximately the last 10,000 years), volcanic gas emissions did play a large role in modulating Earth's climate.Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes seem to occur in the same location. Why?Eruptions and earthquakes occur at Earth's plate boundaries — places where Earth's tectonic plates converge, diverge, or slip past one another. The forces operating at these plate boundaries cause both earthquakes and eruptions. For example, the Pacific "Ring of Fire" describes the plate boundaries that surround the Pacific basin. Around most of the Pacific Rim, the seafloor (Earth's oceanic crust) is "subducting" beneath the continents. This means that the seafloor is being dragged down into Earth's interior. You might think of this as Earth's way of recycling! In this process, ocean water is released to Earth's solid rocky mantle, melting the mantle rock and generating magma that erupts through volcanoes on the continents where the plates converge. In contrast, mid-ocean ridges, chains of seafloor volcanoes, define divergent plate boundaries. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge that runs from Iceland to the Antarctic in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is one example of a divergent plate boundary. Earth's crust is torn apart at the ridge, as North and South America move away from Europe and Africa. New lava erupts to fill the gap. This lava cools, creating new ocean crust. All these episodes where solid rock collides or is torn apart generate earthquakes. And boom! You have co-located eruptions and earthquakes. To learn more about plate margins using E3, watch this video.Is this the first time eruptions, emissions, and earthquakes have been animated on a map?E3 is a successor to the program Seismic/Eruption developed by Alan Jones (Binghamton University). That program was one of the first to show the global occurrence of earthquakes (USGS data) and eruptions (GVP data) through space and time with animations and sound. The program ran in the Smithsonian's Geology, Gems, and Minerals Hall from 1997 to 2016, and was also available on the "Earthquakes and Eruptions" CD-ROM. E3 builds upon Seismic/Eruption with the addition of emissions data and automated data updates.How many eruptions and emissions are shown, and from how many volcanoes?The application is currently showing 2,065 eruptions from 334 volcanoes. It is also showing 360 emission activity periods from 118 different volcanoes. In addition, there are 67 animations available showing the movement of SO2 clouds from 44 volcanoes.How often do you update the data represented in the web application?The application checks for updates once a week. Earthquake data, being instrumentally recorded, is typically very current. Eruption data, which relies on observational reports and analysis by GVP staff, is generally updated every few months; however, known ongoing eruptions will continue through the most recent update check. Emissions data is collected by satellite instruments and also must be processed by scientists, so updates will be provided as soon as they are available following an event, on the schedule with eruption updates.Is my computer system/browser supported? Something isn't working right.To run the map, your computer and browser must support WebGL. For more information on WebGL, please visit to test if it should work.Source Obtained from
Medicine Lake volcano (MLV) is a very large shield-shaped volcano located in northern California where it forms part of the southern Cascade Range of volcanoes. It has erupted hundreds of times during its half-million-year history, including nine times during the past 5,200 years, most recently 950 years ago. This record represents one of the highest eruptive frequencies among Cascade volcanoes and includes a wide variety of different types of lava flows and at least two explosive eruptions that produced widespread fallout. Compared to those of a typical Cascade stratovolcano, eruptive vents at MLV are widely distributed, extending 55 km north-south and 40 km east-west. The total area covered by MLV lavas is >2,000 square kilometers, about 10 times the area of Mount St. Helens, Washington. Judging from its long eruptive history and its frequent eruptions in recent geologic time, MLV will erupt again. Although the probability of an eruption is very small in the next year (one chance in 3,600), the consequences of some types of possible eruptions could be severe. Furthermore, the documented episodic behavior of the volcano indicates that once it becomes active, the volcano could continue to erupt for decades, or even erupt intermittently for centuries, and very likely from multiple vents scattered across the edifice. Owing to its frequent eruptions, explosive nature, and proximity to regional infrastructure, MLV has been designated a “high threat volcano” by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Volcano Early Warning System assessment. Volcanic eruptions are typically preceded by seismic activity, but with only two seismometers located high on the volcano and no other USGS monitoring equipment in place, MLV is at present among the most poorly monitored Cascade volcanoes.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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Based on sulfate records from a suite of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, the eVolv2k database includes estimates of the magnitudes and approximate source latitudes of major volcanic stratospheric sulfur injection (VSSI) events from 500 BCE to 1900 CE. We combined three ice-core records from Greenland and 18 from Antarctica, to determine the timing of past eruptions and the cumulative sulfate mass deposition over the polar ice sheets for 256 volcanic eruptions. Version 4 of this database incorporates improvements to the ice-core records based on 1) geochemical characterization of tephra to constrain the source volcano and its latitude (e.g. Ilopango, Okmok, Taupo), 2) sulfur isotope analyses to constrain volcanic plume height, e.g. for Samalas (Indonesia, 1257), Kuwae (Vanuatu, 1458), Tambora (Indonesia, 1815) and the proximity of the source eruptions relative to the ice sheets and 3) tree-ring records (i.e. frost rings, Miyake events) and documentary evidence (volcanic dust veils and dark lunar eclipses) to constrain the timing for specific volcanic eruptions. With several eruptions precisely tied to the exact years (e.g. in 536, 626, 946, 1257, 1477, 1783) we estimate an age uncertainty of less than ±1-2 years over the past 1500 years, and less than ±2-3 years between 500 BCE to 500 CE. We attributed 41 VSSI events to known volcanic eruptions and provided default latitudes of 45°N and 45°S to VSSI events only detected in the ice cores of the respective hemisphere. VSSI events which were detected in the ice sheets of both hemispheres were attributed by default to the tropics (0°). Overall, the 256 volcanic eruptions injected 1220 Tg of sulfur (TgS) into the stratosphere which equates to a long-term mean of 0.5 TgS/yr. 49% of the eruptions occurred in the Northern Hemisphere extra-tropics, 28% in the tropics and 23% in the Southern Hemisphere extra-tropics. The three largest eruptions were Samalas (1257), an unidentified eruption in the tropics in 426 BCE and Okmok II (Alaska in 43 BC). The 13th century (rank 1), the 19th century (rank 2) and the 6th century (rank 3) were the most active periods exceeding the long-term annual mean VSSI from major volcanic eruptions by 80 to 140 %. These periods are linked to overall cold climates promoting glacier expansions in the Northern Hemisphere. Periods of decreased volcanic activity occurred between 950 and 1100 CE (Medieval Quiet Period) and from 40 BCE to 160 CE (Roman Quiet Period). During these time intervals annual mean VSSI was 55 to 70 % less than the long-term mean. The eVolv2k database is the recommended volcanic forcing by the Paleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project (PMIP) for experiments contributing to the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) and the fourth phase of the PMIP (PMIP4) such as the past1000 transient simulations (Jungclaus et al., 2017). Version 4 of this database replaces the previous version eVolv2k_v3: an ice-core based volcanic stratospheric sulfur injection dataset version 3,
In 2023, the number of eruptions of the volcano Sakurajima amounted to 215. The number of eruptions peaked in 2015, with over 1.2 thousand eruptions. Sakurajima, which translates to cherry blossom island, is an active volcano in Kagoshima Prefecture, located in the southern tip of the Japanese archipelago.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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The Volcanic Information System (VIS) is a detection algorithm designed to identify and characterize explosive volcanic eruptions based on long-range infrasound observations (De Negri et al., 2024). VIS utilizes data from a single array to detect infrasound emitted by ongoing volcanic eruptions and applies normalized thresholds to parameterize the eruption. This process generates records of increased volcanic activity. The parameterization relies on the Infrasound Parameter (IP), a detection algorithm initially developed for local infrasound early warning systems (Ulivieri et al., 2013; Ripepe et al., 2018), and later adapted for long-range observations (Marchetti et al., 2019; LePichon et al., 2021; Gheri et al., 2023). The IP is the core component of VIS and enables the characterization of infrasound signals in terms of signal strength and persistency (see Gheri et al., 2023 and Gheri et al., in press).
This dataset presents the results from VIS applied to data collected from 16 International Monitoring System (IMS) arrays over a period of ten years (2010-2019), as detailed in Gheri et al. (in press). VIS is a binary system that reflects the status of a volcano based on long-range infrasound data over time. When the range-corrected IP exceeds a predefined threshold, a VIS record is generated, potentially indicating a volcanic eruption. Each VIS record is identified by its start time (tstart) and end time (tend), corresponding to the infrasound signals radiated by the volcano.
The dataset includes 419 VIS records associated with volcanic eruptions, based on comparisons with Global Volcanism Program (GVP) bulletin reports. These records correspond to volcanoes located within 2000 km of the IMS arrays. For each .mat file, the following information is provided:
This dataset provides valuable insights into volcanic activity, combining infrasound data with eruption timelines to enhance monitoring capabilities.
The University of Florence acknowledges the contribution of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4 Component 2 -- Investment 1.4 -- NATIONAL CENTER FOR HPC, BIG DATA AND QUANTUM COMPUTING -- funded by the European Union -- NextGenerationEU -- CUP B83C22002830001.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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Linking tectonic setting to eruptive activity in volcanic arcs provides a framework to understand processes that control the production, accumulation and eruption of magma on Earth. We use the Holocene eruptive records of 162 volcanoes, which are selected based on an assessment of recording biases, to calculate the probability of recording large eruptions (between Magnitudes 4 and 7). We quantify regional variability in the sizes of volcanic eruptions and compare it with subduction parameters influencing the generation, transport and storage of magma. Given the tectonic setting of a subduction zone is multidimensional (e.g., age, speed, obliquity of the subducting plate) we use a graphical model to explore the strength of probabilistic relationships between tectonic and volcanic variables. The variable that exhibits the strongest probabilistic relationship with eruption size is convergence obliquity, with larger eruptions favored in settings where convergence is normal. Normal convergence favors the storage and accumulation of larger volumes of magma, whereas oblique convergence favors the transport and eruption of smaller volumes of magma. In low-obliquity arcs where magma storage is promoted, the subduction of older slabs results in higher mantle productivity, which thermally favors the accumulation of eruptible magma and larger eruptions on average. However, the highest mantle productivity also results in more frequent magma injection and pressurization of crustal reservoirs. Consequently, arcs with moderate slab ages and low obliquity produce the highest proportion of larger eruptions. In high-obliquity arcs mantle productivity does not dominantly control eruption sizes. Instead, thinner crust facilitates frequent transport of magma to the surface, resulting in smaller eruptions. For the largest eruptions on Earth (e.g., Magnitude 8), however, accumulation of eruptible magma will be dominantly controlled by thermomechanical modification of the crust and not the frequency of magma intrusion. Despite the importance of convergence obliquity, our results show that variability in the sizes of volcanic eruptions is controlled by complex relationships with other parameters including slab age and crustal thickness. By using a graphical model, we have been able to explore complex volcano-tectonic relationships. We suggest a similar approach could be extremely valuable for exploring other complex multidimensional datasets within the Earth Sciences.
Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
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This dataset contains Volcanic Hazard Level for proximal volcanic hazards (e.g., pyroclastic flows, lahars, lava). Volcanic Hazard Level is derived from the Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program (GVP) volcano dataset, GVP eruption dataset, and the British Geological Survey LaMEVE (Large Magnitude Explosive Volcanic Eruptions) database. These data provide volcano location, maximum volcanic explosive intensity (VEI), and dates of previous eruption. Date of last eruption and maximum VEI are used to generate the Volcanic Hazard Level, which is assigned to the area within 100km radius of the volcano. This dataset does not include data for hazard from volcanic ash.
According to a survey conducted in April 2024 in Japan, approximately 12 percent of respondents who lived in Kyushu expressed their belief in the likelihood of being affected by a volcanic eruption. In contrast, slightly over one percent of the respondents living in Kinki believed that they were likely to see a volcano erupt.
Global Volcano Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles is a 2.5 minute grid of global volcano total economic loss risks. First, subnational distributions of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are computed using a two-fold process. Where applicable, the proportional contribution of subnational Units are determined following the methodology of Sachs et al. (2003) and these proportions are used against World Bank Development Indicators to determine a GDP value for the subnational Unit. Once a national GDP has been spatially stratified into the smallest administrative Units available, it is further distributed based upon Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3) population distributions. A per capita contribution value is determined for each Unit, and this value is multiplied by the population per grid cell. Once the GDP has been determined on a per grid cell basis, then the spatially variable loss rate as derived from EM-DAT historical records is used to determine the total economic loss posed to a grid cell by volcano hazards. The final surface does not present absolute values of total economic loss, but rather a relative decile (1-10) ranking of grid cells based upon the calculated economic loss risks. This data set is the result of collaboration among the Columbia University Center for Hazards and Risk Research (CHRR), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, and Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).
The Significant Volcanic Eruptions Database is a global listing of over 600 eruptions from 4360 BC to the present. A significant eruption is classified as one that meets at least one of the following criteria: caused fatalities, caused moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more), Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 6 or greater, generated a tsunami, or was associated with a significant earthquake. The database provides information on the latitude, longitude, elevation, type of volcano, last known eruption, VEI index, and socio-economic data such as the total number of casualties, injuries, houses destroyed, and houses damaged, and $ dollage damage estimates. References, political geography, and additional comments are also provided for each eruption. If the eruption was associated with a tsunami or significant earthquake, it is flagged and linked to the related database. For a complete list of current and past activity for all volcanoes on the planet active during the last 10,000 years, please see Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (GVP).