2 datasets found
  1. E

    Webis Query Segmentation Corpus 2010 (Webis-QSeC-10)

    • live.european-language-grid.eu
    • data.niaid.nih.gov
    Updated Apr 9, 2024
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    (2024). Webis Query Segmentation Corpus 2010 (Webis-QSeC-10) [Dataset]. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/7543
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    txtAvailable download formats
    Dataset updated
    Apr 9, 2024

    Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    The Webis Query Segmentation Corpus 2010 (Webis-QSeC-10) contains segmentations for 53,437 web queries obtained from Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing (4,850 used for training in our CIKM 2012 paper). For each query, at least 10 MTurk workers were asked to segment the query. The corpus represents the distribution of their decisions.

    We provide the training and test sets as single folders in Zip archives containing several files. The files "...-queries.txt" contain the query strings and a unique ID for each query. The files "...-segmentations-crowdsourced.txt" contain the crowdsourced segmentations with their number of votes per query ID (see below for an example). The "data" folders contain all the data (n-gram frequencies, PMI values, POS tags, etc.) needed to replicate the evaluation results of our proposed segmentation algorithms. For convenience reasons, the folder "segmentations-of-algorithms" contain the segmentations that our proposed algorithms compute.

    The original queries were extracted from the AOL query log, and range from 3 to 10 keywords in length. For each query at least 10 MTurk workers were asked to segment the query and their decisions are accumulated in the corpus. The examples below demonstrate two different cases.

    Sample queries with internal ID (as in "Webis-QSeC-10-training-set-queries.txt"):

    • 2315313155 harvard community credit union
    • 1858084875 women's cycling tops

    Sample segmentations (as in "webis-qsec-10-training-set-segmentations-crowdsourced.txt"):

    • 2315313155 [(6, 'harvard community credit union'), (2, 'harvard community|credit union'), (1, 'harvard|community|credit union'), (1, 'harvard|community credit union')]
    • 1858084875 [(5, "women's|cycling tops"), (2, "women's|cycling|tops"), (2, "women's cycling|tops"), (1, "women's cycling tops")]

    Each query has a unique internal ID (e.g., 2315313155 in the first example) and the segmentations file contains at least 10 different decisions the MTurk workers made for that query. In the first example, 6 workers have all 4 keywords in one segment, 2 workers decided to break after the second word (denoted by a |) etc. Note that apostrophe in the second example (query ID 1858084875) is escaped by double quotes around the segmentation strings.

  2. Z

    Webis Query Spelling Corpus 2017 (Webis-QSpell-17)

    • data.niaid.nih.gov
    • live.european-language-grid.eu
    Updated Jan 5, 2022
    + more versions
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    Gohsen, Marcel (2022). Webis Query Spelling Corpus 2017 (Webis-QSpell-17) [Dataset]. https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=ZENODO_3256200
    Explore at:
    Dataset updated
    Jan 5, 2022
    Dataset provided by
    Gohsen, Marcel
    Rathgeber, Anja
    Stein, Benno
    Potthast, Martin
    Hagen, Matthias

    Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    License information was derived automatically


    The Webis Query Spelling Corpus 2017 (Webis-QSpell-17) contains 54,772 web queries that were manually spell-checked; for 9,171 queries alternative spelling variants are contained.

    As for segmentations of many of the queries (i.e., tagged concepts and phrases), please refer to the companion corpus Webis-QSeC-10.

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(2024). Webis Query Segmentation Corpus 2010 (Webis-QSeC-10) [Dataset]. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/7543

Webis Query Segmentation Corpus 2010 (Webis-QSeC-10)

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2 scholarly articles cite this dataset (View in Google Scholar)
txtAvailable download formats
Dataset updated
Apr 9, 2024

Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
License information was derived automatically


The Webis Query Segmentation Corpus 2010 (Webis-QSeC-10) contains segmentations for 53,437 web queries obtained from Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing (4,850 used for training in our CIKM 2012 paper). For each query, at least 10 MTurk workers were asked to segment the query. The corpus represents the distribution of their decisions.

We provide the training and test sets as single folders in Zip archives containing several files. The files "...-queries.txt" contain the query strings and a unique ID for each query. The files "...-segmentations-crowdsourced.txt" contain the crowdsourced segmentations with their number of votes per query ID (see below for an example). The "data" folders contain all the data (n-gram frequencies, PMI values, POS tags, etc.) needed to replicate the evaluation results of our proposed segmentation algorithms. For convenience reasons, the folder "segmentations-of-algorithms" contain the segmentations that our proposed algorithms compute.

The original queries were extracted from the AOL query log, and range from 3 to 10 keywords in length. For each query at least 10 MTurk workers were asked to segment the query and their decisions are accumulated in the corpus. The examples below demonstrate two different cases.

Sample queries with internal ID (as in "Webis-QSeC-10-training-set-queries.txt"):

  • 2315313155 harvard community credit union
  • 1858084875 women's cycling tops

Sample segmentations (as in "webis-qsec-10-training-set-segmentations-crowdsourced.txt"):

  • 2315313155 [(6, 'harvard community credit union'), (2, 'harvard community|credit union'), (1, 'harvard|community|credit union'), (1, 'harvard|community credit union')]
  • 1858084875 [(5, "women's|cycling tops"), (2, "women's|cycling|tops"), (2, "women's cycling|tops"), (1, "women's cycling tops")]

Each query has a unique internal ID (e.g., 2315313155 in the first example) and the segmentations file contains at least 10 different decisions the MTurk workers made for that query. In the first example, 6 workers have all 4 keywords in one segment, 2 workers decided to break after the second word (denoted by a |) etc. Note that apostrophe in the second example (query ID 1858084875) is escaped by double quotes around the segmentation strings.

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